Monday, July 10, 2023



"The Colombian peso has emerged as the most revalued currency against the dollar in recent times, according to reports from renowned publications such as the Financial Times, Portfolio, and Money in Image.

Financial experts speculate on the reasons behind this unprecedented growth, which has seen the Colombian peso outperform its Mexican counterpart against the dollar."

BreakingLatestNews LINK 

"The peso is up 5.4% since the start of 2023, outperforming the Brazilian Real's 4.5% gain, yet below Mexico's peso advance of 7.8%, as sentiment over the direction of policy-making in Latin America's No."

Reuters LINK


☝️ Can you imagine what these currencies are going to do when they are pegged to gold versus the dollar?

~~~~~  Goldilocks posted the following news and comments this morning July 10, 2023  ~~~~~

We first reported in this room that the New Development Bank said that the BRICS gold-backed currency would not be a part of the meeting in August. And now, we have another announcement:

HILARY JOFFE: "BRICS currency is not on the cards. Despite what politicians have said, it is not on the agenda for the summit in SA."

As we have mentioned before, the New Development Bank has asked countries joining the BRICS system to strengthen their National currencies through backing of their monetary system with gold or other commodities.

We have been witnessing major strides in countries becoming Basel 3 compliant in the East through Article 4 consultations being reported. And when they do challenge the dollar with their own single trading currency in the East backed by gold, it will be able to do what they want it to accomplish.

Basel 3 compliance will strengthen their currencies and add value to them, a single BRICS trading currency backed by gold at a later date will challenge the dollar.

© Goldilocks


"The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) has issued the Implementing Regulations for the Law of Payments and Payment Services to support the objective of enhancing the soundness and efficiency of the payment systems infrastructure in Saudi Arabia."

The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) is the kingdom's central money and banking authority.

It regulates commercial and development banks along with other financial institutions.

Going forward, Saudi Arabia has new regulations to guide their monetary system into the new QFS.

© Goldilocks



Want to know why those stablecoins haven't been voted on within the first week of July?

We have a strong focus on the enforcement of cryptocurrency engagement at this time.

Even though this is needed for now, a move towards collaborative efforts between the SEC and the CFTC is strongly being encouraged for cryptocurrency innovation and growth.

The dust is settling and a lot is taking place behind the scenes. Monetary policies are expected to be done by Saturday. Perhaps we will see the vote this week on Stablecoins.

© Goldilocks

"India And Tanzania Started Trade Settlements In Local Currencies: Jaishankar"

India is reporting another trade settlement in their local currency with Tanzania.

New Market patterns are being formed in currency developments trading in local currencies instead of the dollar.

© Goldilocks

Coffee with MarkZ 07/10/2023

PDK Note: I only transcribe RV Related or Intel with Financial relevance. If any certain podcast is only about politics and social opinions I will not do any notes. So if there are no notes transcribed…there usually was no RV news at all included in that particular podcast. Thank you for understanding. 

MarkZ  Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to another week of RV possibilities!

Member:  GM to all. Sending positive vibes for this week to be a good one. God bless!

Member:  Hope everyone had a great weekend. Now let’s get back to work to find out what’s really going on... RV inbound?

MZ: We are expecting….and most of my sources are in agreement that we should have a very action packed first part of this week with news. 

MZ: Hopefully we will get something that dispels the rumor of no RV until “way down the road” or 2024 or whatever…

MZ: The world is at a tipping point or boiling point. Do you think they actually can wait until next year??? Does that in any way calculate with you.? It doesn’t with me. 

MZ: They are trying to keep the riming “cloudy” Especially in Iraq. So when you hear these things- do not panic. 

MZ: “Basra looks forward to the results of “Trillion dinars” of petrodollar funds”    They are looking for money coming in from oil sales….in the Kurdish region. And the funding of projects that come along with that funding…..This is just one more clue that the HCL law is coming…if not already done. 

MZ: “Iranian efforts to deal with Iraqi dinars instead of US dollars”  This one is interesting ….We have successfully pushed Iraq and Iran together…”Frenemies”  These next door neighbors sometimes like each other and sometimes hate each other.  We pushed them together because of the US desire to control all of Iraqi oil. Now Iraq and Iran are pushing to do more cross border trading….not with USD but with Iraqi dinar. 

