Sunday, April 28, 2024


 Mnt Goat  

I don’t want to fill you minds with false hope or over speculate but...we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen...our choo choo train is speeding down the track. The destination is the reinstatement but remember to reach it, the train must first make a couple stops along the way. 

 Many of these stops already occurred as we get closer and closer to our destination.   We can almost see the finish line...

The reinstatement is coming, it won’t be years anymore and I firmly believe from what we already know and what we are now witnessing, the writing is on the wall, but just not yet.Do you hold large sums of Iraqi dinar? Are they the larger three zero notes issued after 2003?  If so, you just might be a millionaire sooner than later.  In the month of April, Iraqi reforms has made monumental leaps and bounds even since 2023. Folks, it’s about to EXPLODE!  It is now openly evident...It would be foolish to turn back now. Full speed ahead, choo-choo.

The reinstatement is coming, it won’t be years anymore and I firmly believe from what we already know and what we are now witnessing, the writing is on the wall, but just not yet.Do you hold large sums of Iraqi dinar? Are they the larger three zero notes issued after 2003?  If so, you just might be a millionaire sooner than later.  In the month of April, Iraqi reforms has made monumental leaps and bounds even since 2023. Folks, it’s about to EXPLODE!  It is now openly evident...It would be foolish to turn back now. Full speed ahead, choo-choo.

The news just keeps getting better and better. CBI contact again confirmed to me that this meeting of Iraq with the Whitehouse had to take place and could be seen as a healing meeting between the two countries.One issue was of course the status of leaving or the pullout of US forces. This issue is clear, as the US forces do not plan to leave Iraq again and destabilize the middle east, especially in these turbulent times...don’t worry it is not going to happen any time soon as long-term plans are being negotiated to give Iraq what it wants and give the US what it wants... 

 I was told by my CBI contact that the currency swap out will happen as they will not hide this event and must inform the citizens (education process...). Yes, they also have to explain the exchange swap-out process and how it will work along with descriptions of the newer lower denominations.

 The CBI will then post those pictures of the lower denominations my contact told me were taken weeks ago. So, just wait and watch it all play out...You should be excited...with FACTUAL knowledge...

 Article:  "IRAQ’S FINANCIAL REVENUES EXCEED 11 TRILLION DINARS (about 11 Billion US Dollars) WITHIN A MONTH Yes, even in a “rentier” oil economy the Iraqi dinar can still maintain a realistic rate of at least $3 or more...

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