Tuesday, October 3, 2023



Telegram post 

Forwarded from Wolverine:

GCR/RV UPDATE – Meeting (OCTOBER 01, 2023)

• The 3 countries that disconnected from QFS that night and reconnected: All countries are ready to go.

• Security is very tight – this is one of the reasons they want us in and out of rescue appointments within 20 minutes.

• The Admiral converted payments from 20 of the top tier T4A groups (out of 356 4A groups) from USD fiat to gold – USN/USTN with the support needed to start the T4 groups (4A and 4B).

• The World Court ordered the return of evidence last night at midnight EST that they were beginning the liberation of RV/GCR and the World Court returned with a signed document around midnight EST.

• The tent tactic to get low ZIM rates didn’t work: it was removed (he refused to say more about this).

• Since we can get higher rates of 11 cents 1:1 ZIM on repayment, he said the bankers will ask us to put 80% of our funds into a structured payout annuity investment (Level 3) under which the bank invest in humanitarian projects and pay ZIM an annual interest payment on that 80%; said they would tell us that 20% of the ZIM payment is for our personal use; He said the personal 20% of up to 3 cents on a ZIM 100T note would be $600 billion, at a rate of 50 cents for projects, the personal 20% would be $10 trillion, at a 1:1 ratio.

• He said yes, in the first 90 days we will get up to 20% of the personal 20 part of the 80/20 split of the ZIM product, so 20% of the personal part 20 at 3 cents on a ZIM 100T note would be equivalent at $120. billion, at a rate of 50 cents, 20% of the personal portion 20 would be $2 trillion, at a rate of 1:1, 20% of the personal portion 20 would be $4 trillion

• Confirmed that 1% will be on the debit/credit card at the time of exchange – redemption, 99% will be managed by a trust company (Abbott Downing or equivalent) that works with you and for you.

• Your information is that Tier 1 banks send notification emails containing a Secure Web link and a confirmation code that we will give you when we call the call centers (you said it would be clear when we receive the email notifications).

• You are confirming the lack of federal tax information.

• Said there is a 3 day cancellation period where we can return after agreeing to the rates and terms in the initial redemption commitment and if we change our mind we can request different rates and terms (will be clarified in that consultation).

• Standard Abbott Downing Trust Company, 90 days to switch to another trust company if you don’t like the service.

• Rodriguez Trust will administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries: the amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can. Help supplement other recipes as needed. He said we need to help our friends and family understand that this will happen in the next 3 to 6 months.

• Confirmed that if funds are not released by midnight EST, Interpol will intervene to make arrests. . . and will cause federal authorities and SOPs to also make arrests; this HAS to happen and the World Court’s orders are a blessing in disguise.

• Confirmed that all major pools expect liquidity release to begin at midnight EST, but also confirmed information from their Hong Kong Prime Minister in Zurich that liquidity release is expected to begin between now (10am EST) and midnight EST onwards overnight.

• Said that at 1:30 pm EST requests were sent to T4A/B to begin including notifications; Their information is that this afternoon they finished sending USN/USTN bills to the banks (necessary to start)

• And he said UST, DoD and Trump know they are on a tight schedule with the World Court ordering T4b notification emails and T4 liquidity payments;

• He said they are now advancing like an icebreaker against obstructionist obstacles, such as breaking up chunks of ice in the Arctic Circle, while fleeting interference comes from Deep State politicians, bureaucrats and some bankers trying to delay emails;

• He said now Interpol and national police/Spec Ops are making arrests, while the DoD and UST continue to push for us to get started;

• He said to keep an eye on notifications.

• He responded that he agrees with the Regina Hochmuth information you submitted and we sent him a message

• He said that we as currency holders will be in control of our money after RV and not the bankers; she said that we should also be polite and firmly acknowledge to bankers/trusted people that the money is ours and that they will only manage and invest it * for us and WITH OUR CONSENT – 80% belongs to us like 20%. – And the bankers and the trust company cannot make any investment that we do not feel comfortable with, but he said that it must be expressed politely with a respectful but firm resolution.

