Sunday, August 20, 2023

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IQD Backed by Gold Not Dollars = Higher Rate?!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates | 8...


 Sábado 19 Agosto 2023

Noticias del fin de semana por MARKZ
Mark Zee: Dice
Miembro: Buen sábado por la mañana…. Loco por pensar en otro sábado.
Miembro: Hola Mark, cuál es tu nivel de confianza de que vamos a revaluar a finales de 2023.
MZ: No sé sobre agosto, pero todavía me siento bien con respecto a 2023 como un año de cambio histórico.
MZ: La gente del Centro de Redención no está en el trabajo... Aún no se le ha pagado al Sr. C.
MZ: “En Irak ” 6 nuevas directivas del Banco Central” Esto es del CBI para TODOS los bancos. Han cambiado muchas de sus estructuras internas para utilizar tarjetas de crédito y débito prepago. También han aumentado sus límites incluso más que la mayoría de las tarjetas prepagas de EE. UU.
MZ: hasta unos 10 mil dólares al mes con una tarjeta prepaga. 2 mil dólares al día y $750.00 al día en compras en línea... Están haciendo que sea muy atractivo no usar efectivo. Esto es muy interesante... Están modernizando su sistema... esto es necesario para nuestro reinicio.
Miembro: Buenos días. Escuché que la tasa para el dinar y hacer puede ser 4.57. ¿Espero que eso sea verdad?
MZ: Mucha gente escuchó eso... Aunque no tengo ninguna prueba... Creo que alguien se adelantó...
Miembro: DONG todavía posiblemente en $ 2.00 a $ 3.00
Miembro: Solo necesitamos la fecha…….
Miembro: bueno, Bruce dijo de lunes a martes.
MZ: “El banco en la sombra de China pierde docenas de pagos, lo que genera protestas” La economía china está implosionando ante nuestros ojos. Estamos viendo nuestros bancos fracasar también. Pero nuestras noticias solo cubren los fracasos chinos en lugar de los fracasos estadounidenses.
MZ: "JPMorgan aumenta las previsiones predeterminadas para los mercados emergentes mientras Country Garden genera temores de contagio en China" Este es otro desarrollador inmobiliario masivo que está teniendo serios problemas... Los problemas del mercado de la vivienda hacen que todo el mercado esté muy preocupado.
MZ: “Los precios de las casas nuevas en China caen por primera vez en 2023, lo que debilita las perspectivas económicas ” La devaluación de los activos duros ha golpeado a China. También ha afectado a los EE. UU., pero solo en mercados clave.
MZ: "Bloques BRICS para discutir el sistema de pago en la próxima cumbre" Han declarado oficialmente que esta próxima reunión es para hablar sobre un "sistema de pago estándar" para que cualquier persona dentro de estos países BRICS pueda gastar, enviar u operar negocios dentro y fuera. Esta es una historia mucho más grande de lo que saben nuestros principales medios de comunicación... Esto permite una transferencia financiera fluida entre los países BRICS.
Miembro: Arcadia Economics en YouTube tiene a Jim Willie dando su desglose de la próxima Cumbre BRiCS
Miembro: Charlie acaba de decir que cree que QFS comenzará después del anuncio de Brics
Miembro: Me pregunto si Venezuela está tomando medidas similares a las de Irak para aumentar el valor de su moneda, como tratar de reducir las cantidades en las calles, etc.
Miembro: Mark, ¿la configuración de QFS no es para una implementación mundial? Por lo tanto, ¿la cumbre BRICS es un despertar para los durmientes? en mi opinión
Miembro: Feliz cumpleaños a quienes celebran su día especial. Dios los bendiga a todos que tengan un excelente dia
Miembro: Que todos tengan un maravilloso fin de semana..

Saturday 19 August 2023 Weekend News by MARKZ Mark Zee: Says Member: Good Saturday morning…. Crazy to think of another Saturday. Member: Hi Mark, what is your level of confidence that we are going to reassess at the end of 2023. Mod: LET US PRAY THAT IT WILL BE RELEASED THIS WEEK MZ: I don't know about August, but I still feel good about 2023 as a year of historic change.
MZ: The Redemption Center people aren't at work... Mr. C hasn't been paid yet. MZ: “In Iraq ” 6 new directives from the Central Bank” This is from the CBI for ALL banks. They have changed many of their internal structures to use prepaid credit and debit cards. They have also increased their limits even more than most US prepaid cards.
MZ: Up to about $10,000 a month with a prepaid card. 2 thousand dollars a day and $750.00 a day in online purchases... They are making it very attractive not to use cash. This is very interesting... They are upgrading their system... this is necessary for our reboot. Member: Good morning. I heard that the rate for the dinar and do can be 4.57. I hope that's true?

