Friday, February 16, 2024



 I just finished listening to the entire call, it was two hours long.  I dont understand why they never tell us or think to ask the powers that be why the intel the received previously did not happen. 

I think that is what is most frustrating.

  During the call he spoke about the RR Increase, but then advised he should have saved that for the intel section, since he did not go back and retell it on the intel section. 

I will give you my abridged version as I did take notes. 

Bruce said the R&R and SS Increase ill not happen until the RV Happens. 

He also said Med Bed appointments will be 5-6 days after the start of the RV, these will be by referral only and be contacted for Med Bed appointments as this is moderatly Hush Hush.

 There about 60-62 Thousand """Pairs""" of med beds in each location. I(I did not write down if this was us only or all- not sure if he indicated that differential. And lastly he said to bring with the names of 6 person and their telephone contact numbers with for med bed treatements and all treatements will be based on immediate needs first.  


Hope that helps, like I said will probably not come out in the audio or the transcript of the intel section since he spoke of it in the 1st half hour of the call.  THe rst you can all hear your self on the audio replay or read on the transcrip.

What did Brent say today - the same thing Pimpy's always said 02/16/24 BY PIMPY

Federal Trade Indicates An International Desire To Invest In Iraq, 16 FEB

 Federal Trade Indicates An International Desire To Invest In Iraq

Three countries are holding meetings in this regard

Zagros TV  Related news    Sudanese directs to give priority in investment to industrial and agricultural projects

Zagros – Erbil   On Thursday, Federal Trade Minister Atheer Al-Ghurairi revealed a wide welcome and international desire to increase investments inside Iraq, while confirming that meetings were held with 3 countries in this regard.

The Iraqi government is adopting a new approach aimed at diversifying the sources of the economy and revitalizing its movement, through radical solutions that address current challenges and open broader horizons for the flow of foreign investment into the country's economy, which suffers from extended structural imbalances.

The packages of measures related to various legal and administrative amendments are among those followed solutions aimed at transforming the country into an attractive environment for foreign investments.

During his participation in the 113th session of the Economic and Social Council, which was held at the Arab League, Al-Ghurairi said in his speech that “Iraq today seeks, within the government program of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, to improve the investment environment and seeks to receive private sector companies with the aim of improving the economic reality in Iraq and announcing the availability of opportunities.” Great investment.

Al-Ghurairi added, “There are many important projects in Iraq, including the development road and the railway line between Holy Karbala and Najaf Al-Ashraf,” noting “the necessity of encouraging investments from the private sector inside Iraq.”

Explaining that “Iraq seeks to increase investment projects with Arab countries,” indicating that “there are major initiatives by Arab countries and there was a great welcome by them to increase investments in Iraq and implement many economic agreements and conferences, and there are many protocols implemented with the countries of the Emirates and Qatar.”

And Egypt and the formation of committees that include delegations from businessmen and the private sector inside Iraq, and we noticed a tangible change in the management of the economic file and the general economic policy of the Iraqi state.”

He also pointed out that “the meeting came out with many decisions that were approved, including promoting intra-trade, liberalizing trade in goods, and welcoming Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization.”

Al-Ghurairi stressed, “This is what Iraq aspires to, as its steps have begun to convey their messages to all countries, and the Iraqi economy will witness a significant recovery during the coming period in order to achieve common interests and achieve mutual benefit between Iraq and the Arab countries.”

Al-Ghurairi pointed out that “there are rapid initiatives in infrastructure investment with the Egyptian, Qatari and Emirati sides through many agreements that were concluded during the previous period.”

While Iraq's ambitions to diversify economic sources and attract foreign investments in various sectors face a number of challenges and difficulties, especially with regard to infrastructure and legislation.



ONCE AGAIN FAMILY……this is referring to the actual “PUBLIC” that has no idea regarding our internet group!!!!   If you want to go directly to a bank and get a much lower rate, GO RIGHT AHEAD!  But, if you want to receive a maximized return on your currency/bond(s), wait for the 800 and set an appointment at a designated Redemption Center!!!  It’s that plain and simple………

Oh wait Ariel……just a couple of posts ago you told everyone that there’s no such thing REGARDING NDA’s!!!!!   Now there is…..?  Make up your fricken mind and quit confusing the family!  You sure you’re not DS?  

