Saturday, September 2, 2023

An Economist Explains The Importance Of Implementing The Unified Treasury Project In Iraq, 2 SEPT

He Stressed That It Will Limit The Possibility Of The Corrupt Seizing Cash…. An Economist Explains The Importance Of Implementing The Unified Treasury Project In Iraq

Posted On2023-08-31 By Sotaliraq   He emphasized that it would limit the possibility of the corrupt appropriating cash… An economist explains to Al-Zawraa the importance of implementing the unified treasury project in Iraq 

The Possibility Of Corrupt Takeover Of Cash.

Qusai said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: “The process of controlling the cash flows entering the accounts of the federal ministries and more than 4,500 government units requires electronic linking between these units in order to know the inflows and outflows. The establishment of the unified treasury account aims to monitor government performance from through cash flows.”

He added, “The position of the Prime Minister can know the cash flows of any unit of account, the movement of incoming cash and the outgoing transfer in order to evaluate performance and know the possibility that there will be more investment of inward cash and in line with the required liquidity, for example at the level of customs and at the level of taxes. For any government activity, there is a return.” Govt.

And he indicated that “the establishment of the unified treasury account makes it easier for the Ministry of Finance to manage and control cash and limit the possibility of seizing this cash by the corrupt, because showing this account will contribute to knowing where the cash flows come from and where they go, why the decrease has not been made, and the reason for the decrease in collection, all of them are matters We can obtain it by establishing the unified treasury account.”

He pointed out that “this account will be linked with an administrative financial account for integrated purposes, that is, an integrated administrative financial system that will accompany the establishment of the treasury account, so that there will be monitoring of the performance of levels of responsibility within one department in order to also improve government performance and achieve the goals of the financial and administrative reform program, as pledged by the Sudanese government.” ".

He stressed that it is considered “within the financial, administrative and financial reforms in the first place, but the integrated administrative financial account is set within the administrative side as well, and it will contribute to the control of incoming and outgoing cash flows.

The unified treasury and you go to the secondary website of the Passports Department. You will know the amount of cash that was collected in exchange for the passport issuance service, or for, for example, the crossing of such and such a truck, or for, for example, the fee for performing such and such a task.

You can draw a map through which you monitor the cash flows and hold accountable the officials in those units from where they come. The money and where it goes.  LINK


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Tax authority saying getting things in place to never have another ‘Crime of the Century’

FRANK: Security and stability, that’s how you’re going to get your new exchange rate.

This monetary reform is taking the IQD to places of international affairs that are no longer sanctioned.  The IQD they say will be king as the USD steps back in the banking structure of Iraq and now in the whole Middle East…Then Alaq caps this report by saying we are increasing out capital.  What do you think that means That means they are going to increase your currency count with new lower denomination notes…Doesn’t get any better than that.

You still see whatever you see as the exchange rate on the CBI website.  You can go to the…airport and it’s still at 13-whatever.  But you see the [CBI] articles tell you, ‘Our official exchange rate is 1132…’  I’m going to believe the CBI.  I’m going to say, ‘Yes sir, understood!’


 Judy Note: On Mon. 28 Aug. 2023 200 countries and 11,000 institutions switched over from the old SWIFT Financial System to the new Quantum Financial Blockchain System. The CBCD disconnected while the new and completely un-hackable Stellar Blockchain went live. Quantum Financial System and the Tier 4B Internet Group – Dive Deep Into the World of Currency Revaluation, Redemption Centres, and NESARA GESARA Payments – American Media Group (

Global Currency Reset:

  • Fri. 1 Sept. MarkZ: I have some group leaders telling me that they know the exact timing, they are not telling me the date, but they seem as content as the Cheshire cat! Bond people were still expecting contracts at any time. On Fri. night 25 Aug. a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding. Banks were saying there would be a free flow of money after the Labor Day banking holiday on Tues. 5 Sept. Redemption Center folk were told not to take a Labor Day vacation and to be available on Sun. 3 Sept.

Global Financial Crisis:

RV/GCR Banking Collapse, Charlie Ward

  • BANKING COLLAPSE Unveils Shocking Connections to Tribunals and War Crimes! Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. Brace yourself for the impending catastrophic COLLAPSE that will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond.
  • Hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy.
  • Israel’s Descent into Chaos: An Unfolding Catastrophe. The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent COLLAPSE. Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil unrest spirals into full-blown riots.
  • Meanwhile, the colossal COLLAPSE of SVB BANKS in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries. The COLLAPSE, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports.
  • The Global Event: We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos. Massive chaos looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared for the impending COLLAPSE EVENT.