MZ: A lot of people heard that... Although I don't have any proof... I think someone got ahead of it... Member: DONG still possibly at $2.00 to $3.00 Member: We just need the date…….
Member: Well, Bruce said Monday through Tuesday. MZ: “China's shadow bank misses dozens of payments, sparking protests” The Chinese economy is imploding before our eyes. We are seeing our banks fail as well. But our news only covers Chinese failures rather than American failures. MZ: "JPMorgan Raises Default Forecasts for Emerging Markets as Country Garden Raises Contagion Fears in China" This is another massive real estate developer that is having serious trouble... Housing market woes have the whole market very concerned. MZ: “China's new house prices fall for the first time in 2023, weakening economic prospects ” The devaluation of hard assets has hit China. It has also affected the US, but only in key markets.
MZ: "BRICS Blocs to Discuss Payment System at Next Summit" They have officially stated that this upcoming meeting is to discuss a "standard payment system" for anyone within these BRICS countries to spend, send or operate business in and out. This is a much bigger story than our mainstream media knows... This allows for a smooth financial transfer between the BRICS countries.
Member: Arcadia Economics on YouTube has Jim Willie giving his breakdown of the upcoming BRiCS Summit Member: Charlie just said he thinks QFS will start after the Brics announcement Member: I wonder if Venezuela is taking measures similar to Iraq to increase the value of its currency, like trying to reduce the amounts on the streets, etc.
Member: Mark, is the QFS setup not for a worldwide deployment? So, is the BRICS summit an awakening for the sleepers? in my opinion Member: Happy birthday to those who celebrate your special day. God bless you all have a great day Member: Have a wonderful weekend everyone..


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

“Iraq is looking to accelerate its accession to the World Trade Organization”

It’s pretty exciting because they have come a long way…getting to the final end stage of being a full member has been ongoing for…about 3 years and they’re in advanced stages… they’re going to need to be Article VIII compliant with that.  That’s one of the major things  we’re hoping to see in the near future.


Iraq recently became a trading partner with India and  seeking inclusion in the Unified Payment System that will allow them to go across borders sometimes by land sometimes by sea seeking more demand for their currency which gives it more value.

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

I know that we have a really good situation with the rates…They have a fixed rate that they plan to offer us on our dinar It’s very good very high…There’s also…the planned rate to offer us …for any dong…

Al-Sudani: The Electronic Circulation Of Funds Can Address The Problems Of The Exchange Rate, 20 AUGUST

 Al-Sudani: The Electronic Circulation Of Funds Can Address The Problems Of The Exchange Rate

2023-08-20 Shafaq News/ The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, inaugurated today, Sunday, the National Data Center in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

A statement issued by the media office of Al-Sudani stated that the latter was briefed on the stages of completing the first phase of the center, using smart screens, and models that embody the stages of installing the national cloud facility, as well as with regard to digital transformation, including the program for canceling a transaction (breast health).

The statement added that Al-Sudani continued the work of the one-stop-shop to provide electronic services, which currently amount to 299 services, which bears the name (Electronic Ur Gate). Electronic tracking of citizens' communications through the guidance service, and the actual use of the vehicle fine platform electronically, as an example of one of the portal's services.

Al-Sudani also indicated that the media should be informed of these services. In order to raise awareness and educate, indicating that this project will support the government's program in combating financial and administrative corruption, which is a serious challenge to all development, reconstruction and service projects.

The Prime Minister urged the importance of these steps being broader and more comprehensive, appreciating all the efforts made to complete this project.

Al-Sudani met with international experts who represent the entities supporting the project, namely the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank, the Center for Digital Services in Britain (GDS), the World Food Programme, the International Cooperation Development Agency, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Foundation and IMMAP, and listened to a brief presentation on the digital transformation roadmap. mass in Iraq.

He also chaired a meeting of the advisory team of the e-Government Committee, during which he stressed the importance of collecting data in a way that facilitates the provision of service to the citizen, handling poverty and ration card files, and working to reduce time.

The statement quoted Al-Sudani as saying that: electronic trading of funds can address exchange rate problems, remedy differences, and address many other problems that serve the citizen as an ultimate goal, stressing the government's readiness to prepare all financial requirements or in terms of decisions and procedures accompanying digital transformation.   LINK


Al-Sudani: Electronic Money Circulation Will Solve The Problems Of The Exchange Rate

Today  Information/Baghdad.. Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani affirmed today, Sunday, that the National Data Center will support the government's program in combating financial and administrative corruption, while pointing out that electronic trading of funds can address exchange rate problems.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a statement received by Al-Maalouma Agency, that “Al-Sudani inaugurated the National Data Center in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, where he was briefed on the stages of completing the first phase of the center, using smart screens, and models that embody the stages of installing the national cloud facility.  As well as with regard to digital transformation, including the program to cancel the (breast health) transaction.

The statement added, "Al-Sudani also continued the work of the single window to provide electronic services, which currently amounts to 299 services, which bears the name (Electronic Ur Gate).

He reviewed the digital transformation map and the International Training Center, where a real simulation of one of the transactions of the notary writers' departments was presented.

And reviewing the electronic system for tracking citizens' communications through the guidance service, and the actual use of the vehicle fine platform electronically, as an example of one of the portal's services.

