Thursday, September 28, 2023

FRANK26……9-27-23…..72 HOURS


 Thoughts From Holly:

Some very important things are going to happen;

1. The USA sanctions on auctions for Iraq are being lifted after 30 years!!!! Signed off by treasury last week when Iraq was in USA!

Boom 2. Iraq is being part of the WTO by October 4th! They have to have an international rate to be part of it!

Boom 3. Iraq is having their first ever Independence Day on October 3rd!!

Congratulations Iraq!

This means they are independent and their war has ended! This by far is the biggest boom ever!!!!! -Holly


 Judy Note: There were all kinds of signs that a Global Economic Collapse Event was happening right now and would continue to plunge in a slippery slope with the collapse of Cabal corporations after the RV.

A Global Currency Revaluation of Currencies and Redemption of Zim Bonds would soon set the stage for the World’s recovery.

Hold on tight. There is no cause for discouragement. There is no room for despair. You are The Chosen if you bought revaluing currencies and/or Zim Bonds. You have set yourself up to play an important role in rebuilding our World. Go forth with courage.

One person’s opinion on how the Global Financial Collapse will happen only after the RV: “I think I’m getting it. Could it possibly be that it’s not what we all think? This is a ‘controlled military operation’. Yep, got it. I think you know it, too. Hint: Each industry has to be shut down, such as CVS pharmacy (no need for medication when you have med-beds) and Apple stores (when you have Q, phones). How do you close stores down? How do you crash the economy? How do you get people to lose their jobs? Yep.” …Rubix Q on Telegram Wed. 27 Sept.

  • Wed. 27 Sept. Bitcoin Holdings Plummet, Mass Exodus.

Global Currency Reset Possible Timeline:

  • Tues. 26 Sept. Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification should be sent out after the Gazette publishes the new Iraqi Dinar Rates. Tier 4bappointments should be available sometime between now and Fri. 29 Sept. The first two weeks of Oct.NESARA should pay out (reclamation funds).
  • Wed. 27 Sept. MarkZ: “The Senate passed a resolution to end the War and sanctions on Iraq. Once the house passes it Iraq will have full control over their own money, oil and destiny. Many of my sources were still looking for the end of the week.”
  • Frank 26: “A ten day process will start on Thurs. 28 Sept. where there will be a gradual and automatic increase in the value of the Dinar; the Iraqi people will receive their HCL proceeds and Iraq will ascend into the World Trade Organization so that onMon. 1 Oct. the WS Bank “branch” would be open for business.”
  • Fallawsophy: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification, with appointments set for the next 12 days, or until Wed. 11 Oct.
  • Walkingstick (an Iraqi citizen and bank owner): “The tender for the currency and coins has been met per request, meaning the needed currency and coins, the count and the value, for the release of the new exchange rate has been fulfilled.”
  • TNT Tony: “Everyone is saying it will be done by the end of this coming weekend.”
  • Wolverine: The funds have been released and placed on the Quantum Financial System.
  • The first two weeks of Oct. NESARA should pay out (reclamation funds). 
  • By Sun. 1 Oct. all banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old SWIFT System based on the fiat US Dollar.
  • Sun. 1 Oct. the USN was set to be announced.
  • Mon. 2 Oct. US Inc. government shutdown – causing a worldwide financial crisis.
  • Tues. 3 Oct. has been officially designated as the National Day of the Republic of Iraq in order to celebrate Iraqi freedom from the US Inc.
  • By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.
  • On Wed. 11 Oct. possible EBS with Biden removal – that would kick off a four month military action.
  • The end of October Sidney Powell has a date with the Supreme Court to present evidence on 2020 Election Fraud.
  • Wed. 1 Nov. It was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
  • Holly: Some very important things are going to happen: 1. The USA sanctions on auctions for Iraq are being lifted after 30 years!!!! Signed off by treasury last week when Iraq was in USA! Boom! 2. Iraq is being part of the WTO by October 4th! They have to have an international rate to be part of it! Boom! 3. Iraq is having their first ever Independence Day on October 3rd!! Congratulations Iraq! This means they are independent and their war has ended! This by far is the biggest Boom ever!
  • In November Social Security will be paid out in much higher payments.
  • Tues. 26 Sept. BOOM! New Epoch of Peace: The Inception of QFS Gold-Backed Coins, the Salvation for the Patriotic! (video) – American Media Group (
  • Robert Powers on Telegram: “I got an email from my credit union that they are now have Wealth Management services and scheduling appointments for anyone that has questions.”