  • Fri. 1 Sept. A Historic Union: NESARA and GESARA Join Forces to Usher in a New Golden Age – Learn About the Global Gold-Standard Monetary System, Wealth Proliferation, and the End of Poverty – American Media Group (
  • Fri. 1 Sept. The Dawn of a New World, Charlie Ward “The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!” Prepare for a world where poverty, hunger and debt are relics of the past, replaced by global prosperity and lasting peace for all!
  • NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA: In a monumental shift, NESARA, a comprehensive economic reform plan for the United States, has united its destiny with GESARA, its global counterpart. This momentous announcement heralds a profound transformation that will impact not only the United States but also a coalition of 206 sovereign nations worldwide. The linchpin of this transformation is the new financial system enshrined within GESARA.
  • A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System: Once GESARA takes center stage, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will declare the inception of a “global gold-standard monetary system.” In this new era, all remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, a significant step away from paper money. The march toward digital currencies will gain momentum under this revitalized financial system.
  • A Transition Rooted in Simplicity : To ensure a seamless transition, meticulous preparations have been made. The new financial system has been operational for months, securely hosted on a quantum server impervious to hacking or unauthorized access. Crucially, wealth proliferation is a cornerstone of this transformation. Newly minted wealth holders are more inclined to contribute to humanitarian efforts, ultimately fostering wealth for all.
  • Wealth-Building Mechanisms: This transformation might witness a shortage of skilled workers, which, paradoxically, is a wealth-building catalyst. The resulting surge in wages and salaries counterbalances the price drop stemming from tax reductions, sometimes up to 80% of final product costs, thus ushering in deflation. Lower energy costs, thanks to free-energy technologies, further contribute to this financial renaissance.
  • The Future: A Glorious Reality: Our future is poised to be a grand tapestry of innovation and abundance. Technologies once suppressed by the cabal, some dating back centuries, are finally being unleashed. For instance, the pristine waters of Antarctica will revitalize arid regions and infuse life into all flora and fauna. A world with personalized credit cards, Replicators that produce everything, and newfound awareness of the power of the mind to manifest our desires awaits. Real healthcare capable of rejuvenating our bodies, re-growing limbs or organs, and even reversing the aging process by decades is on the horizon.
  • Liberation from Financial Chains: Money and traditional banking, tools historically employed by the cabal to manipulate and control us within a debt-based economy, are slated for obsolescence. Coinage, however, will endure. With the elimination of national debts globally, taxes will be lowered for individuals and corporations. Instead, a flat sales tax of approximately 15% on new items will be implemented.
  • The Dissolution of the Global Elite’s Pyramid: The current pyramid structure dominated by the global elite, governments, and corporations has reached its limit. This structure perpetuates class divisions and scarcity. True spiritual evolution arises when one’s identity transcends material attachments. With the advent of free energy, advanced transportation, and Replicators accessible to all, true equality emerges. No one will be enslaved, people will pursue their passions with ample free time for reflection and creativity. Hoarding becomes unnecessary.
  • A Vision of Advanced Civilization: In advanced civilizations, concerns about food, shelter, and transportation are relics of the past. As NESARA and GESARA unfurl, we stand on the brink of a world where prosperity, freedom, and innovation thrive, and the human spirit soars unburdened by material concerns.


Friday, September 1, 2023

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Iraq Government: Implementation of Railway Link P...



