Sunday, July 30, 2023

Finally!! They are Deleting 3 Zeros, only way of Dinar Revaluation / ir...


 Deleting Zeros And Printing A New Currency Will Raise Inflation

Special|..Economic expert Ahmed Saddam warned today, Thursday, against printing a new currency, pointing out that this will lead to an increase in the level of inflation.

Saddam said in an interview with Al-Jarida , that “printing a new currency with no expansion of non-oil commodity production, i.e. the absence of real growth in non-oil domestic product, will lead to raising the level of inflation, meaning the depreciation of the currency against the dollar and the instability of prices, and therefore no This can be considered a solution that alleviates the monetary crisis in Iraq.

He explained, "Resorting to deleting zeros, this option cannot work unless there is stability in the dollar exchange rate, economic diversification and political stability, and these conditions are not available in Iraq at present, meaning that deleting zeros under the current circumstances may be feasible only from a computational point of view."   If there will be ease in transactions in large numbers, no more, and this procedure is not feasible if we take into account the costs that the central bank will bear to print a new currency.

The Banking System Is Facing Serious Disturbances: Cash Withdrawal Operations Are Expanding!

Special  |.. The economic advisor, Ziyad Al-Hashemi, said today, Wednesday, that the operations of withdrawing cash balances from accounts with local banks are among the dangerous signs that indicate a weakness in the level of confidence and concern about the loss of the monetary value of savings in Iraqi banks, which led to the tendency of dealers to withdraw their savings from the dinar and search for dollars..

And Al-Hashemi told Al-Jazeera that the fever of these withdrawals may expand as a result of the continued rise in exchange rates and the state of turmoil in the banking system remaining unresolved, and this will generate a significant decrease in the cash balances with banks, and this may eventually lead to the collapse of those banks and the declaration of their bankruptcy.. 

Al-Hashemi added, “This dangerous scenario reminds us of the collapse of US banks that occurred a few months ago as a result of the widespread and continuous cash withdrawal by dealers, and this caused great confusion in the US banking system, which prompted the US Federal Reserve to intervene urgently to save the US banking system.” 

He pointed out, “The Central Bank of Iraq must be ready to deal with all scenarios, especially since there are no viable solutions on the horizon for the structural problems of the Iraqi banking system and the resulting continuous rises in the exchange rate of the dollar, which is matched by a continuous erosion of the value of the Iraqi dinar.”


 Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

We have seen where Iraq the Iraqi dinar has been trading up and up and up. Very very pleased with where the rate is showing on our front  banks screens –  the dinar and I’d say last several days, the Vietnamese Dong is also trading up into a decent range.

Mountain Goat

Am I going to…give you what I heard from the CBI myself this week. Nope!…Until I see stronger evidence of a move by the CBI and not just words I will keep it to myself. 

But I will say this – they told me it is soon not years away!

Frank26 (KTFA)


As much as we want to blame Sudani…Alaq, you can’t.  There’s really no one to blame.   The monetary reform is actually moving forward and marching in the right direction.  Now it may be moving at the pace of a sloth.  It may be moving at the pace of quicksand.   It may be moving at the pace of a snail.  But it’s moving in the right direction.  Even the turtle won the race…

The key to…the new exchange rate lies in the HCL that is in the budget.  The HCL is just but one of the line items.  The new exchange rate is another one of the line items in the budget.  That’s why I feel that when they bust open this budget it will be like busting open a piƱata.  There’s gonna be candy flying everywhere, for everyone…


[via PDK]

out of Vietnam “Vietnam aims to annually exploit 2MN tonnes of rare earths” this points out how strategic the area is and its value. Vietnam is a powerhouse of  manufacturing and technology. They have large amounts of iron ore and untapped energy reserves. They have sizable deposits or rare earth minerals…this will help back the value of their currency in the new commodity based world soon.

Nader From The Mid East

A very good article this morning came out talking about the history of dinar of 2003…it gave me some hope.  That means they still talking about and thinking about the good day.  They want to go back to those good days.  They want to be involved in the world

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

A Representative of The State Law: government measures against the dollar will soon raise the value of the Iraqi dinar

That’s in the news…I don’t make it up.  This is not a sham.  It’s what they’re telling me.

