Saturday, April 27, 2024

More recent very good news….PART1, BY MNT GOAT, 27 APRIL

 More recent very good news….

The Minister of Commerce and Chairman of the National Committee concerned with Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, Atheer Daoud Salman Al-Ghurairi and I quote from the article – “announced the completion of the files for the initial offer of goods and services within the files for joining the organization”. No, they did not yet announce Iraq’s full accession to the WTO but his is certainly getting close.

Then the article goes on to say ““ this important step comes in the context of the Iraqi government’s efforts and its program aimed at promoting international trade and achieving sustainable development, which reflects its commitment to ensuring global economic integration and expanding economic partnerships.”

After reading this about the WTO accession step just completed, can you see how this is also integrated with the news in the first article we reviewed? It is all about the mulla $$$ and the money making potential for trade but most importantly for us investors is the ability for Iraq to openly trade and use foreign currencies freely, including the currencies of their trading partners.

So for Iraq’s accession process it appears yet another huge step is about to take place. I quote from the today’s article – “The National Committee, the technical committees emanating from it, and the accession team in the ministry were able, within a short period, to complete these files and submit them to the organization in preparation for holding the third meeting of the working group on Iraq during the current year, 16 years after the date of the second meeting of the group in 2008.”

So, in 2024, I assume sometime soon, the National Committee will hold its third meeting with Iraq on the accession review. Remember also that the Sadie Arabia is sponsoring Iraq for the WTO and we recently also learned the US is now onboard too. With the US now backing Iraq this should move along quickly now. So does Iraq need a viable currency to trade? Of course they do and they already have it with the 3 zero notes. There is no requirement stated anywhere that they need anything else. However, having said this let me add I sincerely do not believe for one second that they are going to join the WTO with these notes as their currency. First, they will have to be reinstated on FOREX just before or after their full accession. Why?

Iraq will need a global currency for global trade. WTO is global trade organization and partnership. It has a process We are not just talking about just middle eastern trading partners anymore when we refer to the WTO. We are now talking BIG TIME, about massive trade, manufacturing plants and warehouses with Iraq from the US, China and the EU. Why do you think they are building the rail line from the shipping ports and inward into Saudi and Turkey? Why do you think they are now pushing the Strategic Framework Agreement so much with the US? Why is Iraq taking on the “Silk Road Project”. Oh… call it what you want but it’s the same. The WTO will enhance Iraq’s integration into the multilateral global trading system.”.....

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