Saturday, January 27, 2024

šŸ”„Iraqi DinaršŸ”„Verified Rate of $2.40šŸ”„News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to ...

Al-Maliki’s coalition is likely to postpone the election of the Speaker of Parliament and gives two reasons, 27 JAN

Al-Maliki’s coalition is likely to postpone the election of the Speaker of Parliament and gives two reasons

Shafaq News/ The State of Law coalition led by Nouri al-Maliki suggested, on Saturday, the postponement of the election of a new speaker for the Iraqi Council of Representatives.

Today, Saturday, the House of Representatives is scheduled to hold a session dedicated to electing a new president to succeed Muhammad al-Halbousi, who was deported by a judicial decision.

The representative of the coalition, Ali Al-Mashkour, told Shafaq News Agency, “The first item on the agenda of today’s session was supposed to be the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, but the opportunities for that were not available.”

He added, “The House of Representatives is awaiting the opinion of the Federal Court on the legality of the first session to elect the Speaker of the Council, and also there is no agreement between the Sunni blocs regarding choosing a specific person for the position.”

Al-Mashkoor suggested that “the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives will be postponed until a decision is issued by the federal government and the Sunni blocs agree on a specific candidate for the position of president.

On the evening of Saturday, January 13, the House of Representatives held an extraordinary session to choose the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the first round of voting ended with the victory of the “Taqaddum” Party, Shaalan Al-Karim, with 152 votes out of 314 votes, followed by Representative Salem Al-Issawi with 97 votes, and Representative Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani received 48 votes, Representative Amer Abdul-Jabbar received 6 votes, and Representative Talal Al-Zubaie received one vote. However, verbal altercations occurred inside the Council hall, forcing the Council Presidency to adjourn the session until further notice, and no other session was held until the preparation of this report.

However, the next day, January 14, MPs Yousef Al-Kalabi and Falih Al-Khazali filed a lawsuit with the Federal Court, which included a request to issue a state order to stop the election session until the lawsuit was resolved, due to suspicions of paying bribes to some MPs in order to vote for candidates for the Presidency of the Council.

Weekend News with MarkZ. 01/27/2024

Weekend News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Welcome to the weekend. Hoping Mark has great news today 

MZ: From the bond side…the majority of my ond folks are expecting  things to happen the last 2 days  of the month …so that is next Tues and Wed. …..that is what I am now hearing. Let’s hope and pray this is our magical time and this is accurate. Let’s see if it materializes and they get their 1%. 

MZ: A handful are hoping for something before then….but, we are keeping a very close eye on this.  It is possible that some of the groups may get announcements of expected timing this weekend. I have heard chatter on this from some groups. I really do think we are close. 

MZ:  MilitiaMan and Crew absolutely knocked one out of the park giving us a great overview of the week. He talks about the “International model” They are using in Iraq which is part of the “white papers” and economic reforms to restore value to their currency. Be sure to go and watch and support him . 

MZ: “The American Embassy stops visas for Iraqi’s”  I believe we are watching them position outside US dominance right now. 

MZ: “Instead of Romansky Biden nominates new ambassador to Iraq” This one is important as the ambassador heading over there also oversaw Turkministans revaluation not long ago. He is renown for helping  financial reforms in countries.  I don’t know if they are getting ready to let Iraq go its own way or not. But it appears to be a key move at a key time with a key person. 

MZ: “ Urgent- The foreign ministry announces the success of the Iraqi-American negotiations  on the presence of coalition forces in the country”  This has really been some kind of week over there. 

MZ: Years ago Trump told us the troops would leave when Iraq gets revalued and we get paid .

MZ: “Parliament elects its president next Saturday . And a agenda for Monday’s session”  Part of the agenda for Monday is going to be HCL with the Kurdish region and budgets . 

MZ: “I promise to fulfill- Sudani ends the most intractable files in Iraq” .  What are some of the things he has promised to fulfill?  Reform government, white papers and restore the Iraqi dinars former glory. 

Member: I hope everyone has a great weekend, and that it’s our last weekend broke!!!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.