Sandy Ingram

“Iraqis banned from dealing in US dollars”

If it is against the law for citizens to use U.S. dollars for any transaction then why is the Central Bank selling the US dollar at the currency window?  To pay for credit card transactions and invoices that must be paid in USD.

Saturday, July 29, 2023



So, if the CBI was to put the dinar (in Iraq) under a program rate 1:1 with the dollar or over the dollar this still would not be the solution unless they also reinstate it back to FOREX.
Yes, the merchants already can legally use the dinar to pay for imports but is it feasible right now to do so?
Why are they still going to the currency auctions for dollars like before?
I thought these dinar reforms allowed them to import and pay in dinars?
But who the hell wants the dinar outside Iraq at 1/6 of a penny and when it is still under OFAC sanctions.
Instead, businesses would have to see liberation of the dinar to create that demand.
They would have to have sort of a “fresh start” with the newer lower denominations.
Then once liberated and investors begin to suck it up, the merchants in Iraq could then “successfully” use the “national currency” of the dinar to pay for imports.
Then the dollar in Iraq would no longer be useful.
Even if the black market did get ahold of the dollars who would want them when they are worth less than the dollar?
So, the question now is this – Don’t you think the US Treasury knows everything I just told you?
Don’t you think they see it too?
So, can you now also understand how the US Treasury can just liberate the dinar and pop out the FOREX rate?
This bullshit by many gurus telling you that Iraq first has to build up their economy to strengthen the dinar are crazy people and don’t fully understand the situation.
Waiting for the economy to grow, the dinar would never, never RV to the rate we want and would stay on the program rate forever and maybe never even get back to FOREX.
So, in today’s news, the economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi said in a follow-up post Alsumaria News and I quote – “the only solution currently available to address the current exchange rate crisis is to return the dollar exchange rate to the pre-pandemic level corona that is, to the level of 1180 dinars per dollar.”
Do you see how they don’t even want to address the possibility that the delay and lack of liberating the dinar back to FOREX could be at the heart of the problem here.
Because they have been on this damn program rate and currency auctions too long they forget about what the dinar used to be and how they didn’t have these problems prior to the 1991 invasion.
These currency auctions were meant to be “temporary”. 
But Pres. Obama changed all the rules in the process to liberate their currency and return it to them.
He made it extremely difficult and this been part of the problem since 2012-2013.
Coincidental how Nori al-Maliki raided the CBI under Dr Shabibi?
Why do you think Dr Shabibi could have liberated the dinar way back in 2012-2013?
So, this alone is evidence of the screwed-up mindset and thinking about the dinar.
They are caught up in a nasty paradigm and somehow, they must step out of it and wake up.
I believe the US Treasury has stepped in since last fall 2022 and is trying to help.
The VERY good news, however is that the honest Iraqis are waking up and it will very soon become public knowledge that they MUST liberate the dinar and this is the real and only solution.
When I talk to my CBI contact I am still told that the Project to Delete the Zeros is “not off the table” and is going to be executed shortly.
The citizens of Iraq are protesting outside the CBI headquarters building this week.
They want solutions not more run-around.
They are tired of promises and so this situation is going to have to change with solid solutions and not more promises.
The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed on Wednesday, measures that will contribute to the stability of the exchange rate, and while revealing the diagnosis of those involved in speculation in the market, he also pointed out that the new proposed 20k note has been dismissed from printing the category of twenty thousand dinars because of the existence of a category of 25 thousand dinars, and we do not wish to expand the current categories, because the project to delete zeros still exists.
I have waited since Ali Alaq took over the CBI again for him to say these sweet, sweet words.
Do they move ahead and finally go for it?
It is coming soon and this is yet another good sign that the new governor Ali Alaq is on the reform side and wants what we want.



Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Today, Wednesday (July 26, 2023), a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Hadi al-Salami, called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani to end the assignment of the Central Bank Governor, Ali Al-Alaq, and to appoint a replacement for him, due to the latter’s failure to prevent currency smuggling and control the dollar exchange rates.

(Remember he was given a 90 day proxy position to help with the situation. So, it could be easy for them to fire him. But who will take over? Who is more qualified? Dr Shabibi passed so please don’t say Dr Shabibi… šŸ˜Š)

More news….


