Saturday, April 13, 2024

Jon Dowling & Brent Johnson Discuss Trusts, The RV, New Zimbabwe Notes &...

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar, 13 APRIL

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

 Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, April 11th  and you're tuned in and listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. We didn't get numbers on Tuesday night's call, but we got it out there like we have been on previous calls - But we're happy to be here. Let's go ahead and write a call in

Well, what do you think, Bob? Shall we get into the Intel?

Okay, fair enough.  Okay. let's talk about where we are. and what I think about it - what's interesting was yesterday, we got a pretty good source  really one of our better sources indicate that this was going to go between today and Monday the 15th .

All right, that's fine.

And then we found from another source, who happened to be a bond master. It said that the Treasury Well let’s back up -- He said that the military is handlling the releases now of the emails that we're gonna get. Now they'll still come off of the Wells Fargo servers that the military is going to release those – when they get the quote unquote green light or rather when the military gives the green light to Treasury  -- a little different way of looking at it. 

So military is in  charge for this operation.  And when they feel like it's the right time they'll give the green light to Treasury -- Treasury will allow everything to get released. 

Now, what we heard yesterday was, we expect the releases to take place Sunday night or overnight Sunday into Monday morning.

It could be that we wake up to them on Monday -- That might be -  I don't know exactly. But that's what a few people believe. And why the 15th ? --  Well, one thing I'm not happy to see this political tax day because remember under NESARA that goes away, --  our federal income tax goes away. And so I'm not thrilled about calling that anything -  meaning Tax Day. 

I really think that we are moving into this thing -- now here's the problem. We've heard -- Well, so many times you guys -  about three days, 72 hours, four days, whatever it is, and you guys know it I've said it on the call. But it hasn’t manifested - 

But for some reason, it just hasn’t gone - 

So what I believe - I've been believing for - is that this information, I don't think it's going before Monday for us. I think it'll be anything until maybe we wake up to it Monday. I don't think it's happening tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday or Sunday. I think it's going to be on Monday. 

They never bring anything out early. If anything, it's never or late. So here's a little pessimistic but here's the reason. All I want is for this intel about the 15th  to be true once  - you guys know where I'm coming from we only need it to be right ONCE 

Just right once, guess what? We're building. We've got it. We've got our email, we set our appointments, and we're off and running.

So I'm hoping and believing  for the manifestation of this to be Monday morning and for us to get those numbers and set our appointments and for it to be right once. I don’t want I don't need to be right just to be right. I want it to be right for all of us. So that we all get it and we go -- I know you know where I'm coming from on this. Because listen, I'm tired. I'm tired. You guys are tired of hearing me say it's going to be such a such thing this day that day when I’m tired of saying it -  I'm ready for it to go.  - We're all ready for it to go.  We just need the Intel to come through and be right one time.

This appears to be looking good and I think one of the reasons that I think it is -- remember I told you guys I think it was on Tuesday that there was a conference call that the redemption centers had on Saturday for 45 minutes and they more or less threatened everybody in the redemption centers thinking with kind of a threat that if anything leaked, they would get redemption center personnel could face treason charges. Little harsh right. What's the penalty for treason? Yeah, yeah, that's right.

So they backed off of that, goodness, they backed off of that and then they said okay if you guys leak anything - if anything leaks, you're gonna we're gonna remove your ability to earn a percentage on these echanges -  And other people that will be exchanging us will be picking up point 025% of our total exchange of currencies and zim redemption – and bonds for that matter

So they don't want to lose that opportunity. They don't want to get ready to make a bunch of money exchanging us - doesn't come out of our side of it. So it's no big deal for us. But it's a win win win. It's a win for the redemption center staff. It's a win for the bank, because they get hydrated again, with accounts like the primary and secondary wells accounts and it’s a win for us. 

Now rates are very good – contract on the dinar really offered to us, and its tied to the price per barrel of oil. Now here's the thing. We said it was always based on the ____ Brent crude price of oil. And today we’re hearing  it might actually be more tied to the price of oil in Iraq being sold , for example, to the country of Turkey. And that's a pretty good number, like one on one. So that's really good. That's roughly where our contract rate is. 

Now, here's how we have to  look at this.

I've said this many times this is going are getting it then it's coming up Blah, blah, blah. You guys  have heard it – you know, you probably roll your eyes, the back of your head. All I do is ask it'd be right once. I think we're at that point, for this could be right. Once and for forever. 

And let's see what happens. Let's see where this ends up. I feel I feel good about where we are with the Intel like it is so quiet right now -  the redemption centers zipper lipped.  Banks, zipper lipped. Now that tells us something though, kind of the old no news is good news. Right? 

I think I saw the deep state scale and everything else that's going on. There are definitely things that are going on behind the scenes, but I don't know much about it anymore – it’s very quiet 

It's very hard time getting some information. We're lucky to get the information now -- we had yesterday about Thursday to Monday -  

I personally think if anything, it'll be Monday. But let's see where this goes and how it manifests for us. I feel like we are at the end of the road here. but we have to have it. it has to manifest - it has to show up to us with toll free numbers, right. We need that.

And I don't think I think we're where we need to be to receive it. So that's all I'm gonna say about that tonight. I feel like it's so quiet right now. it's so hard to get accurate information. And that's a good thing. Believe it or not even I don't like being in the dark. I like having better, more intelligent, more confirmations. blah blah blah.  

