Thursday, April 11, 2024



WOW! WOW! WOW! is all I can say about today’s news. It is filled with so many goodies for us today…lol… lol… lol…

Folks I don’t have to lie to you, try to razzle dazzle you or spread rumors. No three letter agency bullshit, US Treasury reports, bank memos, bank personnel on standby or other ridiculous stupid bullshit.

So once again the news shakes out. It always eventually does. We don’t need the rumors to make real news headlines. So today we witness the TRUTH finally coming out in the Iraq news. We don’t have to guess, it’s in all the news channels from Iraq now. Yes, the Iraqi dinar and the future revaluation of it is on the agenda for the April 15 th visit of the Iraqi prime minister Al-Sudani to Washington, DC.

But this is what really gets my goat – Many of these idiot intel gurus out there, namely this jerk from TNT and you know who I mean, is telling everyone that the RV is going to happen prior or on April 15th. Folks this is simply not true or going to happen. For all you TNT idiots read my lips – “this is pure garbage intel made up in someone’s warped mind once again”.

Its pure speculation without any real evidence or proof to back up this claim. How could the RV possibly happen when in todays’ news we are told that one of the files Al-Sudani is to talk about is the future fate of the dinar. Why would he be going then to talk about the dinar in Washington if they planned to RV prior to his visit. Folks, if it seems not to make any sense, then its just stupid rumors, get it?

Also, the CBI would have to plan and conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros prior to the reinstatement and I have gone over this process a million times already with you. So where is the Project to delete the Zeros?

I don’t know about you but all these other countries that have already redenominated or plan to redenominate their currencies have openly stated their intent all over the news prior to the event occurring. So why would Iraq not do the same? Again, if it doesn’t make any sense than its just stupid rumors.

 I was told by my CBI contact that the currency swap out will happen as they will not hide this event and must inform the citizens (education process, get it?). Yes, they also have to explain the exchange swap-out process and how it will work along with descriptions of the newer lower denominations. The CBI will then post those pictures of the lower denominations my contact told me were taken weeks ago. So, just wait and watch it all play out just as I am describing it. We don’t need false pretenses to rush the process with lies and deception, just to make money off of our YouTube shows or conference calls.

Are you excited? You should be excited but with FACTUAL knowledge not some decades of old rumors of roller coaster riding every day / every weekend expectations.   

What else is highlighted in the news today?

The Ministry of Finance revealed, on Tuesday and I quote from the article –  “that the volume of Iraqi revenues in the federal budget during a month exceeded 11 trillion dinars (about 11 billion dollars), confirming that the oil contribution to the budget had decreased to 89%” from 95%.

Shafaq News Agency followed the data and tables issued by the Ministry of Finance in April for the January accounts of the current fiscal year, which showed that oil is still the main resource for Iraq’s general budget, reaching 89%, which indicates that the rentier economy is still the main basis of the country’s general budget. In case you forgot the “rentier” economy is the oil economy of Iraqi. But let’s not also forget that even with the “rentier” economy alone the Iraqi dinar can still maintain a realistic rate of at least $3 or more and this is not considering all the other assets and the 2/3 more oil Iraq is pumping and selling since 1991 when the dinar was just around $3. So why is it still at 1/6 of a penny today? Why not give the dinar a true rate to reflect its true and present valuation? So, this the battle Iraq must fight on a daily basis. Don’t you think they are just as concerned about the revaluation of the dinar as you and me?

So, since Iraq has been relieved of all UN war-time sanctions in December 2022, the move to de-dollarize Iraq and move forward with the currency reform process has accelerated like we have never seen since the Dr. Shabibi years. I would have to say that now they have even surpassed what Dr. Shabibi accomplished up to the summer of 2012. Why would they want to move backwards? Could they even turn back at this point? So, you see this visit to Washington DC by Al-Sudani and his Finance Committee and CBI crew I believe it pivotal in the currency war the US Treasury has raged on Iraq. Will they win this battle to win the war?

Is the RV going to happen the day Al- Sudani steps foot back in Iraq from his trip?