Member: back in Jan it was reported that the USA was not happy that Iraq was buying gas and electricity from Iran in USD. Now it makes sense they trade in common currency as trading partners

MZ: “The Columbian peso surpasses the Mexican peso as the strongest currency against the dollar-says Financial Times “  This is based on percentages. They are focusing on commodities in Columbia…like real production, agriculture, and manufacturing.  All these things are necessary to have a real economy. 

MZ: We are seeing Nesara/Gesara talked about in other countries by key figures..….not conspiracy  theory tin foil hat wearers. We are talking about very connected people and political leaders around the world are discussing it. Not like here in the Us where they ignore it and hope nobody notices it. 

Member:  (From Dinar Guru)  Guru Frank26  Question:  "How long would an external float take - A day, week, month?"  They're all different...this one is based...on how long it's taken, good grief it was only supposed to take 10 years, it's taken twice that amount...First of all we want it to at least be 1 to 1...How long will it take to get to $1.50 to 1?  IMO because it's take so bloody long, probably within 1 month.  How long would it take to get to $2 to 1? At that same speed.  Probably within two to three month.  How long would it take it to get to what it was - $3.22 and to maybe $3.86?  Probably within less than 6 months.

MZ: I am just not hearing it’s a float like Frank is…..

Member:  I have a ? Where are we supposed to be looking for the 800# in Dinar recap or an email from Wells Fargo

Member: Probably both…. plus here with Mark, Frank, Bruce, Chronicles, TNT and other places as well. 

Member: I sure wish we would see cabal arrests and something happening 

Member: It's the Black Hats VS White Hats war on the Control of money flows that will decide our financial faith. Which side will win?

Member: Would somebody please take this “MOVIE” off of slo-motion.

Member: There is barely any RV news anymore….it feels like it will never happen.

Member: Hopefully it will just sneak in “suddenly” …..and we will all be glad we waited these long years. 

Member:  Mark, many thanks as always for all the latest news & updates.



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 


 Disclaimer: All information in this newsletter is not intended for investment decisions / purposes. Mnt Goat is not a financial analyst, planner, banker, attorney or associated in any role with giving out professional investment advice.


I have had many questions, mostly from newbies to this speculative investment. Since I have already answered these questions a hundred times if not a thousand times already, so I decided to write this page on my blog to clear up any misunderstandings. I am glad you finally made it here to read it here. I don’t care what the other gurus are saying. Please don’t add their bullshit in the comments of my blog. This is your problem it you listen to them in the first place. Yes, you will be confused if you listen to them, but that’s your fault not mine. I bring you the TRUTH of this investment, not bullshit or any motives behind it. So, I am so glad you finally found my site. Now I hope you will listen to me.


Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

 Just the FACTS!

Here are some of the misunderstandings about this investment I will clarify today: 

1. What the new lower denominations would be when the CBI does launch them; 

2.How the process on deleting the zeros will work. Will they null and void out the old 3 zero notes once they redenominate?; 

For instance: Could the CBI remove the three zeros from the currency for instance, bringing the 25,000 dinar note down to $25 and leave us investors holding the bag? 

3. How long will we have to take our large 3 zero notes to the bank to exchange them? 

Personally, I feel to answer these questions is all actually such OLD news I find it hard to believe anyone actually does not know this stuff by now, but I will explain these again if this is helpful. Now that you newbies found me, please try to stick with me and read my newsletters periodically whenever they come out instead of just occasionally “dropping” in & out from curiosity …… It would make life a lot easier for you in understanding this RV process and your currency investment. This way you don’t need to catch up to everyone else and ask boring questions. 

Why Invest in the Iraqi Dinar?

There is literally no way you could make such a high rate of return on an investment as with dinar foreign currency, or any currency in the same situation, with the potential like it that Iraq possesses. The key however is to buy the currency when it is worth pennies or a percentage of a penny. This is sort of like buying a penny stock before it goes on the trading platforms. They call these Initial Public Offerings (IPO). 

Using this buying leverage, you can buy millions of it and afford to do so for almost nothing then, make millions when it revalues. Even a common poor person can participate. Many people will just not get this basic concept. They get lost on the concept somehow. But that’s okay. I guess they need more certainty in their lives. But I will tell you with such a small investment of money and with such a huge potential gains in the future, how can you lose? Honestly,,,, How Can You Lose! What will you lose, maybe a couple thousand if it goes sour? So the risk, if any even, is very minimal.

