Sunday, April 28, 2024

Stagflation, Higher Rates For Longer; Will Markets Survive? Peter Boockvar

Sudanese Advisor: 2024 budget came into effect. And there is no need to send her schedules to parliament, 28 APRIL

Sudanese Advisor: 2024 budget came into effect. And there is no need to send her schedules to parliament

Baghdad today – Baghdad 

The financial and economic adviser to Prime Minister Mazhar Mohammed Saleh commented today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), on the implementation of the 2024 budget without the approval of its schedules by parliament.

Saleh told Baghdad Today that “the experience of the tripartite public budgets approved under the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (Tripartite Budget), its law has become binding to apply regularly and an annual hierarchy without interruption and according to the applications of public finances in the implementation of the details of the general budget itself in its operational and investment, and because the application of the three-year budget experience as a medium-term financial plan has been adopted in our country for the first time as in line with a text of the amended Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019.”

He pointed out that “the general budget for the year 2024 has become obligatory since the entry of the country into its new fiscal year and in accordance with the laws and financial and economic data contained in the texts of Law No. 13 of 2023 mentioned above, including operating expenses and investment expenses for ongoing and new investment projects, as long as it falls within the general budget constants No. 13 above.

Saleh stressed, “The provision in the Tripartite Budget Law that the executive authority provides tables related to expenditures, revenues and the estimated deficit for the current fiscal year 2024 is a constitutional and supervisory context and falls within the duties of the legislative authority, based on the above. The work of the federal budget (tripartite) law constants does not contradict and proceed in the implementation of the requirements of the national development program, especially in the implementation of new projects approved by their allocations within the law, and that this executive mechanism is the basis on which the philosophy of the tripartite budget was based, which provided legal flexibility in advancing the wheels of economic development projects without a slown time and loss of time opportunities, so the presentation of expenditure and revenues for the fiscal year 2024 is a context in which the legislative authority has within its constitutional supervisory duties to ensure the implementation of the federal tripartite budget law.”مستشار-السوداني-موازنة-2024-دخلت-حيز-التنفيذ.-ولا-حاجة-لإرسال-جداولها-إلى-البرلمان.html


 Mnt Goat  

I don’t want to fill you minds with false hope or over speculate but...we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen...our choo choo train is speeding down the track. The destination is the reinstatement but remember to reach it, the train must first make a couple stops along the way. 

 Many of these stops already occurred as we get closer and closer to our destination.   We can almost see the finish line...

The reinstatement is coming, it won’t be years anymore and I firmly believe from what we already know and what we are now witnessing, the writing is on the wall, but just not yet.Do you hold large sums of Iraqi dinar? Are they the larger three zero notes issued after 2003?  If so, you just might be a millionaire sooner than later.  In the month of April, Iraqi reforms has made monumental leaps and bounds even since 2023. Folks, it’s about to EXPLODE!  It is now openly evident...It would be foolish to turn back now. Full speed ahead, choo-choo.

The reinstatement is coming, it won’t be years anymore and I firmly believe from what we already know and what we are now witnessing, the writing is on the wall, but just not yet.Do you hold large sums of Iraqi dinar? Are they the larger three zero notes issued after 2003?  If so, you just might be a millionaire sooner than later.  In the month of April, Iraqi reforms has made monumental leaps and bounds even since 2023. Folks, it’s about to EXPLODE!  It is now openly evident...It would be foolish to turn back now. Full speed ahead, choo-choo.

The news just keeps getting better and better. CBI contact again confirmed to me that this meeting of Iraq with the Whitehouse had to take place and could be seen as a healing meeting between the two countries.One issue was of course the status of leaving or the pullout of US forces. This issue is clear, as the US forces do not plan to leave Iraq again and destabilize the middle east, especially in these turbulent times...don’t worry it is not going to happen any time soon as long-term plans are being negotiated to give Iraq what it wants and give the US what it wants... 

 I was told by my CBI contact that the currency swap out will happen as they will not hide this event and must inform the citizens (education process...). Yes, they also have to explain the exchange swap-out process and how it will work along with descriptions of the newer lower denominations.

 The CBI will then post those pictures of the lower denominations my contact told me were taken weeks ago. So, just wait and watch it all play out...You should be excited...with FACTUAL knowledge...

 Article:  "IRAQ’S FINANCIAL REVENUES EXCEED 11 TRILLION DINARS (about 11 Billion US Dollars) WITHIN A MONTH Yes, even in a “rentier” oil economy the Iraqi dinar can still maintain a realistic rate of at least $3 or more...

Iraqi Dinar now everyone is an expert 04/28/24 BY PIMPY

Parliament expects 2024 budget schedules to arrive, 28 APRIL

Parliament expects 2024 budget schedules to arrive

Economy News – Baghdad

On Sunday, MP Mohammed Al-Bayati said that the 2024 budget schedules will arrive before the start of the legislative holiday on May 10.

Al-Bayati said in an interview followed by “Economy News”, that “the 2024 budget schedules are prepared by the government committees and approved before being sent to the House of Representatives in order to conduct the contexts adopted in the audit and take the measures it deems appropriate before being submitted to the vote.”

Al-Bayati added, “The government has informed us that it will send the 2024 budget schedules before May 10, which is the date for the start of the legislative holiday of the House of Representatives, which will continue beyond Eid al-Adha,” stressing “the importance of its arrival early in order to complete the procedures by the Finance Committee.”

He pointed out that “there are efforts to ensure the rights of many segments in the 2024 budget items and schedules,” but it cannot be judged without waiting for the numbers it included.

The head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said yesterday, Saturday, that it is hoped that the 2024 budget schedules will arrive next week, according to a statement on his platform on Facebook.




Al-Sudani and Nechirvan Barzani discuss improving the service and living conditions of citizens


On Saturday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, the files, issues, and treatments taken by the government in a way that contributes to improving the service and living conditions of citizens.

The Prime Minister's Media Office said, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, this Saturday evening, met the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and his accompanying delegation."

He added, "During the meeting, the most prominent files, issues, and treatments taken by the government in the service and development fields were discussed, in accordance with what was stated in the government program, and in a way that contributes to improving the service and living conditions of citizens throughout the country."

He continued: "The meeting emphasized the continuation of constructive dialogues on common issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region, and many topics in political matters were also discussed, as both parties stressed the importance of continuing to support the government's efforts internally and externally, and working to strengthen the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil. “This requires the concerted efforts of all political forces in this path.”

According to the statement, the Prime Minister considered the visits of the President of the Region a positive step to resolve all common issues.

For his part, the President of the Region expressed his appreciation for the steps of the Prime Minister, and his insistence on communication and dialogue with various national forces, in a way that enhances political stability.


The Central Bank of Iraq's $600 Million Troubles IQD VND Rates & News BY SANDY INGRAM


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...