Saturday, March 9, 2024



 IMO They've already deleted the three zeros from the exchange rate.  IMO that exchange rate came from the RV phase of the monetary reform that was accepted in Washington DC and all these other banks.  That's why Sudani has thousands and thousands of contracts all waiting for the new exchange rate.

 A lot of you are asking me, 'Do you think they'll do this new exchange rate during Ramadan?'  

I would prefer before or after Ramadan, not during.  Ramadan is a holy time.  You don't go around celebrating that you go purchasing power.  No.  You go around worshiping and honoring God.

 Article:  "Dinar and dollar

 Quote:  "In a televised interview with the Iraqi President, Engineer Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, he uttered a very important phrase (keep the dinar). Today, through my humble vision, I bear witness that the Iraqi dinar will return to its lofty economic value  Holy CaCa!   I have to tell you, if a middle easterner ever says to you...I bear's like swearing on your mother's grave.  It's a promising that can't be broken.  It is a gift that is given...I believe this article is unbelievable... 

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