 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:09:09 

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, January 25th  and you're listening to the big call - appreciate everybody tuning in. Thank you for a global reach with the satellite team - The set team for short, getting the signal out to as many as 200 countries - appreciate that and appreciate everybody listening and tuning in tonight. And before we go to sue what Rich will be a great teaching that we can all benefit from looking for that. 
Let's go into Intel. 

Talk about what we what we had on Tuesday's call and it seems a long time ago, more than two days ago. It really does to me is that we were hearing a toll free number Being cued up, you know, for us, and we were looking to get this thing started with releases of those emails - Well, we haven't been able to confirm that. those 400,000 emails  are gonna be, as we understood -  Those were in groups to go out over an 18 hour period. And I'm picturing 400,000 at a time over nine groups every two hours. Well, we didn't get confirmation that that happened.

Maybe - and this is what sources suggested is  - maybe they were queuing up - putting them in a queue to go out staging them for say, staging the emails to go out, but we know that they have a pretty good handle on the emails, they don’t know who the zim holders  are except for were gifted zim -  which I know have a lot of people that have been gifted zim already  -  And so they don't know those people. they think they know they really don't know,  who has been gifted currencies.

But everybody that's purchased currencies where they have to give their email, they have a full rundown on who we are. For zim for dinar for dong rupiah - for Afghani for everything that we bought through a bonafide  currency seller / bank, or perhaps something like eBay or whatever. 
So what was interesting to me is even though we couldn't confirm that - we do have the impression that we're very close this going. And it appears that two of our sources agreed on the timing of the release of the toll free numbers. And we thought it would be today tomorrow – Thursday / Friday –
It appears more like Saturday through Tuesday, which is Saturday is the 27th – 28  29  30  - Saturday through Tuesday but what's interesting is one of our sources - These guys are sharp believe me - extremely talented. And one of them said through my handler, my Intel handler, then tell your partner Bruce, that to enjoy his last call tonight.

Now, he is indicating that this would be my final call, our final big call.
And have I heard that before? Yes. Have I heard it from this particular source before? No. So it's interesting that it's come to me that way today. We're looking at the 27th through the 30th with emphasis on Saturday, the 27th That's where the emphasis was.
I think if we get numbers by email Saturday morning, I think we’ll start Saturday and power right through the week and into next week. And that's what we hope happens - I don't know if we'll get anything tomorrow.
I think the bond holders are supposed to get their email tomorrow. Okay, But beyond that, I just don't know whether  we're going to get something else or not - now what else is happening.
I got a tone on my phone and I wasn't sure if I was still getting out to everybody - . 

Yeah. The timing of this is very close - We do believe that Saturday holds the best chance for us to be notified between Saturday and Tuesday. So let's see. We'll see what happens. I think if we do get notified in the morning, on Saturday, there's a good chance we'll start Saturday afternoon slash evening. 
Now, this is not me calling it because I know that's not a wise thing to do. I’m only giving you the best information that I have from 2 different sources. and actually 3 - there's another redemption center gender that we're hearing from – and its sounds like  - This is the latest and best information we have. 
But we'll have to watch it. We'll have to continue to keep an eye on our emails over the weekend, I would say and we'll see where it goes. I know there's more. 

Because we expect to be busy setting appointments if we get the toll free numbers on Saturday.
And that's really what we want to talk about say tonight. And we're very close. And you guys,  - I KNOW I sound like and I feel like a broken record. 
The next 36 hours and 48 hours of activity. two hours working on broken record. I'm only telling you guys the latest information that we have. When we try and confirm that we get from multiple sources. It's difficult. It's difficult now because lines of communication are drying up. We're going on it and are NDAs new NDAs banks redemption centers. there's a limited amount of information that you can get. I know that rates on the dinar And the Dong, specifically are populating on the back screen.
The Redemption center, the redemption centers screens for dinar and Dong were $4 to $5 higher on each currency just on the front screens.

So there's more to it than that. I've explained that to you guys in the past. Make sure that when you get the toll free number, get the email and go for a number that you use it to call to set your appointment. 

That's really the way you're gonna get the highest rate that way you'll be able to only you'll just be able to get in and get out of the redemption center in a better then that's when they want to get it out. Okay so for more than there's evidence before you have plenty of time to get there too early and they'll be late late. your point will be lost and you'll go to the back line. 

