Saturday, December 9, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Did you see this [sends video]? …They are talking about how the dinar is about to become stronger.  Then a commercial comes out  talking about how strong the dinar is already and will be even stronger very soon…It’s about the strength of the dinar, telling them to use it for everyday things and will only get stronger and stronger.

FRANK: You better be ready Iraqi citizens! In my interpretation of it…This is part of the monetary reform education they are teaching the Iraqi citizens that they will soon have value added to their currency…

Community comment:
“The future of Iraq is on the conference table in Dubai.”

You better believe it is…It doesn’t get any more plainer.  It doesn’t get any more obvious.

FIREFLY: It’s a campaign they told us today.  They keep repeating it over and over. It’s a campaign they are doing they say to build up the dinar, to make it the gateway of the country.  That’s what they’re telling us.  They’re adding strength to our currency.

FRANK:  I know what they are trying to tell you… Is there strength in a program rate?  Of course not.  They’re preparing you…  

A Reading Of The Regulatory Procedures For Iraq’s Foreign Trade , 9 DEC

 A Reading Of The Regulatory Procedures For Iraq’s Foreign Trade 

Ali Daadoush  The process of trade openness after 2003 cast a shadow on the economic reality, especially after the lifting of economic sanctions, which led to the return of the flow of oil exports to global markets. This led to an improvement in the financial conditions of successive Iraqi governments, which was reflected in an increase in individuals’ incomes (purchasing power) and in the absence of a base.

Productivity Iraq turned towards imports to meet the multiple needs of the public (governmental) and private sectors, and with the presence of rapid profit from imports, most of the influential people turned to these transactions, which created economic chaos and a structural imbalance that affected the productive sectors, thus dominating the oil sector and achieving the rentierism of the Iraqi economy with complete distinction until the present time.

Since the discovery of oil for the first time by Colonel Dark in Pennsylvania in 1859, the oil commodity has been priced in the US dollar, and this has created a strong relationship between them, especially after World War II.

Accordingly, any sanctions imposed by the United States on oil-producing countries apply to commercial transactions in the dollar currency under the pretext of preserving their national security. This happened with Iran when economic sanctions were imposed on it. Consequently, any dealings in the dollar currency between Iran and the rest of the world were prohibited, with the exception of goods and humanitarian services, in accordance with the acceptance of the United States as well.

In light of what was stated, Iraq has commercial dealings with Iran due to relatively close ties, customs and traditions, in addition to the cheap prices of imported goods and the low costs of transportation and shipping as well.

However, after the beginning of the year 2023 and the new instructions to regulate Iraq’s foreign trade according to the new transfer mechanism through (the Central Bank platform), Iraqi merchants were prevented from official transactions in dollars with the sanctioned countries, and dealing outside the framework of the platform remained prevalent, which led to increased pressure on the cash dollar.

Which the Central Bank sells through the foreign currency selling window, leading to a rise in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market and reaching record levels compared to the official price approved by the Central Bank of Iraq.

The Central Bank has tried to remedy the situation by not aggravating it, and it has succeeded relatively recently through several measures, the most recent of which is providing the opportunity to import the dollar exclusively through airports and (diversifying the basket of commercial currencies) in terms of the agreement of Iraqi banks with Turkish banks to deal in the Turkish lira as well as dealing in the euro and the Emirati dirham.

Likewise, we hope that the Central Bank of Iraq will open commercial dealings with Iran, and this will go in two directions: - The first: (dinar versus riyal) and this depends on what products we export to Iran and import in the dinar currency?

There is talk about relying on exports of petroleum products to Iran, but in light of the sanctions imposed on Iran by the United States, American sanctions will be imposed on Iraq (albeit in an indirect way, and the past few months are the best evidence), and therefore it is necessary to deal with this measure with complete caution.

Second: (exchanging goods for goods in light of the price weight of each type of goods) meaning organizing trade in currencies other than the dollar to relieve pressure on the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market.

