Saturday, September 2, 2023

An Economist Explains The Importance Of Implementing The Unified Treasury Project In Iraq, 2 SEPT

He Stressed That It Will Limit The Possibility Of The Corrupt Seizing Cash…. An Economist Explains The Importance Of Implementing The Unified Treasury Project In Iraq

Posted On2023-08-31 By Sotaliraq   He emphasized that it would limit the possibility of the corrupt appropriating cash… An economist explains to Al-Zawraa the importance of implementing the unified treasury project in Iraq 

The Possibility Of Corrupt Takeover Of Cash.

Qusai said in an interview with Al-Zawraa: “The process of controlling the cash flows entering the accounts of the federal ministries and more than 4,500 government units requires electronic linking between these units in order to know the inflows and outflows. The establishment of the unified treasury account aims to monitor government performance from through cash flows.”

He added, “The position of the Prime Minister can know the cash flows of any unit of account, the movement of incoming cash and the outgoing transfer in order to evaluate performance and know the possibility that there will be more investment of inward cash and in line with the required liquidity, for example at the level of customs and at the level of taxes. For any government activity, there is a return.” Govt.

And he indicated that “the establishment of the unified treasury account makes it easier for the Ministry of Finance to manage and control cash and limit the possibility of seizing this cash by the corrupt, because showing this account will contribute to knowing where the cash flows come from and where they go, why the decrease has not been made, and the reason for the decrease in collection, all of them are matters We can obtain it by establishing the unified treasury account.”

He pointed out that “this account will be linked with an administrative financial account for integrated purposes, that is, an integrated administrative financial system that will accompany the establishment of the treasury account, so that there will be monitoring of the performance of levels of responsibility within one department in order to also improve government performance and achieve the goals of the financial and administrative reform program, as pledged by the Sudanese government.” ".

He stressed that it is considered “within the financial, administrative and financial reforms in the first place, but the integrated administrative financial account is set within the administrative side as well, and it will contribute to the control of incoming and outgoing cash flows.

The unified treasury and you go to the secondary website of the Passports Department. You will know the amount of cash that was collected in exchange for the passport issuance service, or for, for example, the crossing of such and such a truck, or for, for example, the fee for performing such and such a task.

You can draw a map through which you monitor the cash flows and hold accountable the officials in those units from where they come. The money and where it goes.  LINK

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