Monday, October 23, 2023

Al-Sudani Rejects Targeting Foreign Forces In Iraq And Directs To Take Measures, 23 OCT

 Al-Sudani Rejects Targeting Foreign Forces In Iraq And Directs To Take Measures

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, directed to follow up and track down the targets of the Iraqi bases that house the headquarters of the international coalition’s advisors.

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, said in a statement, “At a time when the Iraqi government has expressed, on several occasions, its condemnation of the Zionist aggression.”

On the residents of the Gaza Strip, and repeated its calls to end the tragic conditions that our Palestinian brothers are suffering as a result of that aggression, which represents the firm principled position towards the struggle of the Palestinian people.

We also affirm our rejection of the attacks targeting the Iraqi bases, which include the headquarters of the international coalition advisors present in Iraq, upon an official invitation.

By the government, to continue their work in supporting the work of our security forces in terms of training, qualification and consultation, according to a clear mechanism that was established by the Iraqi official and diplomatic channels, with which the security and safety of those headquarters cannot be compromised.”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces directed all security services to carry out their duties, implement the law, track and trace the elements carrying out these attacks, and not allow, under any circumstances, to harm the security and stability that were achieved thanks to the great sacrifices of the members of our armed forces, in their various types and formations.

The Ain al-Assad base in Anbar and Harir in Erbil were bombed by drones more than once, claimed by armed factions calling themselves the "Islamic Resistance in Iraq."

Salah again love this man IQD BY NADER FROM MID EAST



  [via PDK]

   Comment:   lot of rumors about dinar going to 1000?  

MarkZ:  The 1000 to 1 always made sense to me…then they quickly pull the big revaluation right after…but there are rumors around the streets…even though its been very quiet in Iraq. 

Right now getting any news over there is like pulling teeth from a grizzly bear with no anesthesia…but it is pointing toward they already did that his weekend in Iraq. We are watching for that. If its accurate…then BAM.

There are some interesting articles from Iraq. “Teachers in Iraqi Kurdistan strike over delayed salaries” 

 This is all part of the HCL stuff and the money that is supposed to be flowing to the Kurdish region. They have an urgent need to get this thing done so they can meet their obligations and take care of their people. This new government over there does care about their people and they are working hard to fix things

 There is still lots of chatter out of Iraq…there is a huge project that is underway right now as they look to fix their housing crisis. “Bismayah New City”  This is part of the national housing program …

massive new city about 10 miles north of Baghdad. Huge project and they have already broken ground. 

Where is this money coming fromHow are they planning the potential 600,000 population city with houses, high rises, entertainment…you name it?

 It’s clear Iraq is planning for prosperity. They are going to need a new exchange rate to justify this cityimo.

The Central Bank takes 5 measures to contain the rise in the dollar, 23 OCT

 The Central Bank takes 5 measures to contain the rise in the dollar

The Central Bank takes 5 measures to contain the rise in the dollarInformation / Baghdad..

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed on Sunday that the Central Bank of Iraq has begun adopting 5 mechanisms to contain the rise in the parallel market.
Al-Karawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The difference between the dollar exchange rate determined by the Central Bank and the parallel market reaches 20%, which is a high percentage that reflects a serious state of concern because it is unstable.”
He added, “The possibility of the dollar rising is great with the demand for the parallel market in order to finance deals and travel trips for thousands of citizens,” noting that “the last meeting with the management of the Central Bank revealed negative indicators and cases in some aspects in terms of securing liquidity for the dollar in order to meet all requests.” Purchase,” pointing out that “the bank has begun to adopt 5 mechanisms to contain the rise in the parallel market, the most prominent of which is reducing dollarization in transactions according to specific contexts.”
He pointed out that “reducing the dollar exchange rate is very important, especially since any rise leads to great pressure on the markets and pushes prices higher, with speculators exploiting any opportunity to profit.”
The dollar exchange market in Iraq is witnessing an unstable situation in light of its breaking the barrier of 160 thousand dinars per $100.



 ...Iraqi Rate is going to 1000, next is 1:1, then the CBI will give an In Country Rate, followed by an International Rate approved by the US. ...The unlock codes arrived on Fri. 20 Oct. from the World Bank.


 This is not what you want, our own government to be so concerned about the actions of Iraq that they would be forced to do this.

  Article:  "Washington directed the departure of the family of its diplomats and non-essential staff from Iraq and not to use Baghdad airport "

  That's not good. We need for Iraq to say out of conflict of any kind...Unfortunately there are Iranian backed politicians therefore they're going to be involved...

I don't think the government gives a crap about dinar holders because...the average dinar holder holds 250,000 dinars. That's it.

  Sure if an RV happened tomorrow there would be a lot of rich people but just think about a lot of those lotto winners, they win all this money and then all of a sudden they lose it all within the year.  Most people would spend it quickly.  It would give a huge jump to our economy and they don't care because the money would just go right back to them.  I don't think they care that much...

 There's a lot of confusion about whether these banks in Iraq are on sanction and how it is affecting the exchange rate.  

Article:  "The Reality of US 'Sanctions' on Iraqi Banks" ...

I've seen articles where they say these banks are under sanctions but if you go to the official website they're not listed there so it's like a gray area.  They're under sanctions but they're not officially under sanctions.  It's like putting them in a 'time-out' is what it is. 

EXCELLENT NEWS Zimbabwe Vietnam Iraq


Desert Advisor  

Article: "Iraq to end all dollar cash withdrawal by jan. 1 2024, central-bank official say"  They're not allowing dollars to be taken out of banks anymore.  That's pretty big news.


 Article:  " International and international pressure to pass the oil and gas law"  Quote:  "The Prime Minister's financial adviser, Mazer Mohammed Saleh, confirmed in a press statement that accelerating the approval of the federal oil and gas project law in the House of Representatives as soon as possible will establish a stable national road map for investment and production for the country's main sovereign resource, which is oil and gas." 


 Article: "Al-Alaq stresses the importance of achieving stability in the dollar price and the necessity of changes in the trade system"


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...