I don't want to be in the back of the line When it's your time to go. So get in touch with Sue by email. Remember it's integrated minds at hush mail calm, and pick up the donut wisdom bundle for only $300 Okay, over the next few days, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. If you're wise you get. Tonight, or tomorrow, right away, before the weekend. Right.

Thank you everybody for listening tonight. If you sat team for getting the call out as many countries if you did, if you for listening, everybody let's go ahead, afraid to call look forward to a great weekend

Iraq Dinar - Monetary Progress - Economic & Financial Reforms - Internat...BY MILITIAMAN

American bases in Iraq are breathing their last and preparing to escape thanks to the strikes of the Iraqi Islamic resistance, 27 JAN

 American bases in Iraq are breathing their last and preparing to escape thanks to the strikes of the Iraqi Islamic resistance

Abdel Bari Atwan
Finally, the United States of America yielded to the demands of the Iraqi Islamic resistance to immediately and quickly withdraw and abandon all of its military bases in Iraq, thanks primarily to the resistance attacks that targeted these bases in Erbil, Al-Shaddadi, and Ain Al-Assad, in addition to their counterparts in Syria, such as the Al-Omar and Kiniko field. “And Al-Tanf.

The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Thursday that it had been agreed with the United States to set a gradual timetable for the evacuation of the “advisers” of the international coalition from Iraqi territory, and to end this alliance.

The American administration was evading Iraqi demands for withdrawal, and stipulated that all attacks targeting its military bases be stopped before entering into any negotiations in this regard, but the escalation of attacks on these bases with missiles and suicide drones, and the increasing losses among its soldiers, prompted it to drop this condition.


It is clear that the rapid and deliberate move of the Iraqi Islamic resistance comes as an extension and completion of the blockade imposed by the Yemeni naval forces on Israeli and American ships in the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, and we do not rule out that it will extend to the Strait of Hormuz in the third stage, as Iraq overlooks the mouth of the northern Gulf. .

The Islamic Resistance in its three centers (Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq) is carrying out these precise operations within the framework of complete coordination, whether on land or at sea, and within the framework of an integrated plan to strike the “head of the snake,” that is, the United States, which provides the military protective cover for the occupying state in occupied Palestine. .

The United States, which failed to form a large international coalition to “secure” navigation in the Red Sea for Israeli ships, and this failure was reflected in the expansion of attacks by the Yemeni naval forces to include American civilian and military ships, and its attacks on targets deep inside Yemen were unable to stop these attacks, China is currently begging To mediate with Iran and reach a ceasefire agreement.

It is true that the number of American forces in Iraq does not exceed 2,500 soldiers, but their withdrawal constitutes a major defeat for the United States and its influence in the Middle East region after its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan.

The United States, which spent about six trillion dollars in its war on Iraq, in addition to 4,487 dead and 32,000 wounded, will face an end that it never expected at all, and so quickly, and we do not believe that its embassy, ​​which occupies a large part of the Green Zone in Baghdad and is considered the largest in the world, will last long. Partially or completely, after the decline of the American presence.


The United States has no choice but to withdraw its forces from Iraq, and US President Joe Biden, who was one of the most prominent drummers of the war on Iraq, will be lucky if this “humiliating” withdrawal is smooth and not chaotic and shameful like the withdrawal from Kabul.

The only language that the American leadership can understand is the language of force, and it seems that the Iraqi resistance has decided to use it extensively, after the Iraqi governments failed in all their diplomatic attempts to implement Parliament’s decision to dismantle and expel all American military bases on Iraqi soil and end this presence, which conflicts with the simplest principles. National sovereignty.

The great Iraq is making a strong return to its leadership position in the Middle East and the Arab world, and this return will clearly culminate in the elimination of the colonial presence on its land… and the days are among us.



  As investors we have a vested interest in the country's we-being... [US Pentagon Official Statement about Iraq quote] "Let me be clear, the HCM meeting is not a negotiation about the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.  

The Untied States and the coalition are in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government to fight ISIS.  Our Iraqi partners have assured us of their commitment towards working together to shape this future on US military presence and the enduring defeat of ISIS."