Oh…but if you are thinking this is a “ get rich quick” scheme you are so wrong. This is a highly speculative, long term investment. You have to have guts or no glory! It is that simple. It will take time for Iraq to rebuild all sectors of its society. But they will rebuild not back the way they were pre-1991 – 2003 Saddam Hussien days, but stronger and more vibrant. This will take time but where can you get such high rates of return we have to wait a decade or two for it to pay off. But who really knows. I have proof the Iraqi dinar should have revalued around 2006 this was the original plan, but politics in Iraq held it up. Then again in 2012 and again even in 2015 we witnessed the news of a pending RV. But we still wait. 

Remember the time to buy into something, like a foreign currency, is not after the revaluation occurs. How silly it that! Then it’s too late. I know, I know most will want the certainty but read my lips – like I said then it’s too late, since the cost of the currency normalized by then and it will cost you millions to get very little in return. Then why bother after- the- fact. 

Remember when you buy this type of foreign currency, like the Iraqi dinar, do not hedge it. Do not buy it on a payment plan. Many have already got burned because of this foolishness. Buy it and take possession of it. Buy what you can afford at the time, and as time goes by then buy more and more as your financial resources allow. Then stash it somewhere and tie into an honest site to watch it. But you are not concerned about watching growth like a stock. Get it? What you should be doing is watching for the BIG Revaluation day, the one time shot, the BIG BANG! 

Let’s Begin….

Below is some FACTUAL information on what categories of the lower denominations that still need to be rolled out. We already know that the 250, 500 and 1000 dinar notes are in circulation and are planned to remain in circulation even after the project to delete the zeros is completed. However the CBI and the Finance Ministry often refer to these notes also as the “lower” denominations. But they know there are still “lower of the lower” denominations and these are what I am taking mostly about today in this presentation.

1.What will the new lower denominations would be when the CBI does launch them?

Newer “lower of the lower” denomination notes are as follows:

Bills: 1 dinar, 5 dinar, 10 dinar, 25 dinar, 50 dinar, 100 dinar
Coins: 10 fils, 25 fils, 50 fils and a 1 dinar

with lower coins of 1 fils, 2 fils and 5 fils added later as the economy improves and the value continues to rise.

How will the CBI arrive at these new bills? Let me explain to you.

2.How the process on deleting the zeros will work. Will they null and void out the old 3 zero notes once they redenominate? 

For instance the 1000 dinar bill which is remaining in addition, but if you delete the 3 zeros it also becomes the 1 dinar note. The same applies to the 5,000 bill becomes the 5 bill, the 10,000 becomes the 10 bill and the so on and so forth. If you notice that each of the lower of the lower denomination notes also have a corresponding higher 3 zero note, just add three zeros. Coincidence? No, it is not. This was designed this way all along since October 2003 when they first issued these higher notes. 

So when you delete the three zeros form the currency in the project to delete the zeros, what do you do? You delete three zeros get it? Is this so hard to understand? 

The rate therefore does not change only the bills change. Get it? This is the part that most people do not understand. But it is really not hard to understand. So let me explain it to you in more detail. 

I know, I know this sounds like a weird statement to make but it will be the process. Technically there is not going to be any revaluation in Iraq. Get it? Wow okay so now you are totally confused. Your head is spinning….Don’t be confused. Just read on and TRUST what I am saying. Read it slowly. 

It is not until you take the older three zero dinar notes, when is reinstated on FOREX, at the rate we are all looking to exchange it for. We are outside of Iraq, and we will exchange the dinar for our currency of our own country. For instance: the US dollar, Euro, Canadian dollar Pound, etc, etc. We will do this when there is a significant increase in its exchange rate capability. It is  not going to be realized in Iraq in their country. In Iraq there is not going to be any dancing in the streets, fireworks or celebrations afterwards. Get it? Yes, the people will be glad they finally got rid of these large, cumbersome notes. They will finally see a change back to normalcy. Soon they will forget the wars. 

To fully help you understand even more what is going to happen let me use an example:

Today is October 2, 2021 and the CBI rate is 1450 IQD per 1 USD. This equates to about $17.24 for the value on a 25,000 dinar bill today. Here is how I calculated this: 1.00 /1450 = .00006896 per dinar. Yes, that is not even a penny a dinar. Then multiply .00006896 x 25,000 = $17.24 USD.

