Saturday, July 22, 2023



[via PDK]

I keep hearing rumors that whales have money. I have great whale contacts- phenomenal whale contacts in Reno, Miami, Shanghai and Hong Kong and Zurich. And I cannot find a single one that has spendable dollars. Quite a few of them talk about having money in their accounts but they can’t get to it. Its on hold.  But are they very hopeful they will soon see a release of it- yes.  But they just have not seen it yet.

Most of my contacts have just gone dark … I still think things are exceptionally positive. I am trying to make myself stay calm during this process. Just buckle up and stay ready. Start getting your ducks in a row with preparations.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

We’ve been waiting for and are still waiting for the 2023-2024 budget to have allocations to pay for things and to get projects started…we have to see if Sunday is one of those days that subsequently presents itself for them to expose things/roll out process.

They (Iraq) need to expose some things to us and this exposure could happen as early as tomorrow or Sunday or Monday. They have work to do and contracts to deal with.  People need to get paid so they are going to have to show their cards. Basically that is where they are at I believe the short term looks better than the long term right now.

Sandy Ingram


If Iran were to sway Iraq to go against their signed agreement with the Untied States, both Iran and Iraq could end up under sanctions.  This would mean Iraq would no longer be able to secretly help Iraq to stay afloat.  Everybody knows Iraq is helping their neighbors, it’s how they help them that matters.  No US dollars.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

We’ve been told that the redemption centers are now on high alert as of …Friday.  And the information we have from another source directly connected to the process is that we should be there for our notifications…Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  We could get notified anytime within that period…Let’s see what happens with this window.

Mountain Goat

I know we are right at the cusps of this event happening.  I know for a fact that Iraq is now a full member of the WTO yet they hold back the news and officially announcing it.   Why?   Could it be they want Iraq to coordinate this event with the reinstatement of the dinar?

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...