You would have to be one of the dumbest people on the planet to believe anyone who would lie and tell you this, and these intel gurus will try to convince you this is the case. Just watch them try…. lol… lol… lol…

But if all goes well in Washington DC, we will read about it very soon afterwards in the news. Trust me it will all shake out and we don’t have to speculate or pretend we know it all until it does shake out. I will try to bring you all the news play by play as it pans out. I only hope that Al-Sudani and his crew take the opportunity to negotiate properly and get the necessary guarantees for the currency reform (as my CBI contact told me the needed to move ahead to the next step) in exchange for allowing the US military to remain in Iraq and provide part of its security force.

So, in Shafaq News / The spokesman for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Major General Yahya Rasool Abdullah, announced on Tuesday evening that the Iraqi Supreme Military Committee and its counterpart affiliated with the international coalition and I quote from the article – “agreed to establish a firm security partnership with the United States.” So, it looks like they are ready to negotiate.

I want to bring up one more topic again today. This is the Kuwaiti dinar. I am not sure why, but this Kuwaiti dinar has been in the news so much lately and so here is yet another very interesting article. Remember Dr. Shabibi told us that when Iraq does get reinstated its nominal rate will be no more than around 25% higher than the Kuwaiti dinar. Remember this is when the Iraqi dinar finally settles down to its nominal after the onslaught by the market once reinstated for trading. Does this mean the Kuwaiti dinar could also revalue? So what is the rate of the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) today?

You can easily go check for yourself as it is now trading on FOREX. In an article today we read that and I quote – “the Kuwaiti dinar has maintained its position as the most expensive currency in the world for many years, and its exchange rate against the dollar is currently 1 to 3.25, while one Kuwaiti dinar is equal to 3.03 euros and 2.59 British pounds.”

My point is this in even bring up this article to you. Why would they talk so much about the Kuwaiti dinar now, and now of all times to talk about it I these last couple weeks? Is it about to have a change of rate too? Will the Iraqi dinar over run the long-standing Kuwaiti dinar in its position as the most expensive currency in the world? Is this about to happen? Just asking….what do you think?

You can go read the full article on the blog today in the Articles Section of the Newsletter. They give four (4) reasons why the Kuwaiti dinar is so strong today. Now I want you to compare these reasons to the assets that you already know that Iraq has. Do you think Iraq is far, far greater in wealth than Kuwait? Just asking…What do you think is about to happen soon?

I don’t want to fill you minds with false hope or over speculate but come ’on folks…. we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen to these currencies. I would compare this to our choo choo train speeding down the track. The destination is the reinstatement but remember to reach it, the train must first make a couple stops along the way. Many of these stops already occurred as we get closer and closer to our destination. Another one of these stops is the Washington DC trip. The next stop is the in-country rate if all goes well that we should expect shortly after Al-Sudani’s return from Washington DC. We then know the rest of the process and what happens next…. And all the other stops 😊 We can almost see the finish line as the train is about to come around the bend. Please, please no more derailments!

Stay on target, don’t let these intel gurus mess with your mind…. you know better! 

We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his trip to Washington. Pray for the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption. Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country.

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - Previous Era - Advanced Stage - Development -...BY MILITIAMAN

The Dollar Is On The Sudanese Dialogue Table In Washington.. Al-Awadi Talks About The Future Of The Iraqi Dinar, 11 APRIL

 The Dollar Is On The Sudanese Dialogue Table In Washington.. Al-Awadi Talks About The Future Of The Iraqi Dinar

Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Iraqi government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, confirmed today, Thursday (April 11, 2024), that the dollar file and the work of banks will be strongly present during the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington, suggesting that the dinar’s situation in the future will be better.

Al-Awadi said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “after the file of activating the strategic framework agreement between Washington and Baghdad and the security aspect, the economic file will be present and strongly during the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States,” indicating that “the relationship with the US Treasury and the Federal Bank continues and the dialogues are ongoing.”

“It did not stop with them over the past year, as there were several mutual visits, announced or unannounced, to discuss this issue.”

Al-Awadi added, “The Sudanese will discuss the issue of banks and the economic and administrative reform of financial institutions and banks, as well as the dollar file,” explaining that “the price of the dollar ranged within the range of 147 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars during the short period at a time when the government took over its duties and the price of the dollar against the dinar was approaching.” From 148 thousand, meaning that the price is lower than before.”

He stressed that "the solution to the dollar crisis does not come with the push of a button. Rather, it requires economic reforms and includes many aspects, including political and economic ones.