A government source revealed, on Thursday, that Baghdad and Erbil signed an agreement that guarantees that the regional government will hand over oil to the Federal Ministry of Oil.

(Here comes the Oil and Gas law šŸ˜Š)

More news….


The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed today, Wednesday, measures that will contribute to the stability of the exchange rate, and while revealing the diagnosis of those involved in speculation in the market, he announced the delay in printing a new currency of the 20 thousand dinars category.

He pointed out, “It has been dismissed from printing the category of twenty thousand dinars because of the existence of a category of 25 thousand dinars, and we do not wish to expand the current categories, because the project to delete zeros still exists.” 


No RV yet. Who told you it was over? It is not.

So, we heard news in my last Newsletter of the 14 banks sanctioned over the weekend against selling the dollar. Good news no doubt. But here is the problem with this. This was NOT officially done by the CBI but by the US Treasury through the CBI. I have to keep asking important questions. So here are a few – Why didn’t the CBI by itself sanction these banks? Why didn’t they audit them? Why did they wait for the US Treasury to step in?  Do you see the corruption and lackadaisical attitude of the CBI? Yes, this is part of the issue too.

Then, when the US Treasury does step in to help, out of desperation, the corrupt step in and bash the US for their help and insight. This is part of the problem too.

The Nori al—Maliki crooked and fake news media channels then interview these also crooked economists and politicians who are benefiting from the corruption $$$$. They try to give convincing views of solutions. None of these solutions are of course are really going to work, and I think they know it. It would just be another cycle of going around and around again on the dinar merry-go-round. You know why? It because the ONLY solution is to finally liberate the dinar back to FOREX. Let us explore why I say this.

Now I can see many of you other intel gurus may not like what I just said and disagree because you think that liberating the dinar on FOREX is not going to solve all their issues. I agree – it won’t ! šŸ˜Š But surely if they can put the dinar back on a level playing field with the rest of the global currencies or just the currencies in the middle east, at least for now, it would help.

So, if the CBI was to put the dinar (in Iraq) under a program rate 1:1 with the dollar or over the dollar this still would not be the solution unless they also reinstate it back to FOREX. I can’t emphasize this enough. Yes, the merchants already can legally use the dinar to pay for imports but is it feasible right now to do so? Why are they still going to the currency auctions for dollars like before? I thought these dinar reforms allowed them to import and pay in dinars?

But who the hell wants the dinar outside Iraq at 1/6 of a penny and when it is still under OFAC sanctions. Who wants the very large notes and the terrorist, corruption stigma associated with them. This stuff lingers in the mind.

Instead, businesses would have to see a liberation of the dinar to create that demand. They would have to have sort of a “frsh start” with the newer lower denominations. But what comes first the chicken or the egg. Get it? Then once liberated and investors begin to suck it up, the merchants in Iraq could then “successfully” use the “national currency” of the dinar to pay for imports. Then the dollar in Iraq  would no longer be useful. Even if the black market did get ahold of the dollars who would want them when they are worth less than the dollar?

So, I know this was a long-winded explanation but these issues take time to explain and are not that simple. So, the question now is this – Don’t you think the US Treasury knows everything I just told you? Don’t you think they see it too? I am not even an economist /expert and I can see it.

So, can you now also understand how the US Treasury can just liberate the dinar and pop out the FOREX rate? This bullshit by many gurus telling you that Iraq first has to build up their economy to strengthen the dinar are crazy people and don’t fully understand the situation. If this was the case you may as well take you dinar and burn them ☹. But his is NOT the case. Get it?

Waiting for the economy to grow, the dinar would never, never RV to the rate we want and would stay on the program rate forever and maybe never even get back to FOREX. In fact ,many corrupt politicians in Iraq want it that way. They do not want progress. They are very happy with their little goose that is laying the golden eggs.

As much as I do not like the bullish and arrogant personality of this guy TNT Tony, I will say he does have it correct in some ways and we are on the same page about how this process is going to work. He agrees with me in that building the economy does not matter. He too sees what I just told you. What I don’t like sometimes is his lack of common sense and over-speculating. For some reason he does not have the ability to see through the fake news he gets about bank sources, memos, etc, and how he is being manipulated and used. I know this as a fact because I know the people who are doing it to him. He seems to be more concerned about hyping it up and spreading rumors rather than realistic attitude.  

