Friday, September 1, 2023



There is still concern about the dollar and the smuggling of dollars out of Iraq.
They told me this is contrary to what you are hearing in the Iraqi news.
There is still work to be done in this area.
It was also confirmed to me that the CBI did intend to conduct the project to delete the zeros sooner than later but there are obstacles to moving ahead that still need work.
In brief, where are we with this RV?
This step will be announced and shown to the world, if you wanted to read Iraqi news channels.
Think about it, this next step of redenomination is going to be huge for the Iraqi people.
But here is the good news, the “secret” lies (hush up) in the redenomination in that the next step afterwards is the reinstatement and the liberalization of the dinar back to its “former glory”.
Like I told you many times already one of the major obstacles is in all the US corruption going on and the Obama plan for Iraq, now the Biden plan (to restructure Iraq completely prior to the RV) is not a workable plan in the short-term.
It has been over a decade already with this plan and you can see where we are.
We all know this is a senseless plan and can never be accomplished in the short term.
We would be waiting decades more if this plan is still pushed.
It must change and a more sensible plan put in place.
Yes, a practical plan put in to place to allow the dinar to RV and then to rebuild Iraq using this money and investors.
As the country grows so would the value of the dinar.
You can’t do it all without the RV.
This is where the Obama rebuilding plan falls flat on its face.
Of course nothing these radical, extreme socialist do, now in the US government, seems to make any sense.
But of course they really want to stall the RV too because they don’t want the American investors, like us having all this new wealth.
What could this new wealth do for the US?
1. It could be used to support political parties and candidates that they do not agree with;
2. It could be given to charities to help the poor and stabilize our countries.
This also the democrats really don’t want, as they luv crisis after crisis as it gives them FEAR in the population and thru the FEAR they obtain power and control (this is called illegitimate power);
3. After seeing the spending of the Biden administration, one has to ask “where did all these trillions of dollars go?” –
So I believe, and you can also see the proof if you know anything about the WEF and UN plans for the future of America, that they want to basically bankrupt the US and then rebuild a Marxist type of financial system controlling everyone’s money down to the last penny.
We already see the Central Bank Digital Currency as just a taste of what they want to do.
Remember their form of the “reset”.
It is to tear down first and then rebuild it according to Marxist/communist doctrine.
“You will own nothing and you will be happy”.
So if you are not to own nothing then who is going to take it from you so you have nothing?
Do you seriously think these elitists and rich are going to give up their big yachts, Bently cars, mansions, servants and land grabs?
We already see the evidence in Maui of their greed and influence.
So, basically why would they want us to have all this money pumped into the economy?
It goes against their plan.
They want two classes – the very rich and the very poor.
But there will be change in the administration and it is coming sooner than later next January.
If we don’t see the RV soon we are entering into the window of January 2024!
Could this be their target all along?


Today, Thursday (August 31, 2023), economic expert Mahdi Dawai considered Iraq to have succeeded in creating an economic partnership with its regional surroundings, as well as creating “spatial development” that will end many problems.

Dawai said in an interview with “Baghdad Today”, that “the government of Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani succeeded in creating an economic vision through openness to its regional surroundings, and it was embodied in multiple steps, the most prominent of which is the development path that has three economic, social and tourism dimensions, starting from the port of Faw to Turkey, and the planned To open up towards other neighboring countries,” considering that “breaking the local cordon towards the regional and global in a country in dire need for the entry of foreign investment and the creation of spatial development that will end many problems.”
(I wish one of them was the reinstatement of the dinar…. 😊)

He added, “The rapprochement with the Gulf countries is another important step that has economic dimensions, accompanied by balance and careful dealing with the eastern and western camps, with the adoption of a financial and monetary policy aimed at stability despite the crises,” stressing that “the rise in oil prices gave high flexibility to the Iraqi economy, and the possibility of providing financial resources.” To finance investments to enhance the capabilities of the infrastructure, which is the most important in any future investment axes.

He pointed out that “Iraq, with its qualifications, economic wealth and important geographical location, is able to form a compass in the world of economy and international trade within years, if there is the ability, management and planning to proceed with all strategic projects that are a building block in the world of the country’s largest economic change.”

Since assuming the position in October 2022, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani has sought with great enthusiasm to complete the previous steps to complete economic deals, whether with Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in addition to the path of development with Turkey.

However, security and political challenges may hinder the possibility of the Sudanese taking any steps beyond signing formal agreements, as it used to happen every time an Iraqi prime minister signed such agreements, according to observers.

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  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...