There is still concern about the dollar and the smuggling of dollars out of Iraq.
They told me this is contrary to what you are hearing in the Iraqi news.
There is still work to be done in this area.
It was also confirmed to me that the CBI did intend to conduct the project to delete the zeros sooner than later but there are obstacles to moving ahead that still need work.
In brief, where are we with this RV?
This step will be announced and shown to the world, if you wanted to read Iraqi news channels.
Think about it, this next step of redenomination is going to be huge for the Iraqi people.
But here is the good news, the “secret” lies (hush up) in the redenomination in that the next step afterwards is the reinstatement and the liberalization of the dinar back to its “former glory”.
Like I told you many times already one of the major obstacles is in all the US corruption going on and the Obama plan for Iraq, now the Biden plan (to restructure Iraq completely prior to the RV) is not a workable plan in the short-term.
It has been over a decade already with this plan and you can see where we are.
We all know this is a senseless plan and can never be accomplished in the short term.
We would be waiting decades more if this plan is still pushed.
It must change and a more sensible plan put in place.
Yes, a practical plan put in to place to allow the dinar to RV and then to rebuild Iraq using this money and investors.
As the country grows so would the value of the dinar.
You can’t do it all without the RV.
This is where the Obama rebuilding plan falls flat on its face.
Of course nothing these radical, extreme socialist do, now in the US government, seems to make any sense.
But of course they really want to stall the RV too because they don’t want the American investors, like us having all this new wealth.
What could this new wealth do for the US?
1. It could be used to support political parties and candidates that they do not agree with;
2. It could be given to charities to help the poor and stabilize our countries.
This also the democrats really don’t want, as they luv crisis after crisis as it gives them FEAR in the population and thru the FEAR they obtain power and control (this is called illegitimate power);
3. After seeing the spending of the Biden administration, one has to ask “where did all these trillions of dollars go?” –
So I believe, and you can also see the proof if you know anything about the WEF and UN plans for the future of America, that they want to basically bankrupt the US and then rebuild a Marxist type of financial system controlling everyone’s money down to the last penny.
We already see the Central Bank Digital Currency as just a taste of what they want to do.
Remember their form of the “reset”.
It is to tear down first and then rebuild it according to Marxist/communist doctrine.
“You will own nothing and you will be happy”.
So if you are not to own nothing then who is going to take it from you so you have nothing?
Do you seriously think these elitists and rich are going to give up their big yachts, Bently cars, mansions, servants and land grabs?
We already see the evidence in Maui of their greed and influence.
So, basically why would they want us to have all this money pumped into the economy?
It goes against their plan.
They want two classes – the very rich and the very poor.
But there will be change in the administration and it is coming sooner than later next January.
If we don’t see the RV soon we are entering into the window of January 2024!
Could this be their target all along?


Today, Thursday (August 31, 2023), economic expert Mahdi Dawai considered Iraq to have succeeded in creating an economic partnership with its regional surroundings, as well as creating “spatial development” that will end many problems.

Dawai said in an interview with “Baghdad Today”, that “the government of Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani succeeded in creating an economic vision through openness to its regional surroundings, and it was embodied in multiple steps, the most prominent of which is the development path that has three economic, social and tourism dimensions, starting from the port of Faw to Turkey, and the planned To open up towards other neighboring countries,” considering that “breaking the local cordon towards the regional and global in a country in dire need for the entry of foreign investment and the creation of spatial development that will end many problems.”
(I wish one of them was the reinstatement of the dinar…. 😊)

He added, “The rapprochement with the Gulf countries is another important step that has economic dimensions, accompanied by balance and careful dealing with the eastern and western camps, with the adoption of a financial and monetary policy aimed at stability despite the crises,” stressing that “the rise in oil prices gave high flexibility to the Iraqi economy, and the possibility of providing financial resources.” To finance investments to enhance the capabilities of the infrastructure, which is the most important in any future investment axes.

He pointed out that “Iraq, with its qualifications, economic wealth and important geographical location, is able to form a compass in the world of economy and international trade within years, if there is the ability, management and planning to proceed with all strategic projects that are a building block in the world of the country’s largest economic change.”

Since assuming the position in October 2022, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani has sought with great enthusiasm to complete the previous steps to complete economic deals, whether with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in addition to the path of development with Turkey.

However, security and political challenges may hinder the possibility of the Sudanese taking any steps beyond signing formal agreements, as it used to happen every time an Iraqi prime minister signed such agreements, according to observers.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 8-31-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:20

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday August 31st and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in tonight. We were fortunate enough to be able to get this call out tonight to 73 countries around the globe and that's with participation and coordination with the Starlink satellite system and our satellite transmission team as a okay five high five and just did a great job getting the call out to as many countries as we could tonight. So thank you guys for doing that. And welcome everybody to the call tonight.

Let's get into the intel segment for tonight. Now let's start this way.  There was a call - the second tier pay masters of the bonds are looking to hear either last night or this morning.   They got the call.    But it wasn't the call that they were looking for.

Okay, it was a call and I imagine they got something out of it, but what not the “GO” signal, the green light that they were looking for - Now, that was that was yes, earlier

Now today - At noon, they got a call and this is the way we have to look at it - there are two tears of pay masters for all the bondholders in the world.