So, in today’s news, the economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi said in a follow-up post Alsumaria News and I quote – “the only solution currently available to address the current exchange rate crisis is to return the dollar exchange rate to the pre-pandemic level corona that is, to the level of 1180 dinars per dollar.” Do you see how they don’t even want to address the possibility that the delay and lack of liberating the dinar back to FOREX could be at the heart of the problem here.

Because they have been on this damn program rate and currency auctions too long they forget about what the dinar used to be and how they didn’t have these problems prior to the 1991 invasion. Get it? These currency auctions were meant to be “temporary”. But Pres. Obama changed all the rules in the process to liberate their currency and return it to them. He made it extremely difficult and this as been part of the problem since 2012-2013. Coincidental how Nori al-Maliki raided the CBI under Dr Shabibi?

Coincidental that Pres. Obama just began his second term after getting his feet wet from his first term in office. Why do you think Dr Shabibi could have liberated the dinar way back in 2012-2013? So, this alone is evidence of the screwed-up mindset and thinking about the dinar. They are caught up in a nasty paradigm and somehow, they must step out of it and wake up. I believe the US Treasury has stepped in since last fall 2022 and is trying to help.

Be careful of these economists since they too are probably part of the problem. They too probably have their hand in the proverbial cookie jar ☹.

The VERY good news, however is that the honest Iraqis are waking up and it will very soon become public knowledge that they MUST liberate the dinar and this is the real and only solution. When I talk to my CBI contact I am still told that the Project to Delete the Zeros is “not off the table” and is going to be executed shortly. Of course, jokingly I say will be it be in my lifetime? So, you can see I too am getting a bit sarcastic and impatient.

The citizens of Iraq are protesting outside the CBI headquarters building this week. They want solutions not more run-around. They are tired of promises and so this situation is going to have to change with solid solutions and not more promises.

The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed on Wednesday, measures that will contribute to the stability of the exchange rate, and while revealing the diagnosis of those involved in speculation in the market, he also pointed out that the new proposed 20k note has been dismissed from printing the category of twenty thousand dinars because of the existence of a category of 25 thousand dinars, and we do not wish to expand the current categories, because the project to delete zeros still exists. Oh boy I don’t know about you but I have waited since Ali Alaq took over the CBI again for him to say these sweet, sweet words. Now where do they go from here now that the cats out of the bag. Do they move ahead and finally go for it? All we can do is sit tight and wait. It is coming soon and this is yet another good sign that the new governor Ali Alaq is on the reform side and wants what we want.  

Am I going to lie to you and give you what I heard from the CBI myself this week. Nope! I am not going to fall into that trap again. Until I see stronger evidence of a move by the CBI and not just words I will keep it to myself. But I will say this – they told me it is soon not years away! šŸ˜Š

"Too Cheap to Ignore: 2 Dividend Stocks Under $10 With at Least 11% Dividend Yield — Analysts Say ‘Buy’"by MICHAEL MARCUS, 29 JULY

 Every investor seeks to reap the rewards of their stocks; otherwise, they wouldn’t be involved in the markets. However, discovering the ideal investment, one that will yield profits, can prove to be a challenge, particularly in today’s market environment.

To ensure solid returns, investors can follow two straightforward strategies. The first is to buy low and sell high. That is, find a cheap stock with sound fundamentals and good prospects for growth – and buy in to take advantage of the growth potential. The second strategy is to invest in dividend stocks, which provide regular payouts, allowing investors to earn returns on their investment.

Keeping these strategies in mind, we’ve used the TipRanks database to identify two stocks that offer dividends of at least 11% yield – that’s more than 6x higher than the average yield found in the markets today. Both of these stocks have received Buy ratings and have positive analyst reviews on record. And all that for a cost of entry below $10. Let’s take a closer look.