You need more and clear boundaries and clarification on what you’re telling people so this confusion doesn’t become rampant and cause problems.  Trust me my friend:  I KNOW ABOUT NDA’s and they damn sure exist out there.  ZIP IT PLEASE regarding this topic, you have no idea what you’re talking about. 

Iraqi Dinar - Freedom Money Transfer - Accession to the WTO - Deleting Z...

“Baghdad Metro” is the largest in the region and will cover 85% of the capital’s area - Al-Sudani Advisor, 16 FEB

 “Baghdad Metro” is the largest in the region and will cover 85% of the capital’s area - Al-Sudani Advisor

Nasser Al-Asadi, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Transport Affairs, announced today, Thursday, that the Baghdad Metro project will cover 85% of the capital’s area, and while he confirmed that it will be the largest in the region, he indicated that international Arab and foreign companies want to implement it.

Al-Asadi said in a statement to the official agency, followed by the 964 network , that “the Baghdad metro project is the dream of every Iraqi citizen,” explaining that “the project consists of 7 lines with a length of 148 kilometers and 64 stations and contains the latest and most advanced international systems.”

He added, "The project will cover 85 percent of the area of Baghdad, and this area is intended for it to pass by universities, public markets, and religious shrines, in addition to stadiums, ministries, and important places."

He pointed out, “The project consists of 7 lines, each line starting in one area and ending in another, and connecting Karkh and Rusafa from 3 places, in addition to one of these lines will reach Baghdad International Airport.”

He added, “The project will be the largest in the region, and there are a large number of companies wishing to participate in it, such as European and Asian companies, in addition to Qatari and Emirati companies,” stressing that “the project is entirely investment, and the state will have to supervise the project.”

He pointed out that “the state is working within its plan to strengthen the private sector and exercise its real role and provide job opportunities and investment in important sectors that have long been absent from the private sector.”  LINK



  The Government of Iraq is soon to receive the funding for everything that is waiting for a new international exchange rate, for everything the world is waiting for, for what you're waiting for, for what the Iraqi citizens are desperately in need of.



  [Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update]

 Aki [and his boss Number One] went to the meeting on Thursday with everybody else that represents banks in Iraq.  The one question we had for them, 'Gentlemen, we've been seeing some articles that are suggesting maybe we're looking at about two more months away...'    [they answered]  'NO! Who told you that!'

 All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done.  All the things that Aki [Iraqi bank friend] had to do in order to qualify to exchange the 3-zero notes into American dollars is done.  International platforms that were needed in order to do electronic transfers is done...

[Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update] 

This is the monetary reform roadmap for the next couple of weeks...January 29th a banking campaign was started to release deeper education about the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens

...Either Thursday or Friday the Minister of Planning, Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Prime Minister Sudani are all going to be receiving the flow down of information regarding the new currency that is to be released and the new exchange rate for that new currency...Also...the Erbil Stock Exchange (ESX) and The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) have completed their linkup...of international platforms.  They are done and going live at any moment.

All these meetings that the CBI had with all these agencies that were helping them with their monetary reform are done.  All the things that Aki [Iraqi bank friend] had to do in order to qualify to exchange the 3-zero notes into American dollars is done.  International platforms that were needed in order to do electronic transfers is done...

[Iraqi Bank Friend Aki update] 

This is the monetary reform roadmap for the next couple of weeks...January 29th a banking campaign was started to release deeper education about the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens

...Either Thursday or Friday the Minister of Planning, Minister of Finance, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Prime Minister Sudani are all going to be receiving the flow down of information regarding the new currency that is to be released and the new exchange rate for that new currency...Also...the Erbil Stock Exchange (ESX) and The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) have completed their linkup...of international platforms.  They are done and going live at any moment.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...