Saturday, October 14, 2023



[via PDK]

Question: What happens to the US if Iraq joins BRICS? What happens to the RV or the dinar?

MarkZ: We’ll get the RV anyway. If Iraq joins BRICS and goes solo they would basically be giving up on billions of dollars that the US is holding of theirs. It may not be as big an RV (revaluation) as we would like …but imo it would still be a substantial one… Our best days are ahead of us.

A lot of Iraqi sources are claiming we will see a brand new Iraq on Sunday… They have great expectations and many of them are pointing to Sunday. > They believe peace will break out with an RV. (revaluation)

We were getting strange rates in Iraq today…It doesn’t seem to be an official process but an unofficial process. Many merchants or money handlers have put a different value on their dinar. They believe the dinar is about to take a serious spike in value. So they were charging a premium if you wanted any of their dinar...

 It’s been an interesting day but, I have not been able to confirm the rumors of $1.13 or so rate…but I can verify the number of sources that tell me “yes, there were major wild swings in the dinar based on who you were negotiating with…I could not confirm the rates many…have said…

I can verify the value swung greatly today. I believe it's telling us that the people of Iraq believe the timing is very, very soon.

Must Read for Anyone Exchanging Foreign Currencies and/or Redeeming Zim Bonds, 14 OCT

 Must Read for Anyone Exchanging Foreign Currencies and/or Redeeming Zim Bonds: BOOM! Getting the Process of RV Redemption Started – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers! – American Media Group (

  • Redemption of currency and bonds is a global phenomenon with implications for economies worldwide. The principles and steps involved are fundamentally similar, making it applicable on a global scale.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements bind individuals to silence regarding the details of their redemption experience.
  • Post-Redemption Plan Documents outline how you can manage newfound wealth, including investment strategies, philanthropic endeavors, and more.
  • It is important to read and re-read all documentation provided to insure you fully understand your obligations and rights, as well as the implications of signing NDAs and post-redemption plan documents. The NDA document will be published on the secured website link so you can read it prior to your appointment.
  • ID Documents needed for redemption: You need to have two bills (electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.) to prove your address, two types of identification documents with photo, current bank information and account number.
  • Zim Holders and others on long term payouts should have a sheet explaining your Humanitarian goals for the first 30, 60 and 90 days.
  • Write out questions you may want to ask at your appointment.
  • Some in the US will receive emails with a secured website link to go into and obtain your personal 800# to call. Others can find the secured website link on various media outlets including Bruce, MarkZ, Intel Dinar Chronicles, PPN, TNT Tony, Dinar Recaps and Byington’s Restored Republic via a GCR Updates.
  • Go into the secured website, identify who you are and call the number provided. Ask any questions you may have to ensure you understand the address of your appointment location. If you provide your email address, you can receive an email with the agreed address and time.
  • At your appointment you will pass through various stations, provide proof of your address and present your currency, which will be checked in front of you at a De La Rue machine. Police will check your ID and make sure your police record is clean.
  • Once everything has been verified, you will receive a 3-page NDA (non-disclosure document). Read it carefully and sign it. They will give you a copy. 
  • Those doing Humanitarian Projects will meet with Humanitarian Project experts. They will offer you an interest rate on your Zim based on how much Zim you have, your project and how many years you wish your structured payout to be. Zim Holders will receive structured payouts for 2, 5, 10 years or more dependent upon what you request. The amount you receive each year would be dependent upon the term you signed up for. You can be paid annually, semi-annually or quarterly, whatever you request. 
  • You will meet with your financial advisor, accountant, bank representative and anyone else who needs to be involved in the process.
  • If you need a trust and have one, you will need to present the certificate within it and have it signed and sealed by a notary public. If you don’t have one, we will provide a temporary one.
  • Access to your QFS Account will be displayed. Ask all the questions you need to fully understand.
  • Monies put in your Main Account: The exchange rate amount you receive multiplied by the amount of Zim Dollars you trade or exchange.
  • Monies put in your Secondary Account: This is the total amount you will receive during the structured payment period. Structured payments will be made from this account.
  • After redemption, you can make an appointment to learn about things like money management and investments.
  • Information about what happened at your redemption center appointment must remain private. Be careful not to send unnecessary messages or information that violates your NDA. Note that all your calls and WhatsApp messages will be recorded, while Twitter, Facebook, social networks and forums were being monitored. All devices are connected to the federal government CDMX and other national departmental systems.