Nordic American Tanker (NAT)

First up on the list is Nordic American Tanker, a Bermuda-based operator in the shipping industry that specializes in transporting crude oil and other petroleum products. Nordic operates a fleet of 19 Suezmax-sized tankers, the largest vessels that can safely transit the Suez canal. These ships, all weighing in between 150,000 and 160,000 tons, are workhorses of the global tanker fleet, using the Suez route to shorten travel times between the Middle East and Asia to Europe and the North Atlantic.

The global tanker business took a hit earlier this month, when Saudi Arabia announced oil production cuts up to 1 million barrels per day. The cuts are intended to boost prices for the OPEC cartel – but will also reduce volumes on the world’s trade routes, cutting into tanker companies’ revenues. Nordic, however, with its fleet of mid-sized tankers, is well-positioned to capitalize on continued demand for oil along the world’s secondary petroleum trade routes – and to offer a more efficient option for Middle East traders who might have difficulty filling a 300,000 ton Very Large Crude Carrier to full capacity.

So, Nordic American is looking at a unique opportunity going forward. Looking back at the first quarter of this year, we find that the company reported $87.09 million at the top line, more than $5.5 million over the estimates. At the bottom line, Nordic’s 22-cent non-GAAP earnings per share came in 2 cents better than expected. These results were supported by time charter equivalents (TCEs) on the company’s 15 spot vessels that exceeded $60,000 per day per ship.

 The company’s operating costs come to about $8,000 per day per vessel.

In response to the strong quarter, the company declared a Q1 dividend, which was paid on July 6, of 15 cents per common share. Nordic has a dividend history stretching back to 1998, and has a policy of basing the current payment on the previous quarter’s earnings. The current dividend annualizes to 60 cents per share, and gives a sky-high forward yield of ~16%.

In his coverage of this stock for B. Riley, 5-star analyst Liam Burke notes how the current Saudi production policy will impact Nordic, writing, “Although VLCC vessel demand will be weaker as a result of the Saudi supply cuts, there will be an increased need for smaller crude carriers and favor operators such as Nordic American. It is anticipated that the Saudi supply gap will be filled by other Middle East producers as well as the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico and shift trade patterns towards producers that are traditional markets for smaller crude carriers such as Nordic American’s Suezmax vessels. The production shift further increases overall crude vessel ton-mile demand. The company has also capitalized on a strong spot rate environment to reduce earnings volatility by fixing a percentage of its fleet on longer-term fixed-time charters.”

Burke goes on to rate Nordic shares as a Buy, and his $5.50 price target suggests a one-year upside of 45.5%. Based on the current dividend yield and the expected price appreciation, the stock has 61.5% potential total return profile. (To watch Burke’s track record, click here)

Overall, there are 3 recent analyst reviews of this stock, and they are all positive – for a unanimous Strong Buy consensus rating. The shares are selling for a $3.78 with an average price target of $4.63, pointing toward a 22.5% upside on the one-year horizon. (See NAT stock forecast)

BrightSpire Capital (BRSP)

Shifting focus, we turn to BrightSpire Capital, an internally managed Real Estate Investment Trust, or REIT. There’s no surprise finding a REIT listed in a space about high-yield dividends; these companies, which buy, manage, operate, and lease various forms of real properties, use dividend payments to comply with regulatory requirements on capital return.

BrightSpire, which holds a portfolio made up of 100 loans and having an undepreciated value of $4.8 billion, is a leader in commercial real estate financing. The company works mainly with apartment complexes and office buildings; 40% of its total portfolio is in multifamily dwellings, and 38% is in office space. Another 10% of the company’s investments are in hotels. Currently, 100% of BrightSpire’s portfolio is made up of floating rate loans.

This portfolio brought the company total revenues of $58.56 million in the first quarter of this year, a total that beat the forecasts by $3.26 million. At the bottom line, BrightSpire’s adjusted EPS of 27 cents per share was 3 cents better, or about 12.5%, than the expectations.

The adjusted EPS fully covered the company’s quarterly dividend payment, which was declared in June for 20 cents per common share. This dividend annualizes to 80 cents per share, and gives a yield of 11.1%, far above the market average and nearly 4x higher than the current rate of inflation.