Rumored GCR Recent History:

  • On Fri. 15 Sept. Iraq officially RVd their Dinar.
  • On Fri. 22 Sept. Iraq announced the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate as $11.90.
  • On that same Fri. 22 Sept. the Quantum Financial System took over the Global Financial System.
  • On Sun. evening 24 Sept. the QFS was activated, with all funds gold backed.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 09/27/2023

Wednesday  Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member:  Wishing all a great evening & even better news.

Member: Things really seem to be happening quickly now. 

MZ: Rumors are “screaming” right now. But the biggest news of the day is the Senate passing the resolution to end the sanctions and the war on Iraq. This is huge and once the house passes it – it will allow Iraq to have full control over their own money …their own oil and their own destiny. 

MZ: Watch what happens the next few days. We know they are celebrating …and a lot of people think we may see something overnight tonight. I still think it won’t be until the weekend at the earliest.  I hope they are right and I am wrong. 

Member:  Iraq is celebrating as they should, just like we will be very soon 

MZ: News is overwhelmingly positive. 

Member:  Frank 26 just said in 72 hours ... Frank has boots on the ground in the banks in Iraq

Member:  72hours till Iraqi new fiscal year?… new currency and rates imminent???

Member: Been listening to frank, he’s saying 72 hrs but looking great for tonight or tomorrow!

Member: TNT guys say the door opens tonight for 24 to 48 hours. 

Member:  Dallas at PPN said next 36 hours will be crazy!!!

Member:  I keep expecting the emails from Dinar Recaps to have a color change when I open it up!!

MZ: This is an article for those who think they are going to hold onto some of their currencies to exchange later. “ Indians ( from India) told to return billions in high value notes as banks issue recall orders”  With a re-denomination or re-valuation this is what most likely could happen.. They are giving them a set amount of time to return the high amount notes for lower denominations….The same is expected in Iraq, and other countries .  We will have a certain limited amount of time to exchange our foreign currency. We should know this time frame when we go to the banks. 

Member:  If Iraq is claiming Independence on October 3rd doesn’t the rate have to change by then??

Member: That’s what many seem to think…..really hope they are right 

Member: Angel1 says the Iranian rial is going to be hot!!

MZ: Yes…It is expected to go at a rate close to what the Iraq dinar goes for….. 

Member: Do you think the dong rate will be close to the dinar?

MZ: I think it will be up there – maybe half of what the dinar rate will be?  That will still be considerable. 

Member:  Mark will the redemption centers try to match the size of our account to that size of a wealth manager firm

MZ: That is what I was told. 

Member:  When this is over, as happy as we will be, we'll have times, I think, that we will really miss the chat and all our online friends.

Member: Thanks everyone for being on this journey with us all. 

Member:  Hey Mark- thanks for keeping us all level and continuing to give us all hope




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


A Reading Of The Council Of Ministers’ Decision To Limit Contracts To Dinars.. Will It Change The Exchange Rate Or The Value Of The Contracts?, 27 SEPT

 A Reading Of The Council Of Ministers’ Decision To Limit Contracts To Dinars.. Will It Change The Exchange Rate Or The Value Of The Contracts?

The Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq continue to take various decisions and measures in an attempt to control the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, in a war that has been going on for 10 months, as exchange rates are witnessing an unprecedented rise due to illegal speculation, as described by the Central Bank of Iraq.


The expert in economic and financial affairs, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, during an interview today, Wednesday (September 27, 2023), with “Baghdad Today”, explained that “the Iraqi government took many steps during the previous period, and is still working on new steps aimed at limiting local dealings to the Iraqi dinar.” Its last decision was to oblige state contracts executed inside Iraq to be in Iraqi dinars.”

He stated that “this step is aimed at ending the “dollarization phenomenon,” that is, restricting all transactions to the local currency. Of course, this matter has any impact on the issue of reducing or rising the price of the dollar in the local market, as this matter depends on the issue of finding solutions in order to work Legal and legitimate transfers to Iran instead of black transfers that are paid through various import funds.”