But I believe that’s’ all we’re going to get right now – so take it for what it is  and let’s all pray that this intel is true and comes through for us on Monday

 All right. well, thank everybody for coming in tonight.  We're just thank you guys for hanging in there and thank you for the prayers that you gave me I think I'm on the mend, feel a lot better and getting better every day. So let's go ahead pray the call out, 

Unprecedented: Gold and Dollar Rip Higher Simultaneously as Japan and China Hang in the Balance by AWAKE IN 3D, 13 APRIL

 Unprecedented: Gold and Dollar Rip Higher Simultaneously as Japan and China Hang in the Balance

On April 11, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

The Global Fiat System is Undoing Itself as the Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan Hold a Delicate Financial Dance

Fiat currency inflation keeps rising.

Central Banks are losing control while telling us “everything is resilient and robust…”

In spite of rapidly increasing U.S. dollar strength against all major global currencies, gold and silver are defying gravity and all sense of normalcy.

Meanwhile, the Japanese Yen teeters on requiring massive intervention by the government and Bank of Japan.

China is dealing with its own Yuan FX peg management and self-inflicted real estate crisis.

China may have to dump their Japanese Yen reserves and sell off significant US debt treasuries to keep their economy afloat.

We’re not in Kansas any more my dear Dorothy

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) finds itself in an increasingly precarious position, caught in a financial maelstrom of its own making.

Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio has soared to a staggering 260%, with the central bank holding 70+ percent majority of this government debt.

This situation has placed the Japanese economy on a razor’s edge, balancing between sustaining its import trade costs and managing national inflation, all the while battling a rapidly weakening yen.

The BOJ is faced with a daunting challenge: the only apparent solution to strengthen the yen – raising interest rates – could trigger a catastrophic default on its colossal debt load.

Such a move risks not only domestic financial stability but also has far-reaching implications for global markets.

Complicating matters further is Japan’s intricate economic interdependence with China.

As China confronts its own economic turmoil, notably a massive real estate sector default that threatens to undermine 40% of its GDP, the balance between the yen and the yuan becomes critically important.

If China were to liquidate its Japanese yen reserves in an effort to stabilize its real estate market, the consequences for Japan could be dire.

Such a scenario would not only precipitate a financial collapse in Japan but could also trigger a domino effect, potentially leading to widespread economic contagion affecting the United States and Europe.

This all is sounding an alarm, suggesting that the current trajectory of these intertwined economies points towards a broader collapse of the fiat currency system.

This looming financial disaster, they caution, is not a matter of if, but when.

Central Banks are anxiously, hoping for a solution that can avert a catastrophic economic downturn.

Yet, the only path forward is a complete financial and currency reset.

The race to the fiat system collapse is not a sprint … it’s a marathon.


© GCR Real-Time News

The New ZIM Gold?🚩IQD Formula Based Rate = $3.56🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...




Adviser to the Prime Minister: Activating the Strategic Framework Agreement tops the agenda of Sudanese’s visit to Washington



Fadi Al-Shammari, political advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed that the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America will define the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.

Al-Shammari suggested, in a press statement today, Friday, that “the Prime Minister will place the activation of the framework agreement at the top of the visit’s agenda, in order to achieve enhanced cooperation and coordination with the United States, and activate the terms of the agreement between the two countries, especially in the areas of development, economy, investment, education, technology, artificial intelligence, and climate.”

He added, "The Sudanese seeks to deal with the files in a way that restores balance, strengthens the partnership, matures the relationship between the two countries and defines the nature, identity and nature of the joint relations, by establishing the factors of joint commitment and focusing on the main aspects of the strategic framework agreement, as well as the joint political, security and military files." 





Parliamentary Finance indicates the reason for the delay in sending the budget to the House of Representatives



The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Saturday, the reason for the delay in sending the country’s general budget to the Iraqi Parliament, noting that there was a change in its schedules. 

Committee member Moeen Al-Kadhimi told Shafaq News Agency that the requirements of ministries and unrelated entities, operational and investment budgets, and the increase in financial allocations for the salaries of employees, retirees, the social protection network, and the ration card all led to changing the budget law schedules and delaying their sending to the House of Representatives.

He added that the general budget for the year 2024 amounted to 228 trillion dinars after increasing operational and investment expenses, pointing out that the expected financial deficit is 80 trillion dinars, after the budget in 2023 amounted to 199 trillion dinars. 

He confirmed that the Council of Ministers will vote on the budget schedules after the end of the visit of Council Speaker Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington and his return to Baghdad, provided that the budget reaches Parliament at the end of this month.

At the end of last February, the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the Ministry of Finance had completed the schedules for preparing the 2024 budget, and said that the Council of Ministers would approve it last March, so that it would be sent to Parliament after that.

Today, Saturday (April 13), Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani left for Washington on an official visit at the invitation of President Biden. 



 Sandy Ingram 

 Oil has risen to over $90 a barrel...OPEC is cornering itself into position of oil profits by reducing the amount of oil available...

 In Zimbabwe, the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) will be circulated alongside foreign currencies.  Banks have to convert their current Zimbabwean dollar balances into the new Ziggy currency which will go into effect immediately. 

 People have 21 days to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones.  It is expected the new currency will have a profound on inflation...The new currency is anchored by a composite basket of foreign currency and precious metals, mainly gold...The ZIG has denominations between 1 and 200.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...