Wednesday, February 28, 2024

" Deleting IQD Zeros and WTO Accession: Iraq has been busy!" BY AWAKE-IN-3D, 28 FEB

 Deleting IQD Zeros and WTO Accession: Iraq has been busy!

On February 26, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

In recent developments, Iraq finds itself at the forefront of economic discussions, both domestically and on the international stage.

With significant steps taken towards currency reform and renewed efforts towards accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the nation is navigating a transformative period in its economic landscape.

As always, I will break these developments down in factual and simple terms – because that’s what I do!

Deleting Three Zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

Economist Dargham Mohammed sheds light on the process of removing currency zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), emphasizing its nature as an organizational overhaul rather than a direct valuation shift.

Mohammed underscores the importance of conducting awareness campaigns prior to implementation, ensuring a smooth transition for the public.

Removing three zeros from the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) entails a process known as “redenomination” or “currency revaluation.”

This process involves adjusting the face value of the currency by dividing it by a certain factor, effectively reducing the number of zeros displayed on banknotes and coins.

While the overall value of the currency remains the same, its nominal value changes.

Key economic impacts and implications of removing three zeros from the IQD
  1. Streamlining Transactions: One of the primary motivations behind removing zeros from a currency is to simplify transactions. Large numbers of zeros can make financial transactions cumbersome and prone to errors, especially in everyday commerce. By reducing the number of zeros, the currency becomes more user-friendly, facilitating smoother transactions and accounting processes.
  2. Enhancing Confidence: Currency redenomination can help enhance public confidence in the stability and strength of the national currency. It sends a signal that the government is taking measures to strengthen the monetary system and improve economic stability. This confidence boost can have positive effects on investment, consumption, and overall economic activity.
  3. Curbing Inflationary Expectations: In some cases, currency redenomination is accompanied by efforts to control inflation or stabilize the economy. While removing zeros itself does not directly address inflationary pressures, it can help reset expectations and create a symbolic break from past inflationary episodes.
  4. International Integration: A redenominated currency with fewer zeros may facilitate international transactions and financial integration. It can reduce confusion and errors in cross-border trade and investment, making it easier for foreign investors and businesses to engage with the Iraqi economy.

While the removal of three zeros from the Iraqi Dinar may not directly alter its fundamental value, it can have significant practical and psychological effects on the economy.

By simplifying transactions, enhancing confidence, and reducing administrative burdens, currency redenomination can contribute to broader economic stability and growth efforts in Iraq.

Iraq’s Entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Additionally, considerations are made to print new denominations that align with market demands to mitigate potential inflationary pressures.

Simultaneously, Iraq marks a pivotal moment in its engagement with the global trade community.

After an absence of two decades, Iraq’s participation in the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization marks a significant stride towards integration into the international trade framework.

Minister Ethar Al-Gharawi represents Iraq’s commitment to economic reform and underscores the completion of prerequisites for accession to the WTO.

The recent visit of Saudi Arabian Ambassador Saqer AlMoqbel to Baghdad signifies a concerted effort to galvanize support for Iraq’s WTO accession process.

Meetings with high-level government officials reinforce Iraq’s dedication to resuming the accession process, with an emphasis on the strategic importance of membership for regional stability and economic integration.

Despite challenges posed by a prolonged hiatus in formal engagement, Iraq demonstrates resilience by circulating key accession documents and preparing initial market access offers.

The Ministry of Trade vows to expedite the accession process and address technical assistance needs in collaboration with international partners such as the European Union, United States, and the International Trade Centre.

With all this planning and strategic execution, Iraq aims to emerge stronger, more integrated, and economically prosperous on the global stage.

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Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - WTO Accession - Obligations - ASYCUDA - Inte...BY MILITIAMAN

An expert criticizes the US Federal Bank, 28 FEB

 An expert criticizes the US Federal Bank

 Economist, Dr. Mahmoud Dagher, criticized the duplication in the work of the US Federal Reserve towards Iraqi banks.