We propose electronic dealing by importing goods and products from Iran, and in return, the Iraqi private sector buys what the private sector needs. Iranian goods and services are shipped to them through a joint chamber of commerce and industry between the two sides.

Views 37   Added 12/08/2023 -

Vietnam Economic Powerhouse! | Great News For The Dinar And Dong!!! | Br...

The Coordination Framework Holds An Emergency Meeting Tonight Due To The Attacks On The American Embassy In Baghdad, 9 DEC

The Coordination Framework Holds An Emergency Meeting Tonight Due To The Attacks On The American Embassy In Baghdad

Political |  08/12/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  A political source announced on Friday that the coordination framework will hold an emergency meeting tonight. 

The source said, "The framework will hold an emergency meeting tonight due to the attacks on the American embassy in Baghdad."


 Rumored Timing of the Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset:

Wed. 6 Dec. China announced their gold-backed Yuan, incentivizing countries across the Globe to abandon trading the US Dollar and switch to the Yuan instead. The last USD auction in Iraq was on Dec. 6th.

Fri. 15 Dec. Worldwide Banking Crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness begin. The World Bank is expected to collapse on Friday December 15, 00:01 ET

On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.

Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.

In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

The GESARA Blockchain Election takes place in 120 days or by Mon. 1 April 2024. Everything will be ready by 30 Jan. 2024

Global Currency Reset:
Fri. 8 Dec. Patriot Rod Steel recorded a message tonight saying 10 rocket bombs hit American Bases in Iraq today, Fri. 8 Dec. and that’s what is holding up the RV.

Fri. 8 Dec. TNT:  It was supposed to go Thurs. night 7 Dec. Everyone was waiting on the IMF to release it. After a meeting earlier today Fri. 8 Dec, contacts said it will happen by Mon. 11 Dec. Sun. 10 Dec. is Iraq’s Victory Day, so Tony thinks it might happen then. 

People that have already contacted their banks are being called in to go over the procedures for the exchange, interest rates they would pay them, debit and credit cards that will be available to them, etc. Banks are acknowledging that it is happening and that they want people to choose them.

Fri. 8 Dec. MarkZ: China’s gold backed Yuan is now the new reserve currency for OPEC and oil producing nations. This happened very quietly and the news is refusing to report this. They are doing their best to hide this fact. This is enormous. The petro dollar has died this week. This is an enormous blow to the US hegemony. We are going to watch this play out quickly. I side with Bruce’s Intel, but guess it will be the 16th or 17th of this month.

Fri. 8 Dec. Wolverine: “I’m getting some good news, guys. Pray for tomorrow Sat. 9 Dec, but it may be tonight.”
Fri. 8 Dec. Kenneth Kingery: The admiral in Reno gave the green light. Whales are being paid. Everyone else Mon. 11 Dec. and Tues. 12 Dec.

Fri. 8 Dec. Tomas: “It’s rolling. All Tiers started but Tier4.”
Fri. 8 Dec. Blue Ray: Whales are being paid!!!  They are the tier right before us!  The admiral gave the green light in Reno!  That’s why all the millionaires are being announced over the weekend on the US debt clock!

Fri. 8 Dec. Guardian MQnkey INTEL: I have to be very careful here. How many bullets can you hold in a revolver? 1 bullet = 1 day How many days until the gun is empty? That’s all I will say. Get ready.
Fri. 8 Dec. Goldilocks: Look for XRP and XLM to be one of the first movers in the new digital asset based trading system.
Thurs. 7 Dec. Bruce: Just got an email from my handler. We will get notification tomorrow Fri. 8 Dec. by late afternoon. It’s done. It’s done. It’s blankey blank done.

Thurs. 7 Dec. Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio Castano in Columbia and he’s given the gentleman THE MUCH ANTICIPATED GREEN LIGHT to pay out the 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY – in other words, SPENDABLE MONEY to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.

