Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Deputy: 10 countries expressed their desire to invest in the path of Iraqi development, 5 SEPT

 Deputy: 10 countries expressed their desire to invest in the path of Iraqi development

Deputy - 10 countries expressed their desire to invest in the path of Iraqi developmentInformation / Baghdad
On Monday, MP Baqir Al-Saadi confirmed the desire of 10 countries to invest in the Iraqi development path.
Al-Saadi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that “Iraq’s strategic location as a link in an important geography in the global transport map allows it to have high flexibility in attracting large investments, especially with the presence of large development projects.”
He added, “The development road, whose details were recently announced by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, will be the most important development project for Iraq after 2023, as it will achieve great benefits in regional and international openness, and transfer part of the movement of goods towards the country’s ports on its way to Europe via Turkey, and the possibility of creating other branches.” .
He pointed out that “10 countries have expressed their desire to invest in the path of Iraqi development, and there is interest from other countries, pointing out that the launch of the project means important messages, most notably security stability and the return of Baghdad to play a pivotal role in the Middle East region.”

Coffee with MarkZ 09/05/2023

MarkZ Tuesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Happy Taco Tuesday everyone! Prayers for those in need and happy birthday to those celebrating!

Member: They wasted another 3 day weekend where there could have been an RV…..sure wish something real would happen. 

Member:  Hoping today is a fantastic day

MZ:  We just need to get through the very end of what appears to be the end of our journey. 

MZ: They are doing a good job on keeping people quiet. They have cracked down even harder on leaks.  They absolutely do not want anyone to know ahead of that money is moving. 

Member: I would think silence on money moving would be for safety of beneficiaries.

Member: There has been talk from the group level that things start tomorrow and roll out heavily this week…... I am sure you will see that on all the boards. These rumors are certainly circulating in the banking world. 

MZ: Still hearing from the Iraqi side that …politicians are talking about a 1 to 1 rate yesterday in Iraq. I certainly expect more than that. . Lots of rumors from Iraq that we may see the new rate this week. 

MZ: Just try to stay grounded…the news is all over the place. 

Member: Some gurus say it will happen within 24-48 hours

MZ: A lot of people at the upper levels of the banking world are saying that….

Member: So anything on historic bonds like yellow dragon bonds?

MZ: They have gotten so tight on any leaks in the bond word right now. 

Member: appears you are going to be getting the RV in Fiat, it doesn't appear banks are changing anything in the near future

MZ: If we get our funds in fiat….we all will need to scramble. It wouldn’t be the end of the world…we would just need to take into account that the money might lose value if we don’t put it into assets.

Member:   Mr. C has the codes for America to go gold backed. That’s why he has to get paid first before Americans would see it for exchange

Member:  Whi is it that actually sets the individual currency values at the moment of the RV??

MZ: It is my understanding they have actually done a algorithm that figures it out based on values in currency to make things even. They don’t just arbitrarily decide it worth this ? Just because they said so. 

Member: Frank26 says that Zim will be worthless

MZ: To me the zim was absolutely worth the roll of the dice. I know to many people involved with the process and to many people in groups that have been aggregating it. You can decide for yourselves if you think it’s good or not…..it’s up to you. I feel very confident its real. Many people I know at paymaster level ect…are absolutely convinced of it. These are very high powered international individuals…..I am absolutely convinced it is good. 

Member: Frank26 says he knows someone with contracts in both Iraq and Vietnam who wanted to expand. His financial advisors told them wait…as both countries are about to change in a huge way.

MZ: That would be accurate. The sheer amount of business those 2 countries do with each others currencies that both hold in their foreign currency reserves is huge. They have to both go at once.  IMO

Member: Iraq cannot make it 1:1 it has to be higher. Per MM & Crew.

Member: Sure wish we knew what the real rates were going to be.

Member:  We all find out the rates at the redemption center appointments. I quit 'guessing' a long time ago

Member: How did your meeting go yesterday with a redemption center contact Mark?

MZ: Nothing really came out of it. This is someone I have known for many years of this journey. They are prepared…but they have not been given a date yet. He said them working on Sunday was a big nothing….he thinks it was just to keep them from traveling….on purpose. 

Member: The EO’s expire soon….white hats need to act soon!!!

MZ: Its go time….It’s push time. 

Member: I wonder if there really are white hats, Nesara , QFS or anyone helping us in the background. Sure does not feel like it…….Hope everything we have been praying for are not just more fairy tales to keep us quiet. We need to see something real

Member: BRICS are real….and it looks like they are trying to do something…..but it may take awhile …..

Member: My small bank now has a wealth management dept/team

Member: Many banks are adding wealth management departments…..hope it means something. 