This stock caught the eye of Raymond James’ 5-star analyst Stephen Laws, who likes its diverse portfolio and positive exposure to the current increased interest rate regime. Laws sets out his opinion of BrightSpire in a clear note: “Our Outperform rating reflects the portfolio diversification, attractive loan portfolio characteristics (floating rate senior loans), benefits of increasing interest rates, our portfolio return estimates, and the strong dividend coverage. While there is material upside to our target, we believe our rating is appropriate given our expectation of little, if any, near-term growth and sector headwinds persisting.”

These comments back up Laws’ Outperform (i.e. Buy) rating, while his $8 price target implies ~11% upside potential for the coming year. (To watch Laws’ track record, click here)

BrightSpire has stayed relatively under-the-radar, with its Moderate Buy consensus rating breaking down into 1 Buy and 1 Hold. The stock is selling for $7.22 and its average price target, at $9.50 per share, suggests it will gain ~32% in the next 12 months. (See BrightSpire stock forecast)$10-with-at-least-11-dividend-yield-0


 The Iraqi Dinar Loses 17% Of Its Value.. Bloomberg: There Are No Additional Sanctions On Iraqi Banks

Posted On2023-07-28 By Sotaliraq  Today, Friday (July 28, 2023), the Bloomberg Economic Network confirmed that the Iraqi dinar lost about 17% of its value as a result of the sanctions issued by the US Federal Reserve against 14 Iraqi banks last week, declaring that there are no additional sanctions.

The network said, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today”, that the US Federal Reserve “does not show any current indications of its intention to add more Iraqi banks to its sanctions list,” explaining, “It is now unlikely that the US Federal Reserve will add sanctions that threaten diplomatic relations between the two countries.”

It is noteworthy that the media published information during the past week that talked about the intention of the US Federal Reserve to impose more sanctions on Iraqi banks amid widespread demonstrations of beneficiaries of the services of banks that the US Federal Reserve imposed sanctions on as a result of losing part of their financial assets.   LINK


US State Department: We Did Not Impose Sanctions On The 14 Iraqi Banks

Posted On 2023-07-28 By Sotaliraq  US State Department to Rudaw:  The US State Department confirmed that it did not impose sanctions on the fourteen Iraqi banks, but rather removed them from the list of the Central Bank of Iraq.  On Thursday (July 27, 2023), US State Department deputy spokesman Fidan Patel told the Rudaw Media Network correspondent in Washington, Diyar Korda, that his country did not impose sanctions on the 14 Iraqi banks at the beginning of this July, but rather they were removed from the list of the Central Bank of Iraq.

He stated that "the US Federal Bank and the US Treasury Department removed the names of 14 banks from the list of the Central Bank of Iraq," noting that "these measures limit the ability of parties seeking to launder the US dollar."

The following is the text of Rudaw Diyar Korda correspondent's questions and Fidan Patel's answer to them:

Roudao: I have two questions about Iraq and the region. With regard to the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks, which caused protests in Iraq and affected the value of the Iraqi dinar, why did America impose sanctions on those banks, and did you warn Iraq against the exit of the dollar to the countries neighboring Iraq?

Vidan Patel: Let's go back a little to be more clear. Since the beginning of July, the US Treasury Department and the US Federal Bank have removed 14 banks from the list of banks that can obtain foreign currency from the Central Bank of Iraq, and these measures have helped limit the capabilities of bad people who launder The US dollar, benefiting from the Iraqi homeland, and evading US sanctions. I also want to point out that corruption causes challenges for the Central Bank of Iraq.

Our government is working with the Iraqi government to overcome these challenges, and that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, takes the integrity of the Iraqi financial system seriously, and all procedures are followed in coordination and parallel with the vision of the Iraqi Prime Minister, that the Prime Minister is fighting corruption and modernizing the Iraqi financial sector.

Roudao: My question is about Russia's involvement in Syria. Will you respond to Russia's practices in northwest Syria against your drones?

Vedan Patel: I talked a little bit about this issue at the beginning of the week, and I want to stress the statements of the Pentagon and the White House that these Russian practices embody a violation of the announced protocol, and a violation of international laws. We call on the Russian forces in Syria to stop these dangerous and reckless actions immediately, and without a doubt we will follow the necessary measures to preserve the safety of our forces and the civilian people in the area.  LINK

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...