Monday, December 11, 2023

Iraqi Dinar Breaking News Iraq's Central Bank Ready to Unveil New Exchan...

Iraqi Prime Minister Transfers Strategic Projects to Private Sector, 11 DEC

 Iraqi Prime Minister Transfers Strategic Projects to Private Sector

During a recent visit to the province of Baghdad, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani conducted an extensive review of the operational plan for various service projects being implemented in the region. The strategic focus of these projects is the improvement of the region’s infrastructure and public services, with a particular emphasis on sanitation and environmental conditions.

Transferring Sewage Projects to the Private Sector

Among the reviewed projects, four strategic sewage projects on the outskirts of Baghdad were identified for transfer to private sector companies. This landmark decision by the Prime Minister is expected to expedite the completion of these projects, thereby enhancing the quality of life for residents in the affected areas. The transfer signals the government’s commitment to leveraging private sector efficiency and expertise in the delivery of public services.

Aligning with Government Efforts

The decision to transfer these projects aligns with the government’s broader strategy to improve the quality of life for Iraqi citizens. By focusing on enhancing sanitation and environmental conditions, the government is demonstrating its commitment to creating a healthier and more sustainable living environment for its people. This move is particularly significant given the ongoing political challenges in the country as it seeks to establish a stable and progressive governance structure.

Implications for the Future

The transfer of these strategic projects to the private sector is a clear indication of the government’s strategic direction towards public-private collaboration in infrastructure development. It is a testament to the recognition of the role of private sector companies in driving development and delivering efficient services. This decision could potentially set a precedent for similar projects in the future, paving the way for a more robust and dynamic infrastructure development landscape in Iraq.


Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from GUARDIAN MONKEY:

INTEL: I have to be very careful here….

How many bullets can you hold in a revolver?
1 bullet = 1 day
How many days until the gun is empty?

That’s all I will say.
Get ready.


 Nader From The Mid East 

 They are start to prepare people to use only the dinar and they start advertisement...they call it education, I call it advertisement.  Things are going good...somewhere 1 to 1. 

[See the Iraqi dinar advertisement video under Guru Frank26's post below]

Question "Can you talk about the steps involved in cashing in dinars?"  When exchange  time comes we're going to have to go to three things - Redemption center, 1-800# or the army base.  :)

  [Nader is clearly joking about  these three things]...People are telling them that.  That's wrong.   The only thing you can do to change your money, walk to your bank, if they accept it, or go through exchange offices.  There's no redemption centers, no army bases, there is no 1-800#s,  nothing that way.

 [NOTE:  Gurus disagree on the potential exchange procedures.  Stay tuned to Dinar Guru as this important subject  unfolds and become clear.]  

The exchange rate Iraq needs to join a currency basket and the WTO BY PIMPY



  The inflation for Iraq is artificial inflation.  You go back and look, How many customers did Iraq have back in the day?  How much oil were they selling?  What was the value of the currency back in those days?  $3.22 value.  How many customers do they have today?  

They have way more customers.  They have more production.  The price per barrel is more than in those days when it [the dinar] was $3.22.  It's not a market bearing inflation, it's artificial inflation.  They have more customers.  They have a bigger reserve than they've ever had.  One of the biggest in the world for the US dollar.  That's the reality that you're looking at.   You are sitting on a gold mine. 

Question:  "Why is the dinar still available for sale?"  I'm assuming [you mean] internationally.  Because of good ole fashioned capitalism.

The Central Bank of Iraq will issue currency worth 24 trillion Iraqi dinars during 2022 and 2023., 11 DEC

 The Central Bank of Iraq will issue currency worth 24 trillion Iraqi dinars during 2022 and 2023.

The Central Bank of Iraq will issue currency worth 24 trillion Iraqi dinars during 2022 and 2023The Central Bank of Iraq issues currency worth 24 trillion Iraqi dinars during 2022 and 2023. According to data from the Central Bank of Iraq, the value of the issued cash currency increased from 78 trillion dinars at the beginning of 2022 to reach
more than 102 trillion dinars at the end of 2023, with a growth rate in the issued cash currency amounting to 9.24% during the year 2023, and a growth rate in 2022 of 20. %, an increase over the year 2019 by 58 trillion Iraqi dinars.