Member:  In Winnipeg, Canada my CIBC branch will close for 3 weeks in October for renovations…hmmmm

Member: I sure hope this is our week…We are all so tired

Member:  I'm a high positive Believer In the RV is indeed Coming To save the World …God Is Great and we are going to get everything Resolved soon!

Member:  Mark, many thanks as always for all you bring to this community.


StacieZ joins the stream at the end…Please listen to the replay for their information 

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

Iraq News Iraqi Forces Deployed to Kirkuk #IQD Exchange Rate Currency Pr...BY SANDY INGRAM



[via PDK]  My Iraqi contacts are hesitantly excited with expectations for this week. There are more and more confirmations that the government is using that 1132 rate with contractors right now.

  I feel pretty confident the CBI is starting to make moves. They have said before they would stabilize at that rate and then give us the big change we are looking for.  We just need to wait and see what pops out of all this. The chatter is overwhelming right now that things have finished..

There is certainly a lot of chatter saying it could be this week.  The rumors are thick that the money is moving and started over this weekend. But, I cannot find anybody with that money in their pockets yet. I have received a lot of messages from a lot of people in positions and places that are saying “we are done” and it’s happening now

 I guess we will find out throughout the day today and by tomorrow if things have moved or not...I do have a physical get together with one of my contacts later today. I am pretty excited about that one.

The WTO is big and it’s been percolating in the back since January.  My sources told me years ago that when we saw them join the WTO- then it was done. They would have to be fully international for that.

..with the extended holiday this week between now and Thursday the indicators seem to be really coming together. We see that 1132 rate all the time behind the scenes...but the CBI has a different rate that is published.

Parliament Holds The Central Bank Responsible For Manipulating The Price Of The Dollar, 5 SEPT

Parliament Holds The Central Bank Responsible For Manipulating The Price Of The Dollar

Policy  05/09/2023  the number of readings: 276  Baghdad-Iraq today:  The Parliamentary Finance Committee attributed the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate to the complex procedures included in the electronic window, while indicating the existence of collusion by some central bank employees by passing large sums of money to a group of merchants.

Committee member Mueen Al-Kazemi said in a press interview, “The Parliamentary Finance diagnosed, during its meeting with the bank's governor, the existence of errors in the procedures of the electronic window to buy the dollar, and the matter caused the reluctance of a significant proportion of merchants to register and request foreign currency, which led to a scarcity of supply.”

 In the market and the rise in the exchange rate,” noting that “the procedures adopted by the bank are complex and have caused the reluctance of many merchants and to avoid registering in the electronic dollar purchase window.”

Al-Kazemi added, "Some exchange rate speculators are working to publish unreal prices under the stock exchange title and broadcast them within (WhatsApp) groups and other sites, and this led to price conflicts and created a greater interest than the demand for buying or selling.”

And he explained, “The American sanctions also prevent the issuance of remittances to some merchants wishing to import from neighboring countries such as Iran, Lebanon and Syria, and this measure prompted merchants to use illegal methods in order to transfer their money to facilitate the task” of importing goods and merchandise,” pointing out that “the complicity of some employees in the central bank with a group of merchants, especially in the currency auction, it caused the passage of sums of money that are not parallel to the volume of goods that are imported.

And Al-Kazemi continued, “The Finance Committee has put in place some procedures and agreed with the bank’s governor regarding them, as they are likely to contribute to reducing the price, including granting an amount of 3 thousand dollars to citizens who wish to travel.”

Directly away from the exploitation of tourism companies and offices for their requests and benefits through their passports, with the committee's monitoring of the bank regarding the implementation of all observations that were identified during the hosting of the bank's governor.”

Al-Kazemi stated, "The Iraqi government has entered a battle between its desire to implement a sober banking system, and ending the power of speculators and currency smugglers."    LINK

Is there Overnight RV/RI?💣RV/RI on National News?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

An economist who explains how to cover the Iraqi gas deficit through development, 5 SEPT

 On Monday, researcher Muhammad Al-Saadi explained how development and gas exports to Europe could cover the deficit in Iraqi gas.

Al-Saadi said that Iraq has the potential to export gas to Europe if it achieves self-sufficiency by extracting and utilizing gas from its own lands.

He suggested investing in the development of a road and setting up a gas pipeline alongside it to transport gas from Iraqi, Iranian, and Qatari fields. This pipeline could connect to the existing gas pipeline on the road and be used to export gas to Europe and other countries that require it.

Al-Saadi proposed that Iraq could receive free gas exports in exchange for securing the pipeline passing through its territory.

He suggested that there is a way to address the gas shortage by accessing a portion of the exported gas through the pipeline, while also developing domestic gas production to achieve self-sufficiency.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...