Fast forward…today is June27, 2023 and the CBI rate is 1320 IQD per 1 USD. This equates to about $18.94 for the value on a 25,000 dinar bill today using the same method of calculation. Here is how I calculated this: 1.00 /132 = .00007575 per dinar. Yes, that is not even a penny a dinar. Then multiply .00007575 x 25,000 = $18.94 USD.

So, what just happened? We can clearly see that the CBI already revalued the dinar since it went from 1450 to 1320 or $17.50 to $18.95, a $1.45 gain. But did you run to the bank and exchange? Why not? If you had a million dinar that comes to a gain of $757.50.

But in the examples above they are talking about the in country only “program rate” not the FOREX rate. Get it? Some people call it the “sanctioned rate”. Even though technically Iraq is out of sanctions, they still have not reinstated the dinar back to FOREX and so must use the program rate. This what comes next. Why are they waiting so long to do it? Good question, but I don’t have the answer. Does $757.50 sound like a good return to you for a million dinar? Guess again…

Now the CBI finally deletes the zeros and they reinstate the dinar back to FOREX, what happens now? 

I will now use a very possible scenario and give you examples of what happens in country and out of country to the Iraqi dinar after these two events occur: 

In Country of Iraq: For example only, today is July 3, 2023 and the CBI rate was 1320 IQD per 1 USD but now they delete the zeros so you move the decimal over three places to 1.320 IQD or $1.32 per 1 USD. They now drop the zeros both in the program rate and in the notes. Get it? They now have to issue the lower notes too. They must do both. My calculations now looks like this: 1.00 /1.32 = .7575 per dinar. Then multiply .7575 x 25 = $18.94 USD. Oh!!! surprise!, surprise,! no change in rate in country. Get it? 

The newer 25 notes replaces the older 25,000 notes. Thus this equates to about $18.94 for the new value on a 25 dinar bill. Now if the CBI does decide to revalue even more to 1000 from 1320 program rate in country this is what it will look like in country: 

For example only, today is July 3, 2023 and the CBI rate was 1000 IQD per 1 USD but now they delete the zeros so you move the decimal over three places to 1.000 IQD or $1.00 per 1 USD. They now drop the zeros both in the program rate and in the notes. They must do both. My calculations now looks like this: 1.00 /1.00 = 1 per dinar. Then multiply 1 x 25 = $25.00 USD.

Out of Country of Iraq FOREX: For example only, today is July 3, 2023 and the CBI rate was 1000 IQD per 1 USD (which is 1:1 after they delete the zeros) Now they delete the zeros, issue the lower notes and reinstate the dinar to FOREX. The FOREX rate is 1 IQD per $3.86 USD. Now we care. Get it? My calculations now looks like this: 1.00 IQD = $3.86 USD per dinar. Then multiply $3.86 x 25,000 = $96,500,00 USD. Oh!!! surprise!, surprise,! We do not drop our zeros. We are out of country. 

If you had a million dinar that comes to a gain of $3,860,000.00 minus what you initially paid for the currency. That’s a hell of a lot better than $757.50.

I know you are asking yourself what is the value of a single dinar once they delete the zeros? This is all you want to know? Please go back to the examples above. 

My point to giving these examples is to illustrate to you that the CBI may increase the current program rate of the dinar first away from the 1450 to 1320 then to ??? to get the final rate closer to a dollar, if this was the plan to have the final rate closer to $1.00 or over $1.00+. The CBI will  absolutely not have a rate of 1450, 1320 or ??? one day and then after completing the project to delete the zeros have the rate jump to $3.00 or more in country within Iraq. It will not and can not happen this way due to the process of how the project to delete the zeros works. Do you understand? So, to make such a high jump would cause massive inflation or deflation and would destroy the economy. So if they just keep the rate exactly the same as it is today the economy can absorb the changeover much better. As time goes on within Iraq they slowly raise their in country rate. Meanwhile the CBI keeps monitoring for inflation and fighting the parallel market with measures to keep the dinar stable. Get it? 

