Sunday, July 16, 2023


 Mnt Goat   Article:  "IRAQ: REVITALIZING THE STOCK MARKET"   Article quotes:   "...there is an urgent need to activate the role of the stock market as a mirror reflecting economic activity in the country";  "It is said that the size of the cash block that is hoarded outside the banking circulation space amounts to about 70 percent of the cash issued"  .

Remember a lot of this cash is outside the country in our pockets and they won’t get it unless they reinstate the dinar and we can go to the bank and exchange at a rate we want as investors. Heck they sold us this currency in a time of need and now, as they are so rich, they have to pay us for it with a higher exchange rate.


The oil and gas law is in the "finishing touches". And the Democrat stresses: We will not compromise this time

Baghdad Today - Kurdistan

Today, Sunday (July 16, 2023), a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafaa Muhammad Karim, revealed that the "final touches" to the "controversial" oil and gas bill have been stalled for years due to political differences over it.

Karim told "Baghdad Today" that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani showed full commitment to approving the oil and gas law during the coming period," noting  that "the approval of the law in the House of Representatives will not take long, and there is continuous communication between al-Sudani and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, pleased Barzani, to put the finishing touches on it.

Karim Ali stressed, "The Democratic Party will not compromise this time on adding amendments and mixing political papers with a technical law," noting that "approving the law will contribute to resolving most of the outstanding disputes between Baghdad and Erbil for years, and we believe that the Sudanese is serious about approving the law despite political pressures." .

It is noteworthy that one of the issues that raised controversy between Erbil and Baghdad for many years is the ratification of the oil and gas law, but it was agreed to approve the draft law between the two parties within the framework of a political agreement that led to the formation of the current government.

The ministerial curriculum of the Sudanese government includes a paragraph stipulating the legislation of the oil and gas law, within a period not exceeding 6 months from the start of its work, which has been delayed for several months now.

The Kurdish blocs in the parliament are seeking to pass the draft oil and gas law by approving it in accordance with Article 112 of the Iraqi constitution, and according to the government platform, the project must be submitted to parliament during the current government period.

The Sudanese Prime Minister has previously considered this law the only way to resolve the outstanding differences and problems with the Kurdistan Regional Government.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...