Sunday, April 28, 2024

Parliament expects 2024 budget schedules to arrive, 28 APRIL

Parliament expects 2024 budget schedules to arrive

Economy News – Baghdad

On Sunday, MP Mohammed Al-Bayati said that the 2024 budget schedules will arrive before the start of the legislative holiday on May 10.

Al-Bayati said in an interview followed by “Economy News”, that “the 2024 budget schedules are prepared by the government committees and approved before being sent to the House of Representatives in order to conduct the contexts adopted in the audit and take the measures it deems appropriate before being submitted to the vote.”

Al-Bayati added, “The government has informed us that it will send the 2024 budget schedules before May 10, which is the date for the start of the legislative holiday of the House of Representatives, which will continue beyond Eid al-Adha,” stressing “the importance of its arrival early in order to complete the procedures by the Finance Committee.”

He pointed out that “there are efforts to ensure the rights of many segments in the 2024 budget items and schedules,” but it cannot be judged without waiting for the numbers it included.

The head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said yesterday, Saturday, that it is hoped that the 2024 budget schedules will arrive next week, according to a statement on his platform on Facebook.

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