[The Development Road Project]

 is major, let me explain why - This is going to change ports of call and the international shipping routes...The Suez Canal route is 6,400 miles, 14 days and cost $4.5 billion per day...The Development Road Project is...only 745 miles...That means the costs drop dramatically if you put the shipment on trucks or rail...Once you get into the Mediterranean Sea you can deliver your shipment to anywhere in Europe.  That is the importance of this Development Road Project...'There are 4 major reasons Kuwait, Iraq’s next-door neighbor has the strongest currency in the world…Kuwait dinar is $3.36…

1. Major exporter of oil. Kuwait is estimated to hold 10% of the world’s oil reserves. The tiny country has a population of 4.3 million people vs Iraq who has approximately 43 million people and a lot more oil than Kuwait.

2. Kuwait has an excellent reinvestment of oil revenue. Kuwait uses its oil revenue to build infrastructure and develop microeconomic sectors to increase its GDP. 

3.  Kuwait is tax free. Being a tax-free country enables the GDP to be higher and it just makes everyone happier not to have to pay taxes.  Since May of 2007 the Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) is pegged to an undisclosed basket of currencies…

4.  This is good news for some of you and not good news for others…Kuwaiti currency is scarce.  It is very difficult to get your hands on a Kuwaiti dinar unless you are inside of the country…Being scarce when it comes to currency is a good thing

 The Iraqi dinar is not on the Forex market, yet.  The Iraqi dinar is an exotic currency, as is the Vietnam dong... Currencies are traded in pairs on the Forex Market.

  The 3 main types... majors, minors and exotics...The more liquid an asset the easier and more efficient it is to turn it back into cash.  Major currency pairs have the highest trading volume... Exotic currencies...are not traded that often.  There is little technical analysis or data available to support trading decisions for exotic currencies...

People have been asking, 'Why is the Iraqi dinar one rate in Iraq and a different rate online...?'  There are two major reasons for the different rates.  1. The Iraqi government imposes strict currency controls to limit the flow of dinars out of the country.  This creates a dual exchange rate system:  Official rate - fixed rate imposed by the Central Bank of Iraq...Market Rate - Freely fluctuating rate is used for private transactions and most imports... 2.  The IQD is not widely traded internationally ...Limited demand for dinars outside Iraq weakens its value on

the international market.  But...they are now saying speculation about a potential revaluation of the Iraqi dinar sometimes influences online prices... Speculation investors, that's us.  We are causing fluctuations in the currency value...

In January 2024 foreign currencies will no longer be allowed inside Iraq and any violations will be criminalized.  The Iraqi dinar will be used for all transitions. 

Why are we seeing reports of a meeting with the IMF in Jordan and a meeting with the Department of the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve in Dubai?  ...The meeting with the IMF had to do with the IMF staff team helping the Iraqi authorities reform the banking system... 

This meeting more than any other tells us Iraq may be preparing to join the global financial network, aka Forex Market...Here's the bottom line.  Iraq has never really been on the Forex market.  These reports IMPLY Iraq is headed in the direction of international currency inclusion while using its own currency for transactions within th country beginning January 1, 2024. 

A drone attack on a military base hosting US troops near Erbil in northern Iraq...caused casualties...Iran-backed militants claimed responsibility for the attacks...The attacks occurred on December 25th.

  Inflation...political stability... balance of payment...national debt...recession - each of these seven categories helps determine the currency rate of any country...We want to wish each of you a happy holiday..

Article:  "Iraq links Baghdad US embassy attackers to security services"  

The attacks against US forces have continued.  The Iraqi government said several people who are alleged to have attacked the US embassy in Iraq last week have links to the country security services...

Article: "Iraqi council elections: Almost 17 million voters head to polls on Monday"

  Iraqis have begun voting for the first time in a decade to select new provincial council members who in turn will appoint governors...results are expected to be announced on Tuesday.  

   Iraq cuts oil production by 223,000 barrels per day voluntarily.   Iraq is over 90% dependent on oil revenue and oil prices, therefore when OPEC speaks we listen and we listen very carefully, almost as carefully as when the CBI makes and announcement.


  šŸ˜ŠAnother article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...