Saturday, April 27, 2024

More recent very good news….PART2, BY MNT GOAT, 27 APRIL

  More recent very good news….PART2, BY MNT GOAT, 27 APRIL

Also, in today’s news the European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Thomas Seiler, welcomed the Iraqi government’s signing of the Singapore Mediation Agreement. This is considered a milestone for resolving commercial disputes trade, and I am pleased that the technical support provided by the European Union to anti-corruption and international arbitration efforts has been important and effective. Why are they signing this agreement? It is because they are lining up for some massive trade with the EU and the EU will want this mediation agreement.

 Folks this is all tied too  what is coming next and its massive business for Iraq thus massive revenues. Iraq alone is ripe with new customers, never mind the rest of the middle east. Folks, it may seem hard to believe now that peace and prosperity will come to all of the middle east and that time is not far off. Remember president Trumps mantra – Peace through Prosperity not War. But first we must overcome these entities bent on constant war and them lying to us and justifying it with “humanitarian” sympathies. Folks, just so you know these are the same wicked people who orchestrate and start these wars, and then later want you to support them for “humanitarian reasons”. It is all a game. Trump wants to end this game and use these national treasured to grow and prosper our sovereign nations.  

So , as intelligent investors we must stop looking at the WTO as just another target, thinking that Iraq needs a rate to join and so…… Instead why don’t you educate yourself and pay attention the entire stream of activity interconnected with trade with Iraq and then why the WTO membership then becomes so important for them. Then how it will drive the currency reform as a “byproduct” and not the other way around. Get it? Does this make any sense to you now? 

What else is in the current news….

Qusay said {to Al-Furat News} told us and I quote – “The current policy of the Central Bank of Iraq goes towards auditing the cash dollar, which was marred by many failures in the first periods, especially its leakage through travelers to the irregular market, and this issue needs a new and clear mechanism.” Then it goes on to add “It is assumed that travelers are dealt with through tourism and airline companies, and the travel ticket is not allowed to be canceled unless the traveler returns the amount he purchased from the exchange outlets or banks.”

Folks, if you care to remember, I told you a year ago that the only way to solve this dollar crisis with travelers selling their dollars to the black market at an increased rate (called racketeering) is to put the money on a debit card. These cards can only be used to get cash out of them at the “official CBI rate”. Why won’t they do this? It has also been mentioned by many economic scholars too inside Iraq. Is some corruption going on here that needs to be addressed?

I don’t want to fill you minds with false hope or over speculate but come’on folks…. we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen to these currencies. I would compare this to our choo choo train speeding down the track. The destination is the reinstatement but remember to reach it, the train must first make a couple stops along the way. Many of these stops already occurred as we get closer and closer to our destination. Another one of these stops is the Washington DC trip. The next stop is the in-country rate if all goes well that we should expect shortly after Al-Sudani’s return from Washinton DC. We then know the rest of the process and what happens next…. And all the other stops 😊 We can almost see the finish line as the train is about to come around the bend. Please, please no more derailments!

We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his trip to Washington. Pray for the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption. Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country.

Their words not mine…..No Rumors, No Hype, No Opinions ,,,,,

                                             Just the FACTS!

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