An Attempt To Strengthen The Dinar

For his part, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moin Al-Kadhimi, said in his interview with “Baghdad Al-Youm” that “the Iraqi government wants, through such steps, to strengthen the Iraqi dinar and limit local dealings to the national currency, and this is what strengthens and strengthens the dinar, and this matter is followed and applied in all countries.” "It was accompanied by a strong economy."

Al-Kadhimi stated, “Such a step will certainly contribute to the issue of reducing the exchange rate of the dollar in the local market. Such steps will reduce the need to demand the dollar, since dealing will be in the Iraqi dinar, and therefore the citizen will abandon the dollar as long as dealing is limited to the national currency, and this is the case for companies operating in the sectors.” governmental or private.

A “moral” step, but...does it change the value of the contracts?

Yesterday, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers decided, in a step towards financial and administrative reform, to commit to all state contracts executed inside Iraq being in Iraqi dinars, except for those opened by an external documentary credit, so they will be according to the agreement between the two parties and for the value of the documentary credit only.

While observers believe that this step will lead to an increase in the price of the dollar, based on the fact that the government will pay the dinar to companies, which in turn will look to buy and convert the money into dollars.

However, others underestimate the importance or extent of the impact of the step on the exchange rate, as the state will ultimately pay the dues of these companies and contracting parties in dollars by the Central Bank, as stipulated in the Council of Ministers’ decision, considering that this decision has only a “moral aspect” in favor of the dinar. That is, making the numbers on the contract papers in Iraqi dinars only, but the payment of companies’ dues will be in dollars and by the central bank directly.

Experts believe that this decision will have one negative side when any future change in dollar prices occurs, as the value of projects, especially those implemented for long years, will be valued in dinars according to the current exchange rate, and any change in the exchange rate by the state during the next few years will lead to... Change the cost of projects. Source: Baghdad Today   LINK

Reinforcing the Iraqi Dinar: A Shift in Iraq’s Monetary Policy, 27 SEPT

 Reinforcing the Iraqi Dinar: A Shift in Iraq’s Monetary Policy, 27 SEPT

In a decisive move to strengthen the local currency, the Iraqi Council of Ministers has mandated that all local contracts be denominated in Iraqi dinars. This decision is a notable departure from the previous norm of executing contracts in US dollars. However, an exemption is made for contracts established through external bank-issued “documentary credits.”

The Ministry of Planning has been entrusted with the task of compiling a comprehensive list of former state contracts initially denominated in US dollars. This list will be shared with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq in an effort to ensure a smooth transition to the new policy.

Limitations on Dollar Coverage

As part of this shift, the Ministry of Planning will also set a maximum monthly limit for the coverage of contracts in US dollars. The Central Bank of Iraq is tasked with guaranteeing coverage at an exchange rate of 1,320 dinars per US dollar. To facilitate monthly payments for these contracts, the allocated funds will be deposited into the Ministry of Finance’s account, adhering to all necessary release controls.

The new policy also introduces a significant change for Iraqi borrowers from government banks who have taken loans in US dollars. These borrowers are now obliged to repay their loans in Iraqi dinars. The Central Bank of Iraq will cover these loans in US dollars, which will subsequently be used to reimburse the lending banks. Notably, this procedure is only applicable to loans issued before the Council’s recent decision.

Strengthening the Iraqi Dinar amid Devaluation

This strategic move comes in response to the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar over the past year, largely attributed to measures taken by the United States in late 2022 to prevent money laundering and the flow of dollars to Iran and Syria. These actions led to a significant drop in the street value of the Iraqi dinar, which fell to nearly 1,750 dinars per US dollar. Through the new policy, the Iraqi government aims to stabilize and strengthen the local currency by increasing its use in internal transactions.

The shift in Iraq’s monetary policy is a significant step towards reinforcing the local economy. By increasing the use of the local currency in internal transactions and setting strict parameters for the use of US dollars, the government is taking active measures to curb the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar. However, the effectiveness of these measures will depend on their implementation and the response of the local and international market.

Evening News with MarkZ 09/27/2023


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...