• Said that when we are asked to do an 80/20 split in our rescue commitment, we should cooperate wherever possible and use it to our benefit and that of each of our project areas; He said in other words: * work as much as possible within the limits we have been given in the rescue commitment and not try to circumvent the limits.

• He said that after virtual reality, our lawyers can remind the bankers at all times that the funds are ours and not the banks’ and that all investments or actions suggested by the bank must be approved by us or the money will be moved to another bank or trust. company.

• He didn’t say much about that meeting in Las Vegas, but he hinted that the senator, the Chinese man, the NSA people and some others were discussing, among other things, something about the arrest of the remaining Deep State criminals, several hundred people. in the US and around 1,500 in Canada, the UK, New Zealand and Australia. This was approved by the World Court this morning and some of these arrests began today; any remaining holds, your information is, will be simultaneous with the start of Level 4 (4A groups will gain PM facilitated access to 1% of account funds) and we at 4B will receive notifications to begin redemption commitments; His information is that it is still imminent and we do not have to wait until next Tuesday 3/10.

• His information is that this final prison sweep had to be linked and simultaneous with them starting us at Level 4, as required by GESARA protocols. If we understand correctly, you can start us on T4b, now that the World Court approved the plan this morning.

• He came back and confirmed from all his sources the following information (THIS IS A VERY COMPLEX PROCESS-we can barely keep up). all the details from his sources which he confirmed):

• EVERYONE is on HIGH ALERT TODAY FRIDAY due to the rapid start of the release of RV/GCR funds (from D1 and D2 funds distributed to holding accounts to fund T1-4 last night); The process starts TODAY at 9 a.m. ESTs to cascade down from higher tiers create liquidity to lower tiers for UST and banks to release 100% access and payments across all 20 categories and payment tiers (many detailed release authorizations and actions are happening NOW) ;

• He said that DoD and UST are granting authorization to banks, banks are releasing access authorization codes for account holders T1-3, T1 (government accounts), T2 (humanitarian organizations), T3 (groups religious), adjudicated accounts (agricultural claims, Native American Compacts, CMKX, Fines and Penalties, PP), the Admirals’ internal and external core groups (about 226 groups) are expected to receive 100% net access today, [hinted it may be happening NOW as of 4:15 pm EST];

• Confirmed that the UST should issue the value day declaration today, after which the T4 (4A) PMs would pay the T4 (4A) groups as soon as possible.

• Said T4 (4B) individuals (Internet group) would be authorized by DoD/UST/banks to start at the same time as T4 (4A) PMs paying WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS or after T4 PMs start paying (which could start T4B)

• Said Trump/DoD/UST are *inclined to start us on T4B in the next 24 hours if possible, depending on the flow of 100% access to funds being activated in PMs paying T1-3 and T4.

– FINALLY – 800# NOTIFICATIONS CAN OUT ANY SECOND NOW, confirming your sources, while T1-3 payment progress and T4 PM progress over the next few hours are pending.

• Confirmed that rates were updated this morning, rates were locked this morning and the risk management release algorithm was working as of early this morning.

• Confirmed that the rates will be updated from Sunday to Monday night, so if IF T4 (4A and us in 4B) does not start correctly (based on the progress and launch algorithm) in the NEXT 24 HOURS, then they will use the upgrade fee. from Monday to Tuesday / 09/10 for the start of T4B.

• Confirmed that the DoD and UST and Chinese elders signed off on the release of the RV/GCR last night after meetings between the elders + UST + DOJ before last night; confirmed that this morning HK had started its T1-2 (government-humanitarian) account with 100% access to liquidity and payments through securities processing, and HK called the UST and asked why the US had not started this tomorrow still;

• He then said that the DoD and UST met at 9 am this Friday morning, cleared everything and have been in GO MODE since then.