This is the most likely situation and the situation I am told will probably happen. I know these intel gurus tell you that the “purchasing power” of the dinar will increase after the project to delete the zeros, but I can assure you with 1000% accuracy this is not the plan in-country but will only help in the buying of imports. and the CBI does not want this to happen so suddenly. Yes, they told us it will be gradual and they will slowly adjust the rate inside Iraq as they monitor the economy closely. Why would they not want to do this if they are a professional expert organization concerned about managing the economy correctly? So these intel gurus are full of shit! There will be no massive jump in purchasing power to the citizens and no celbration sin the streets. 

I know how all these intel gurus for years and years have been telling you that there is going to be a huge revaluation within Iraq first and then it will be reinstated. Some have even lied to you telling you it RV’d already in Iraq at $9 and so now you know how this would be impossible and a very stupid thing to say even on your blogs or conference calls. This only shows their ignorance of the entire process. But when you know the process, as you now do, you now know how the project to delete the zeros really works and you realize there is no real revaluation in-country, only dropping the zeros and thus a need to launch notes with the zeros deleted off them. You now also know why the CBI MUST do it this way.

3.How long will we have to take our large 3 zero notes to the bank to exchange them? 

Simple question deserves a simple answer. In 2012 the CBI told us in an article that these 3 zero notes would remain in circulation of at least 10 years once the project to delete the zeros is concluded. The US Treasury has still to give us investors a definite time span to turn them in for exchange. My only guess is this that these 3 zeros notes will be around for a very long time just like the US dollar has many very large notes but you hardly ever see them or hear about them, yet they are still legal tender. 

Having said all this. This is my simple answer – Get your asses to the banks as soon as you can and exchange! 


Story behind the infamous 25, 50 and 100 dinar notes:

The 50 dinar notes up until about 2014 were still partially in use even though they were cancelled in 2003 along with the 25 and 100 dinar notes, as they were of little use due to such low values at that time. For instance a 25 note was worth 1/4 of a cent, 50 note was worth 1/2 cent and the 100 dinar note worth a cent. But who deals in 1/4, 1/2 or even one cent in the market place in Iraq when items price tags are marked up to the whole numbers and rounded off. Even the 100 dinar notes worth 1 cent did not make any sense. So we can see the rollout of these initial denominations in 2003 was partially a flop and not very well received. So this alone indicates to us that it was never intended to go this long without completing the project to delete the zeros and thus realizing a realistic use for these three denominations. 

In mid 2015 the CBI told us the 100 dinar notes would also be launched in early 2016 so we know they fully intended to complete the project to delete the zeros then. 

Many ask me how I know this?

There are no secret sources telling me this. Yes, I have a CBI contact but they are tight lipped when it comes to this sensitive stuff. Instead, I rely on my many years in the Army Intelligence and the brainwashing they gave me during those years to look at raw data, tie it together and make connections. This is what the Army Intelligence Corps paid me to do. This is how I now use my abilities for you to try to help you understand all this. Remember reality is this – things just don’t happen. There is always a target, a plan and interconnections to what the CBI is thinking or does that will give away their final plan.

I believe the CBI will launch once again the 25, 50 and 100 dinar bills JUST BEFORE the project to delete the zeros occurs. I do think it will come out at around 1.00 but at whatever the program rate dictates, as I showed you in my examples above. 

Justification for January as the best timeframe to Reinstate the dinar:

The CBI even went further in the process in 2015 in anticipation to continue with the launching of the other notes too and the project to delete the zeros, however the project was postponed until (as they told us) EARLY in January of 2017. In early 2016 the CBI told us they were also postponing the launching of the 100 dinar notes until the situation was conducive. Did you read this article? 

Also I want to jog everyone’s memory back to 2012. Remember the CBI told the citizens the same thing. That to expect the newer notes and coins to be launched that September 2012, In retrospect since this time the CBI and Dr Shabibi did tell us in many articles they planned to delete the zeros in early 2013. So they confirmed to us this was the plan all along. Do you see the trend?

So this is my justification for telling you we must wait again for this educational process to begin and to see the launching of the new notes and coins which would happen a couple months prior to the reinstatement. The project to delete the zeros must come first and then after they watch for inflation for some time period, they go ahead with the reinstatement which must fall at the beginning of their fiscal year, which is January, as they also told us. Timing is everything! 