The Prime Minister stressed "the need for the media to see these services in order to raise awareness and educate," noting that "this project will support the government's program in combating financial and administrative corruption, which is a serious challenge to all development, reconstruction and services projects."

He stressed "the importance of these steps being broader and more comprehensive," appreciating all "the efforts made to complete this project."

The statement stated, "The Prime Minister met with international experts who represent the agencies supporting the project, which are the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, the Center for Digital Services in Britain (GDS), the World Food Program, the International Development Agency for International Cooperation, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Foundation and the IMMAP organization, and listened to a brief presentation." A roadmap for comprehensive digital transformation in Iraq.

He pointed out that "the Prime Minister chaired a meeting of the advisory team of the e-government committee, during which he stressed the importance of collecting data in a way that facilitates the provision of service to the citizen, handling poverty and ration card files, and working to reduce time."

He pointed out that "the electronic circulation of funds, through which it is possible to address the problems of the exchange rate, remedy the differences, and address many other problems that serve the citizen as an ultimate goal."

He stressed, "The government's readiness to prepare all financial requirements or in terms of decisions and procedures accompanying digital transformation." LINK


 Frank26 Question "If the rate goes to .75 or if it goes to 1 to 1 will that be enough income for the people of Iraq?"

  IMO any increase in the dinar value is added income and necessary for the Iraqi citizens.  They're not trying to get rich...

They're trying to eat and pay their bills.  T

hey will see value in their currency...Social Security...retirement checks...HCL.  that alone is four different incomes they will be having very soon.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY: TV saying with the funding of the budget we are going to see a major decrease in the dollar exchange rate.  

FRANK:  They cannot touch the dollar exchange rate.  Only the US Treasury can touch that exchange rate.  

So what are they talking about?  They're talking about adding value to their currency which will decrease the value of the American dollar in their country.  That's what they're talking about. 

Chihoud: Washington has lost all its cards in Iraq and is working to undermine security in the region, 20 AUGUST

 Chihoud: Washington has lost all its cards in Iraq and is working to undermine security in the region

Chihoud - Washington has lost all its cards in Iraq and is working to undermine security in the regionInformation/Baghdad..
The representative of the State of Law Coalition, Muhammad al-Sayhoud, described, on Saturday, the recent US moves on the Syrian-Iraqi border as empty and aimed at showing Washington’s false control over the region.
The Zionists said in a statement to Al-Maalouma that “what is happening on the border strip between Iraq and Syria aims to stir up public opinion and show false control over the region.”
He added, “The power of the United States has lost all its cards in the region, especially with the announcement of the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement and the end of Washington’s hegemony in the Gulf.”
Al-Saihoud pointed out, “The American public opinion is very upset with the loss of control over the region and the tendency of most countries to conclude commercial deals away from Washington.”
And the social media platforms have recently witnessed a great momentum for transmitting videos of the deployment of US forces and doubling the convoys.

The World Bank: Iraq's economy is 'fragile' with +$152 Billion debt

Shafaq News / The World Bank has stated that Iraq's economy is fragile, and the country's debt has risen to $152 billion, highlighting that the Central Bank of Iraq's (CBI) auctions have diverted hard currency to the parallel market, leading to a decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar.

In its 'Renewed Pressures: Iraq's Recovery at Risk' reporte, the World Bank stated that "Iraq's economy is grappling with a recession in non-oil GDP, industries, and agriculture, coupled with rising inflation rates. The country lacks comprehensive structural reforms under its current government to bolster its economy beyond oil."

"The annual budget approved by the government authorities witnesses a significant increase in public expenditures by 59% compared to the previous year, constituting 74.3% of total expenditure. This will result in a substantial fiscal deficit of IQD 51.6 trillion (approximately $39.7 billion), representing 14.3% of general imports, more than half of the recent record reserves accumulated following the oil price surge."

Regarding CBI's policies in devaluing the local currency, the World Bank indicated that "the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar has led to overall and core inflation increase due to excessive reliance on imports amid weak domestic production, a gap exposed by the government's policies, further jeopardizing the country's fragile economy."

According to the World Bank, "Iraq's lack of income diversification due to successive chaotic government policies has led to a contraction of the local GDP by 1.1% in 2023, coupled with an increase in the country's public debt reaching 58.3%, up from 53.8% the previous year, totaling $152 billion, a $10 billion increase. The external debt amounts to $50 billion, while the internal debt is $102 billion. This means that the government authorities borrowed about $60 billion internally over the past three years, at an average rate of $15 billion annually, with annual interest on domestic debt amounting to 16% to 17% of the debt volume."

The bank also highlighted that "the economic prospects for Iraq's future remain subject to significant risks due to excessive reliance on oil, making it vulnerable to oil market shocks and global demand fluctuations, as evident from recent oil price declines. Additionally, driving fragility are key economic challenges like rampant corruption, inadequate service provision and infrastructure development, and security risks."

The World Bank further added, "The persistence of these policies by the government authorities will lead the country's budget to favor political parties that have hindered the wheel of development, causing significant imbalances despite two decades of claims that the war has ended.'


MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...