Dagher said, “What is happening in the Iraqi banking system is a duality that is difficult to explain. The Financial Action Committee (FATF MENA) issued the results of the periodic review of Iraq, keeping it in the white area, as an expression of the commitment of Iraq and its banking institutions to acceptable performance in combating money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, and the procedures and policies applied.” “Compatible with international standards set by the Financial Action Committee concerned with financial standards at the international level.”

He continued: “But a strange and inexplicable duality has emerged, which is the Federal Reserve’s continued restriction of most Iraqi banks from accessing the country’s wealth and its dollar reserves, and this is what makes the duality inexplicable, but rather leads to attribute this to political matters that have nothing to do with the application of financial rules.” The international resolution was decided by the Financial Action Committee in Iraq.

Dagher asked: “Who will solve this contradiction and save our banking system  link


 Frank26 » February 27th, 2024


Al-Atwani calls on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide the necessary support to Iraq

2/26/2024  Baghdad – 

Chairman of the Finance Committee, Representative Atwan Al-Atwani, called on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide the necessary support to Iraq in the areas of exchanging experiences and training national cadres.

The media office of the Chairman of the Finance Committee stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “The Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, participated this evening, Monday, via closed-circuit television, in the deliberative meeting of the International Monetary Fund regarding the financial and economic situation in Iraq.”   

He added, “Al-Atwani provided a complete briefing on the financial and economic situation and the provisions and programs included in the tripartite budget law for the years (2023-2025) that are consistent with the government program to advance various sectors, activate the private sector, encourage investment, and support investors, in order to achieve sustainable development.” 

Al-Atwani stressed, according to the statement, that “approving the tripartite budget gave the government great comfort in terms of contracting, implementing projects, and attracting foreign companies to implement major projects,” pointing out that “the Finance Committee, through monitoring spending and financing and implementing plans and programs, seeks integration between the legislative and executive authorities.” Because we want this government to succeed, especially since it is taking steady steps towards achieving the aspirations of the people.” 

Al-Atwani pointed out that “the National Service Government is serious about moving the wheel of the economy and development and has ambitious programs to advance various productive sectors and maximize non-oil revenues, to leave the state of excessive dependence on oil in forming the general budget.” 

Al-Atwani concluded his participation by calling on the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to provide the necessary support. For Iraq in the areas of exchanging experiences and training national cadres, to develop our banking system, especially as we are moving towards activating the digital financial dealing system and automating taxes, customs and other service sectors that generate financial revenues for the state.  LINK

Wow for my understanding this is international open bank all over the world BY NADER FROM MID EAST



 [Key Bank story]  

 BANK STORY LADY:  I've been banking with them for about a year...A few months ago I was talking to my contact and I was telling her about the exchange and asked if she had heard anything.  

She hadn't and they probably weren't going to deal with it at all.  

She even asked her higher-ups and they didn't say a thing. 

 She said she had a list of people to call and if she heard anything she would be in touch.  Over the last few months I've kind of given up on it...

I had a talk with her the other day and she said, 'I'm so glad you called.  We just underwent training for the exchange.'

 FRANK:  The dinar? 

 BANK STORY LADY:  Yeah.  It must be coming.

It will be influential.” Iraq completes its preparations to join the World Trade Organization

  It will be influential.” Iraq completes its preparations to join the World Trade Organization

Today, Tuesday (February 27, 2024), the BNN network, which specializes in economic affairs, revealed that the Iraqi government has completed the requirements for joining the World Trade Organization after its internal economic and trade conditions “improved,” in addition to improved investment conditions. 

The network said, according to what Baghdad Today translated, that Iraq has completed all preparations within the timetable set for it by the organization to integrate its commercial operations with its businesses around the world, stressing that Iraq is now able to enter the global trade market through the organization on a large scale. 

It is noteworthy that Iraq submitted an application to enter the organization in 2004, and the application remained pending until the conditions for entry into the international organization were met, which have now ended.

The network says that Iraq "will return to becoming an influential member in terms of international trade and economics through the role it enjoys geographically and economically among the countries of the organization."  link


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...