NOTE: -Do not put words in my mouth….I did not say the CBI is just going to “trigger” this thing and “launch” all the new notes all at once. I never said that and I still am not saying it. If it seems I did, then I apologize for your ignorance in misreading my intent of my words. Many of you have selective hearing and read into my newsletters to mean what you want it to mean. You get all hyped up from these other conference calls and then come to my newsletters looking for confirmation of their absolute madness and stupidity.

So something or some entity (I believe the IMF) had a conversation in 2015 with the CBI and told them to hold off due to ISIS terrorism and all the money laundering and counterfeiting. This became apparent if you read the SDA (Stand-By-Agreement) between the IMF and the CBI, which was signed right around the time they decided to back off on the continuing the process in the fall of 2015. So go figure!

Remember now the entire political and physical environment in Iraq had changed drastically under PM Abadi. The SDA forced Iraq into all the reforms for the money laundering and counterfeiting. Didn’t you read about all of this effort over the past 2 years? Also we now see ISIS threat is gone, as least to where the CBI needs to have the needed level of SECURITY. There is still the Iranian backed militias and “secret” security forces of Nori al-Maliki and they know they must deal with them too. But they had them too in 2012 and so will this effort hold up the RV? From what I just said what do you think? THINK, THINK, THINK! I do not have all the answers. God gave each of us a brain and so let’s all use it.

Remember also the CBI told us the larger older 3 zero bills will coincide with the newer lower denomination bills for up to 10 years., then be phased out. 

Keep in mind that the 2012 article was an actual press release from the CBI and described each coin and bill in detail including the pictures on the front and back, as if they designs were already done.



June 2012

The Central Bank decided to adopt some of the landmarks and images to be placed on the new currency after the deletion of zeros.

The agency received a copy of the Central Bank’s book, which included cultural and historical landmarks and images to be placed on the currency with the implications of the nearby to the minds of the public and the culture of the Iraqi.


According to the book:

The paper currency included a number of monuments and images, the most important, a picture of the bridge of the imams and the significance of the significance of high value if the bridge reaches between the two sides of the Tigris River and on both sides of the observers Imam Musa Kadhim (p) and Abu Hanifa Numan (Raz).

200 dinar-The book of the bank entitled to the Directorate Nation for issuing cabinets: that this image allocated to the highest class of the new currency,

a category (200) dinars and two hundred dinars on the back of this paper put a picture of the school Mustansiriya in Baghdad.

100 dinar – He added the central bank: (100) dinars, one hundred dinars, pictures of the Zouaiya area in Baghdad, one of the ancient areas in which the bridge was built suspended one of the achievements of the Iraqi state .. Iraq is one of the leading countries in the construction of this type of bridges and shows in the picture building the Central Bank of Iraq , In addition to the building of the University of Baghdad, which is the oldest scientific institution in Iraq in the second half of the twentieth century, while on the back of the paper image (Zaqora), one of the features of the Iraqi architecture at the dawn of history.

50 dinar -The book of the Central Bank: (50) dinars (fifty dinars) picture of King Claudia one of the most famous kings of the dynasty The second pillar (the twelfth king) is the god of growth and fertility, while the back of the paper included a picture of the fortress of Ahkaydir, an archaeological fortress dating back to the Abbasid period and the unique defensive fortresses in a desolate area such as the one built there. This fortress is located to the southwest of the city of Karbala. central bank :

25 dinar – In the face of the paper of the category of (25) dinars (twenty five dinars) put the image of King Hammurabi receives the law .. This son is the father of the spiritual father of human legislation as he wrote the rules governing the life and transactions in his famous Muslim either the back of the paper has included a picture For the agriculture of Kurdistan Iraq contributes with the men in the preparation of the field of agriculture.

10 dinar – The Central Bank: Put on the face of the banknote of the category (10) dinars (ten dinars), the image of the dinar Arab Islamic and represents this dinar, which was minted under the Umayyad state The Islamic state that strikes inside the state is one of the features of the state Sovereignty and economic independence, while the back of the paper has placed a picture of the lighthouse of humpback in Mosul, one of the distinctive features of urban in our beloved Iraq.

5 dinar – In the category of (5) dinars (five dinars) has placed on the face of her paper a picture of a total waterfall on the Iraqi Kurdistan, a reference to the interest of the state water and its sources in addition to interest in tourism and the environment either the back of the paper has been placed a picture of Nakheel Iraq is a sign and property for each land The central bank said in writing:

In line with the best applications and global experiences, decided to stop the basic features of banknotes of the categories (25,000,10,000,5,000) dinars Currently in circulation in the new series (25,10,5) dinars for the public a thousand with it as it was imprinted in his memory.