October 13, 2023 : " Israel is committing a War Crime!!!", by NADER FROM MID EAST

Friday, October 13, 2023

Iraq says in touch with US over paying for Iranian gas, 14 OCT

 Iraq says in touch with US over paying for Iranian gas, 14 OCT

  • Work is continuing with the US side concerning unpaid bills, which have fallen to 9.2 billion” euros ($10 billion), Sudani told reporters at a press conference on Tuesday, recalling that Baghdad in the last few months paid Iran around $1.9 billion it owed

BAGHDAD: Iraq’s prime minister said on Tuesday Baghdad is in contact with the United States on settling outstanding debts of $10 billion the country owes Iran for gas imports.

Iranian gas is crucial for Iraq’s electricity generation, but US sanctions on Iranian oil and gas impose restrictions on how Baghdad can pay for its imports.

Iraq cannot directly hand over cash to Iran, but payments must be held in a bank account and be used by Tehran to fund imports of food and medicines.

On July 11, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani announced that Iraq would start paying for Iranian gas with oil, as a way of circumventing the complicated mechanism.

“Work is continuing with the American side concerning unpaid bills, which have fallen to 9.2 billion” euros ($10 billion), Sudani told reporters at a press conference on Tuesday, recalling that Baghdad in the last few months paid Iran around $1.9 billion it owed.

He said a delegation from Iraq’s central bank and the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) went to Oman on Tuesday “to agree on a formula for transferring these funds to the Sultanate of Oman, in agreement with the US Treasury.”

On July 24, United States State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said some funds could be transferred via Oman, which has often acted as an intermediary between the West and Iran.

“We thought it was important to get this money out of Iraq, because it is a source of leverage that Iran uses against its neighbor,” Miller told reporters.

Ravaged by decades of conflict and international sanctions, oil-rich Iraq relies on Iranian gas imports for a third of its energy needs. It is also beset by rampant corruption, and suffers from dilapidated infrastructure.

Miller told the July 24 briefing that Oman would still be subject to “the same restrictions as when the money was held in accounts in Iraq, meaning that the money can only be used for non-sanctionable activities such as humanitarian assistance.”

All the transactions also will need to be approved by the US Treasury Department in advance, he added.

Iraqi Central Bank to Restrict Internal Trade to Iraqi Dinar, 14 OCT

Iraqi Central Bank to Restrict Internal Trade to Iraqi Dinar

(Bloomberg) -- Iraq’s central bank will restrict all internal commercial transactions to the Iraqi dinar starting next year, the bank said in a statement, citing governor Ali Al-Allaq.

The step appears aimed at curbing the dealing of the US dollar outside Iraq’s banking sector, as well as limiting smuggling it abroad. It’s also a move to back the local currency.

The central bank next year will end the job of transferring money for foreign trade and instead focus on “supervision and monitoring,” with the job of transfers shifted to licensed Iraqi banks.

Currently, the central bank is the process of opening transfer channels in various currencies, including the Emirati dirham, the Turkish lira, the Indian rupee and the euro, according to the statement.

On Sunday, the dollar was available on the unofficial market at about 1,550 dinars, 17% weaker than the official rate of 1,320.

©2023 Bloomberg L.P.

Public Notice: United Nations Security Council Sanctions Update for Iraq, 13 OCT

Public Notice: United Nations Security Council Sanctions Update for Iraq

Published: Friday October 13th, 2023

Public Notice

United Nations Security Council Sanctions Update for Iraq

Pursuant to Section 3A of the International Obligations (Economic & Ancillary Measures) Amendment Act, 2019, supervised financial institutions (SFIs) and the general public are hereby informed that the United Nations Security Council (UN Security Council) has updated its Sanctions List as follows:

For Information Only:

Removal of One Entry from the UN Security Council Sanctions List (for Iraq) (5 October 2023).

Queries regarding this notice should be addressed to:

The Analytics Unit

Bank Supervision Department

Central Bank of The Bahamas


Evening News with MarkZ 10/13/2023

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...