The top tier paymasters, they deal with lower tier and second tier below, top tier pay masters about 47 of them - 47 are expecting a call. They were expecting a call tomorrow at noon, which was 24 hours after the call that was received today.  So we have that whole 24 / 48 hour thing happening.

The call that came in at noon did not bring what they wanted to hear - the call that came in that was going to come in tomorrow at about noon - 24 hours later, actually happened today. They did it sooner. They did it somewhere in the - let's call it finished about 5:30 - 5:45 Eastern time this evening. This was the call that they were looking forward to hearing.

And the plan is now to have a green light and then let from this point on let the remaining tier one banks and the rest of the lower paymasters know by email, what the plan is for the release of their funds, which will be by email and then they will send emails to their recipients to the bondholders, giving them access to funds.

Now, the other thing that is important, this call was not just to the 47 Tier one top tier payment masters - It was also to all of the redemption centers - Key top people throughout the country. So they are up to speed having been on that second call. - And so are the top tier paymasters

 Now what we believe we have is ability to move forward tomorrow with our notifications on the first of September. However, it could be that we're notified tomorrow or Saturday, but it looks more like tomorrow with a start of exchanges to be on Saturday.  Say wait a minute, man, this is Labor Day weekend - nothing's gonna ….  STOP !  Things can happen even over Labor Day weekend.

At least that's what we're hearing that we can get started. Wait, can we get numbers tomorrow? Maybe we set our appointments tomorrow. and maybe we start actually on Saturday and if that's the case, we will power through the weekend.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc they will use this Labor Day weekend, providing we do get started on Saturday. So keep that in mind. That's a really good thing.

Another point is in certain areas of the country where manufacturing is going on around the clock with three shifts - usually 8 hr shifts, right - morning - night time – graveyard - all those different shift workers that are building things like in Detroit, where they're manufacturing cars up there, there's another city too, in Michigan, I'm not sure which one it is that has shift work like that around the clock -redemption centers in those two cities. - Detroit and the second one - we don’t know yet - those will do exchanges around the clock. They will have people there that will do three shifts for eight hours each and do exchanges in the wee hours of the morning, late at night everything 

Be right back because I knew I'd be getting this call - Let me take this - Sue  If you're there talk for a couple of minutes. Okay.

It was it was it was an important piece of information. so Okay guys, we're gonna be able to share that, of course, you know I’m not holding back. Looking forward to it. So where was i? Okay.

So we were talking about the weekend. We're talking about powering through the weekend. And the good news is and I think this call helped to confirm it that we should be notified tomorrow after markets close.

I'm suggesting approximately five o'clock. It may be that time it may not - but around five o'clock we should get notified and that may be five in each time zone.

As I've said in the past I don't know if they're going with that still - they did agree to do that before but I don't know where it is now. But that is likely tomorrow late afternoon. Five o'clock ish. We should get notifications -set uour appointments - and start on Saturday. That is what it appears to be - based on the information I had, And this helped to confirm it.

So what else is there that I want to bring up? We should see a political change In the next 24 to 48 hours max - that I have referred to on the last call. So if you're there and heard that you know what that's going to be about

Otherwise, this is  - this should be it guys. This should be your last call - Sue already called it - should probably be the last call but I think she's right. I believe this is –

This thing is looking like we're finally - finally reaching the end of what we've been waiting for - for my case, 19 years. The big call 12 years.

Well listen guys I don't know at this point whether we're going to have a celebration call. I'm calling this now like a pre celebration call - I really think that that you guys have everything that I wanted to bring to you tonight.

If I recall everything that we've brought to you over the last 12 years, and some of it's changed - I know -some of it is different but the most of it is still good, it's still true. Don't worry about the rates, rates are  gonna take care of their self I thin

The main thing is to have stuff organized, get your currency organized - By you know -whether it's zim or Dong or dinar or rupee or whatever Bolivar whatever you got – organized to keep it separated by  the currency type.

 And then make sure that denominations in those currencies are lined up where they're  all the 500 Millions are together 200 million together, whatever - the  zims are together,  the 10T are together – 100T are together - the 50 trillion together - so that you have it all together where they can easily run through the Delarue  machine and knock that out for you.

I think it's going to be fun. Remember, they're only planning for 40 minutes for each of us as a max number. And even if you have a ton of currency, they think they can knock it out. So we'll see what happens on that.