(Mnt Goat – so the new smaller notes of 5,10 and 25 are replacing the 3 zero notes of 5,000, 10,000 and 25,000 accordingly. This is a 1:1 RV in Iraq. I said within Iraq, did you hear me? In addition they are also issuing a 50, 100, 200 dinar notes of smaller category. Remember they already issued the 50 notes way back in 2015 in the anticipation the reinstatement was going in January of 2016)


The Bank pointed out that it is keen to choose designs for coins that are general and comprehensive and have a positive impact on all the Iraqi people. The coins are shown on the map of Iraq and highlight the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The map shows a circular area to stabilize the coin coin category.

Of the coins included: there are 4 new coins a 250 and 500 fils, 1 and 2 dinar  


2 dinar coin – first category (2) dinars, a picture of (Deir Mti), a historic and spiritual site located in northern Iraq, and taken by the Iraqis from various sects and religions a place of tourism and tourism.

1 dinar coin – While the category (1) dinars picture taken from the fact that the displacement of the Faily Kurds was designed by the Ministry of Culture.

500 fils – (500 fils) was placed on a modern dam on the Euphrates River. It was intended to highlight the importance of water and its storage and organization in Iraq.

250 fils – In the category of (250) fils, pictures of the Kut dam were placed on the Tigris River for the same purpose. ) Fils, a picture of the Lion of Babylon symbol of strength and violence of the Iraqi nation.



Thursday March 14, 2019

The Central Bank published pictures of the currency and metal issued by the Central Bank of Iraq to trade after 2003 did not succeed, which was decided to cancel. 

The paper currency was withdrawn in the category of 50 dinars, which is from the issuance of 2003, which was the front face of the Basra silo and the back of the palm leaf. 

With the withdrawal of the currency with the issuance of 2004 of circulation for categories 25, 50 and 100 dinars for not circulated by the public.
The following are the pictures of these currencies and drawn by the Central Bank of Iraq:



(Remember this article is referring to the 250, 500 and 1000 bills not the other even smaller category bills as many intel gurus tell you. This is FACT not bullshit.)

November 2017

Baghdad / Al-Ghad Press: 
The Central Bank of Iraq called for the need to preserve the local currency, pointing to the strengthening of local banks IN LOCAL CURRENCIES OF SMALL GROUPS. 

A source from the Central Bank of “Al-Ghad Press”, said on Tuesday that “the bank calls for the preservation of the local currency and the strengthening of banks WITH SMALL GROUPS OF LOCAL CURRENCY,” pointing out that “the printing of the Iraqi currency and replace them cost large amounts of money,” calling on citizens to maintain bank notes when trading “.


The source said that “the Central Bank TO SHIP CASH FROM SMALL GROUPS TO GOVERNMENT BANKS AND PRIVATE BANKS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED AMOUNTS given to banks during the month of November last year of the current (554,000,000) dinars (one hundred and fifty-four million dinars) category 1000 dinars and the amount of (202,500,000) Dinars (two hundred and two million five hundred thousand dinars) category of 500 dinars, “adding that” the Central Bank of Iraq pays to the Rafidain and Rashid Bank an amount of not less than (200 million) dinars (two hundred million dinars to change) in almost every withdrawal of its own assets.


Sept 10, 2018


Central Bank of Iraq

The Central Bank of Iraq announced its intention to raise large amounts of local currency, with small categories, while continuing to receive the damaged currency from the citizens and replace it with new.

The governor of the bank Ali al-Alaq said in a press statement: “The Central Bank to develop a plan to compensate the market small categories of local currency, as will be next month large quantities of huge ones,” noting that “these quantities will meet the need of the local market for those categories of currency.”

He added: “The bank continues to receive local currency damaged by citizens and replace them with new currencies,” pointing to the existence of a specialized committee to examine the damaged papers to ensure their safety from fraud and manipulation.



11/26/2017 12:00 AM

We are on the doors of the year 2018 or is the date of deletion of the three zeros of the Iraqi dinar a question addressed to the makers of monetary policy?

The past years have seen widespread debate about the advantages and disadvantages of deleting zeros.