It needs a period to regulate the banks and reap the fruits of the central bank's packages and the government's decisions, which in general are beginning to bear fruit through a gradual decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar." ", stressing that "there are assurances from the economic team supervising the issue, and we expect that the situation of the dinar will be better in the future."

It is hoped that, a few days from now, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will visit Washington and the White House to meet with US President Joe Biden.

Last March, the White House announced that on April 15, the White House would receive the Sudanese President, stressing that the leaders would reaffirm their commitment to the Strategic Framework Agreement, and would work to deepen their shared vision for a secure, sovereign, prosperous Iraq fully integrated into the broader region.

He pointed out that President Biden and the Sudanese Prime Minister will consult on a range of issues during the visit, including our shared commitment to the permanent defeat of ISIS and the development of the military mission nearly ten years after the formation of the successful global coalition to defeat ISIS.

He stated that they will also discuss the ongoing Iraqi financial reforms to promote economic development and progress towards Iraq's energy independence and modernization.  LINK



Is it Time to Invest in BRICS Currencies? Exchange Rates #currency

Al-Sudani: We Are Working To Correct The State’s Economic Paths, 11 APRIL

 Al-Sudani: We Are Working To Correct The State’s Economic Paths

Money  and business   Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Wednesday, that the government is working in all directions and stability has been achieved thanks to the blood of the martyrs, while he indicated that the government is working to correct the state’s economic paths.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s media office, received by Al-Iqtisad News, stated that “Al-Sudani received ministers, heads of bodies, deputy ministers, and military and security leaders from various formations and categories of our armed forces, as well as heads of federations and unions, and a number of tribal sheikhs and notables from Baghdad Governorate, congratulating them on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. ".

He added, "The Sudanese exchanged congratulations with the well-wishers, praying to God to protect Iraq and the Iraqis, and to grant our homeland and our people the blessing of security and stability."

The Prime Minister stressed - according to the statement - that “security and stability require that the state be productive and stable and perform its duties in the correct manner,” noting that “the government is working on these benefits in stages, and at the beginning of its work it focused on services, in order to reassure citizens that they are serious.” The government and its commitment to its programme.

Al-Sudani stressed, "This government is not working in one direction, but rather has a group of files in all directions, including critical issues related to correcting the state's economic paths, as it is working to address them, which will have a major impact on the state in the future."

He pointed to "the government's efforts to arm and modernize the Iraqi army and armed forces and to develop internal security services," stressing that "enhancing reassurance in the work of service institutions and ministries will be matched by reassurance among investors and businessmen inside and outside Iraq."

He concluded by saying: "The security and stability that has been achieved is thanks to the blood of the martyrs and their sacrifices."    04/10/2024 -

Zimbabwe has reverted to the gold standard, 11 APRIL

Zimbabwe has reverted to the gold standard

While most countries abandoned the gold standard in the last century, some African nations are reconsidering its necessity to stabilize their economies. This month, the Zimbabwean dollar became the new “gold” currency. The need to switch to the gold standard has been a long-discussed issue in the country, with the Zimbabwean dollar experiencing a more than 500% depreciation, and the currency rate plummeting by over threefold in just the last three months. The Zimbabwean dollar is a relatively new currency, established five years ago following the rise to power of the new president Mnangagwa.

 One of his first decisions was a complete overhaul of the national economy and financial system. This approach wasn’t new for Zimbabwe: in the last decade, the country introduced and then removed from circulation ten independent currencies, each plummeting steeply and rapidly losing value. Introducing the gold Zimbabwean dollar aims to stabilize the exchange rate and help the country combat endless inflation. Unfortunately for Zimbabwe, the gold standard might only last for a short period. 

The country’s gold reserve currently stands at just one ton of gold, barely enough to cover one month of imports at current volumes. President Mnangagwa is trying to address this issue by seeking additional international aid and opening the country to foreign investors. Success, however, remains elusive. Most international investors view Zimbabwe with caution, a country perpetually suffering from military coups and civil wars. Companies willing to consider investments are usually affiliated with military corporations and special services, posing a significant threat to the current president’s regime. The viability of Zimbabwe’s “gold” experiment will be tested over the next six months, as the country faces challenging negotiations with international creditors.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...