In contrast, the cash currency outside the banking system amounted to approximately 93 trillion Iraqi dinars, an increase of 30% compared to 2022, which is the highest volume of money available outside the banking system throughout the history of the Iraqi banking system.

According to data from the Ministry of Planning, the population of Iraq has reached In 2023, there will be approximately 43 million people, representing only 60% of them over the age of 15 years. Therefore, the number of Iraqi residents whose age is more than 15 years exceeds 26 million people, and based on the figures of the Ministry of Labor, which indicate that the size of social welfare beneficiaries is about 14 million
people, The number of adult Iraqi citizens who are not covered by social care is about 12 million people,

and according to data from the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Planning, and the Central Bank of Iraq, it can be concluded that the average value of each Iraqi’s 12 million people hoarding money in the Iraqi currency is approximately 7.2 million Iraqi dinars per citizen, which is higher than in 2019, which is It was approximately 4 million Iraqi dinars,
and considering that each home contains at least two adults (a man and a woman) who are not covered by social care, the rate of each Iraqi home’s hoarding of money exclusively in the Iraqi currency amounts to 15 million Iraqi dinars, which is a higher percentage than in 2019, which was approximately 8.12 million Iraqi dinars. Based on these official figures issued by official authorities, every adult Iraqi citizen over the age of 15 (man and woman) who does not benefit from social welfare was able to increase his money stored in Iraqi dinars by 1.2 million Iraqi dinars during the years 2022 and 2023, despite the decline in the value of the dinar compared to the dollar in the local market.

In addition to the rise in commodity prices and the rise in inflation rates by 4%, according to data from the Ministry of Planning,
hoarded money is defined as the value of money that a person keeps away from the banking system and does not invest it or buy his own assets, but rather keeps it away from financial institutions and in the Iraqi currency exclusively and not by working. The other.
Some believed that these numbers may be illogical and that Iraqis are suffering from a major shortage of funds and deteriorating social conditions, but what is certain is that the Central Bank of Iraq has exported more than 24 trillion Iraqi dinars in two years, and that most of these data
were hoarded by adult citizens and non-beneficiaries of social welfare.
It leads to a set of questions
– What is the need for the Central Bank of Iraq to issue more than 24 trillion Iraqi dinars within two years, representing 25% of the total cash currency issued??
– What is the strategy of the Central Bank regarding the issued cash currency and to what level will the cash currency reach, especially with the rise in the issued cash currency to more than 102 trillion Iraqi dinars?
– Why did the 22 trillion Iraqi dinars leak from the banking system and went to the easier explanation, which is “hoarding,” despite the commercial procedures that ensure the necessity of dealing with the banking sector
? – Why was the banking sector unable to attract the funds that exist outside the banking system, amounting to more than 93 trillion Iraqi dinars, despite The high interest rates offered by the Central Bank and the high interest rates on deposits offered by
Iraqi banks, which are considered among the highest interest rates compared to the existing inflation rates??
– Did the Iraqi citizen hoard more than 15 million Iraqi dinars exclusively in his home without trying to invest it, even though the Iraqi citizen’s pattern of consumption indicates his orientation toward consumption rather than his orientation toward conservatism
and hoarding, and this appears clearly through the high import bill for various goods??
– What are the methods that the Central Bank will work on to attract cash that exists outside the banking system, since the operations of issuing financial bonds, raising interest rates, and trying to reassure the public through deposit guarantee mechanisms have not been able to attract a large number of this money to the banking sector??
– As for the Ministry of Labor, is the number of beneficiaries of the social protection system really in need of this money, or is there a big play in the number of those in need of necessities that are not at all related to social protection?
All of these questions need answers to know whether the Iraqi citizen actually hoarded 15 million dinars in his home, or whether his coffers are empty and that whoever is hoarding Iraq’s money “internally or externally” has placed it in a very large safe that no one can access the exported Iraqi dinars.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...