Which brings this debate back to the forefront, but we are at the beginning of the road towards a rational economic reform that restores the country’s strength and strength after being subjected to several tremors almost paralyzed.

I see that the return of the subject delete the zeros to the forefront at a time when the steps of the reform calmly and slowly and unrivaled is a real vision to restore the real value of the Iraqi dinar to remain master of currencies at the level of local trading without rushing on the acquisition of the dollar to invest outside the country, and perhaps the advantages of the dinar equivalent with the dollar in terms of value, content and appearance of the debt to invest domestically, because it is difficult to invest currencies in the world outside the dollar as the currency of the most receptive and popular in transactions and investments.

This and other advantages lead to the adoption of consideration of this project and study the possibility of its application during the year 2018 as one of the basics of monetary and banking reform.

Perhaps follow the steps in reducing the exchange rate of the dollar gradually after the challenge of security will devote convictions and accept the deletion of zeros, which faced in a timely split between supporters and opponents because of poor understanding of raising zeros, and importance and advantages, especially when some believe that the deletion of zeros will reduce the size of the reserves of dinars because their view of their size is not to their true value.

It should be noted that monetary policy had followed a balanced and balanced plan to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar and succeeded to some extent fixed on what it is now, where it was able to reduce from 200 thousand to 100 dollars to 120 thousand dinars and the goal to reach 100 thousand Dinars but circumstances prevented timely completion of the gradual reduction.

Today, it is easy for the Central Bank of Iraq to work on the principle of gradually reducing the exchange rate to the extent that it can be equivalent to the dinar against the dollar, so as to accept and digest the process of deleting zeros, so the advantage of reducing the size of money assured the owner to keep a small amount of cash with the bone market value and actual.

For this, the deletion of zeros or raise them from the Iraqi currency will make them enjoy these advantages in the field of compactness and commercial transactions and the risks are much lower than the large cash volumes.

The bottom line is that it is necessary to adopt the Central Bank of Iraq for the project to delete the zeros and work on its implementation from now in order to achieve the objectives of reducing the size of the monetary mass, and required a media program to devote convictions to the importance of this project.


Rafidain Bank in Dhi Qar confirms that the introduction of ATM depends on the currency

(I included this article that told us that the Automated Teller Machines (ATMS) in Iraq were part of the project to delete the zeros and were only supposed to be turned on when the project occurred. This of course did happen as they are turned them on with the 250, 500 and 1000 notes being now dispensed from them. This was in 2014. Oh…did you read that they already started the project to delete the zeros? Yes, they did in 2014 but remember it was put on-hold due to ISIS over running the country at this time. But this is still a very good sign to us and shows they are serious about doing the project. Remember the CBI refers to these categories are lower denominations too as they are planned to existed in circulation with the other even smaller category notes. )

December 10, 2014

Said the director of the Rafidain Bank in Dhi Qar Hussein Abbadi in a televised interview broadcast by the local Nasiriyah that the introduction of ATM in the markets and banks ARE SUBJECT TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECISION TO DELETE ZEROS FROM THE IRAQI CURRENCY, pointing out that the Iraqi currency suffers from large inflation at the present time.



(I included this article for all those stupid intel gurus who still keep pushing this idea that the Iraqi fiscal year begins on Oct 1st. It does not and this article proves it begins on January 1st. This is import to establish as it is the premise of our January timeframe for the reinstatement.) 

The Ministry of Finance has issued a decision to suspend public sector employment until the 2020 budget is approved.

A document published in a number of media outlets and seen by “Economy News”, said, “Stop the appointment of permanent owners or appointment sought as a contract or daily wage in all ministries and entities not affiliated with the Ministry and provinces as of December 31, 2019 to the end of the current fiscal year and to be considered after the enactment of the federal budget law for 2020 in light of the texts that will be received in accordance with the said law.”

The document also included the suspension of the transfer of staff services between ministries and non-ministry entities or their subsidiaries, whether centrally funded or self-funded, or the transfer of services from public companies, self-funded bodies and directorates to centrally funded departments AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2019 TO THE END OF THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR.

The document confirmed the suspension of the procedure for granting bonuses and promotions to members of its formations and the suspension of the accounting of political separation and the service of lawyers, the service of the contract, the press service and the jihadi service until the enactment of the Federal Budget Law of 2020. LINK


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...