Wed. 6 Dec. Texas Snake: While I won’t be opening the room until morning there have been two announcements made today identifying two dates having some importance for our pending reward for the time thus far dedicated to this anticipated exchange.  These dates are Dec 8th and 14th.  Will get into more of the significance of these dates in the morning but the most important take away is the 8th as all contractors are being paid at the Dinar new currency rate to be announced on the 8thfor acceptance into recognized acceptance by the IMF and World Trade Organization, that rate being $5.41 for foreign exchange commerce.
Wednesday December 6, 2023 Bob: The four test deliveries finished last night and Reno will begin tonight Wed. Dec. 6. EU and Zurich tomorrow Thurs. 7 Dec. Reno payments start Thursday 7 Dec. and EU and Zurich payments start Monday the 11th. I pray they allow Billion Sow to start Thursday 7 Dec.
Wed. 6 Dec. MarkZ Listener Sean Kenney: Heard from a finance guy that on New Years Eve the ATMs will be loaded with the new currencies.


 Fri. 8 Dec. Ariel:

Michael J. Ruben oversees all of Columbia’s GCR implementation and is based in the US from the New York office. Salvage told me that “The GO” comes from this office, from a bank in New York.

Michael Ruben has been in contact with Mauricio Castaño in Columbia and has given the gentleman THE LONG EXPECTED GREEN LIGHT to pay all 28 Paymasters in Columbia, which will result in them receiving FULL LIQUIDITY; In other words, MONEY TO SPEND to those in their groups, whom they are responsible for funding.

The end of the fiat USD happened on Wed. 6 Dec. when President Putin met with Saudi Arabia UAE.

European, Ukraine, Russia, China and US Currency will go down in value, which will help emerging markets like Iraq reinstate their currency so they can trade with 1:1 parity with 1st world economics.

Vladimir Putin took the Russian chief of the Central Bank documents that were signed in behalf of all Opec nations that had to do with a currency peg. 

The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, SOFT Bank, Japan Bank, China Bank, US Banks will all go to zero value between 15 Dec. and 15 Jan. This is the panic window where everything goes into implosion mode. The fiat US Dollar will not be used after 1 Jan. 2024.

The US was functioning on fiat dollar derivatives, or mortgage backed securities and could not pay off the one hundred trillion plus dollars due on Fri. 15 Dec. 
That’s why the bankers on Capitol Hill were crying about Basel 3 – they know they are sitting on debt that they can’t pay off so they can’t implement Basel 3 or ISO 20022 to be able to join the new gold-backed financial system. The banks were about to go extinct.

Evening News with MarkZ. 12/08/2023

Friday Evening Chat with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening and welcome to the weekend.

Member: I have a question….If the US dollar is going to be worth basically nothing soon…what are we exchanging the dinar into….and how will  we use it?

MZ: We were told we would be exchanging into a asset backed dollar…..and if not…If its still fiat…we will quickly have to move our funds into assets quickcly before it crashes… ….I am not a financial expert so be sure to consult one of those. 

Member: Went to US Bank And Wells Fargo today. Lots of people there with problems with their accounts.

MZ: Not any RV specific news today. Its been very quiet out of Iraq which is not unusual for a Friday…..It’s their holy day. ….

MZ: The last news I got from people on the street over there is they are expecting a 1 to 1 in-country rate at any time. I very much believe Frank and Nader that there is already some using that rate within contractors/contracts…….They would not be doing this is we were not close. 

MZ:  No CMKX news…yet. 

Member: But this week we sure have had a lot of good news from Iraq. The IMF made a slip and said the revaluation is about to happen. TV commercials educating Iraqi citizens…..ect….

MZ: In world news…”US passes bill to promote mass blockchain adoption.” Now we will see if this goes to the senate and pass….. This is to push the world into a new frontier without banks. 

Member: I heard the military alliance must give the green light to go. At this this point there is no reason to hold back the RV/RESET!

Member: Mark, don't leave those Iraqi peeps hanging, go ahead and press your RV button for us all! LOL

Member: I've long since given up on trying to figure all this out ... I've resolved to celebrate the stepping stones of progress and focusing on the reason why I'm in this movement!

Member: We are another day closer guys! Let’s be happy!


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...