If you've got bonds, and you haven't done your bonds yet, bring them if you've got 30 Let's call them sheet bonds, 30 bonds or less, bring them to the redemption center and they should and tell them when you send your appointment and you have bonds - to tell them when you sell it –

If you get somebody on the phone at the redemption centers you're setting your appoint three call center using the toll free number - tell them hey, I've got Zim Yes. I also have sheet bonds. I've got some German bonds. I've got some Chinese bonds. I've got railroad bonds. I've got you know Peruvian gold bonds, whatever it is.

Whatever it is, let them know that you have that at the time you set your appointment, and that way they can allow a little bit extra time for that.

Because they're going to need a little extra time – Be sure to NOT get to your appointment no more than 10 minutes early for your appointment time.

Let's see what else you can take your phone in – but  keep it in your purse or in your briefcase and put it on like airplane mode. Okay, because you don't want to get to disturb anybody including yourself with a phone call or text. just set that up. you can be off your phone, believe it or not for 40 minutes, you will live. And you will live.

If you have blue pens, Well that's good too. Sue - Thank you for that. Yeah. Take some blue pens with you a couple of blue writing pens. - To show that it is original when you sign something.

And one thing I was gonna say is if you have people that are working with you on projects, and you want to be able to discuss certain aspects of eployment or certain things that the NDA would say that you're not supposed to talk to - make sure those people - you might have up to six or eight people that you put on a list a sheet - that would be an addendum to your to your NDA or non disclosure agreement.

It's an addendum. You're saying okay, I'm gonna put this person who's working on my project, this person who I'm very close to this person, all these people put their names in and make sure that they can be added as an addendum. to your NDA. Make sure it's a tight copy. Make sure you keep a copy of yourself and have a copy to give to them.- so they can be attached to your nondisclosure agreement.

Non disclosure should have been written in layman's terms. You should be able to read and understand that should be about a page and a half long. Once they've extended it. it was less than we look it's like a page and a half.

Look guys, this is not a warm fuzzy. They want you in and out -  kind of be business like you can be pleasant. You can smile you can have a little fun with it, but it's not trying to entertain . That's not what its gonna be. how am I going to keep this personality down? Ha ha I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll go in and I'll be thinking about Sue and then I'll be able to stay focused.

So Yeah, that's really what I wanted to say.

And you the cameras, no phone cameras, nothing that there will be a little redemption centers – there will be a US Marshall -  and if you're involved in any hanky panky – watch out because any shenanigans because you could get yanked  out of there and without an exchange. So this is straight up seriousness.  So treat it as such.

Let's see any other things I want to mention last chance. I think like really try to keep the celebration mode even when you leave to a minimum. And guys, don't go nuts over this Labor Day weekend and drink it up. I mean, this is like a graduation day for us.

It's like remember kids in high school that would get all drunk after graduation? And then sure surely is at the world. Somebody would be tooling around. And all of a sudden buy a tree and boom next thing you know,  there's somebody dead who just graduated.

You know, we're not going to be those people. Let's graduate. Let's be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. Let's go ahead, enjoy it and enjoy it at home. you know, keep it on the downlow. and don't get  to these NDA’s you're gonna go for at least 30 days and some of it.

Some of them will judge you they will judge you When you give your presentation as to make your NDA a 30 day. If you're good kind of a thing And if you don't look like you're that good - The 60 or 90 Day NDA.

So you know be straight up -  forward be honest. And if they ask you any questions when you come in about debt or anything that you need to own up on this let them know Yeah, yeah, I suppose that they're gonna know and that's what they're doing. They're testing you to see if you are telling the truth. Right off the bat. You tell them the truth about what it is you may owe or whatever, then they'll know hey, this guy's an upright person, or this woman is straight up. She's, she's honest and and forthright and she's going to be telling the truth. And that's what they want to hear from us. So that's your last minute instruction for tonight. So let's go ahead and take that information.

Be prepared for emails to come out. I don't know Exactly - I know they're supposed to be coming off of Wells Fargo servers. I would look for them after market closed tomorrow and  let’s see what happens. See if they come out tomorrow. See if their appointments starting Saturday. I'm hoping that's the case. It looks good for us. Okay. So, everybody have a wonderful  - wonderful Labor Day weekend. Let's start everything off tomorrow with a bang. Because I think that's where we're gonna be. All right. So let's pray this call out. Okay.

World Trade Organization - World Bank - Iraq Dinar - International MILITIAMAN, 1 SEPT


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...