• Confirmed that Trump and the Chinese elders obtained permission from the World Court to begin NOW due to (1) the process of pressuring /UST/DoD to release and complete it as quickly as possible, and (2) the tour of Trump in Tennessee wants humanitarian funds. released as soon as possible in levels 2, 3 and 4 to help with cleanup;

• Confirmed that the Chinese elders also obtained confirmation from the World Court that the first RV/GCR shotgun is legally valid and therefore safe from a post-RV legal challenge.

• Confirmed that anti-VR obstructions by (largely Democratic) Deep State politicians and bureaucrats (including Mnuchin) have been neutralized.

• Confirmed that the delivery of USN/USTN notes to banks and redemption centers by UST will not be a problem if DoD/UST continues to push now for our T4b to begin overnight.

He said that legally the new UST/USTN notes must be physically at the locations, although we are not offered cash at our 20 minute exchange appointments, in case a coin holder requests cash, in which case they will be given what they request (they are like contract rates or higher ZIM rates; we must ask to receive, he said).

• Confirmed rates

• Dinar contract rate for the first 10 million: $28.50, after that dinar contract rate of approximately $8; Street rate about $3.50. Dong contract rate about $2.50, street rate $0.47.

• “Login has been authorized and initiated by the Department of Defense and UST as of 9 a.m. EST this morning. T1-3 and T4A payers are being initiated, while T4B notifications could arrive at any time.

• Came back and said the good news is that yesterday, the Department of Defense and UST signed to immediately begin releasing 100% liquidity access for all levels T1-4. The jump start we have been waiting for over 20 years is happening RIGHT NOW, and EVERYONE is on HIGHEST ALERTS and UST and the DoD are in GO MODE until they come in with T4B notifications.

• It is confirmed that Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 were finally distributed by Grandfather and Chinese Elder #2 to pay all the bills in T1-4.

• Confirmed that payments from all tiers cascade from the highest tiers to the lowest tiers to create the necessary liquidity for us, T4, at the lowest tiers, and the cascade is occurring rapidly now.

• T1-3 and T4A payers were initiated yesterday, while T4B notifications could still arrive any time today.

• UST has been releasing liquidity in the last 24 hours with 100% access and is in the process of unlocking and activating via authorization codes on all T1-3 accounts in 20 categories and payment levels (government accounts, humanitarian organization accounts , Religious Groups, CMKX, Agricultural Claims, Native American Accounts, Fines and Sanctions Accounts, Internal Admirals, and External Central Accounts, although some of these should be fully accessed at lower levels later when our T4B notifications are published ).

Likewise, in the last 24 hours PM T4A has started in the process of preparing and paying T4 groups.

• Confirmed information that some of the T4 holders had to be turned away yesterday when they tried at the last minute to renegotiate some of the payment contracts for higher exchange rates; They were told NO and this caused things to slow down a bit yesterday. but UST got things moving again FAST, because of WORLD COURT ARBITRATION to release the RV shotgun payment in full ASAP and because Trump and the Chinese also want it completed ASAP.

• Confirmed that anti-RV filibusters by (mostly Democratic) Deep State politicians and bureaucrats (including Mnuchin) have been neutralized and that arrests of 2,200 or more filibusters are underway in the United States and four other countries.

• For security reasons, our military contact could not discuss the specific timing of our T4B notifications and access to 100% liquidity in T4 group accounts and SKR accounts because they both arrive at approximately the same time;

• But confirmed that MONDAY is the day for funds to start moving and being accessed at lower tier levels and to start releasing payments for T4 and SKR groups into our T4B notifications anytime Monday to Tuesday.

• END OF LINE – 800 # NOTIFICATIONS CAN GO OUT ANY SECOND NOW over the next 24 to 48 hours.

• Confirmed that rates were updated on Friday morning, rates were locked and the risk management release algorithm had been running since Friday morning.

• Confirmed that the rates will be updated from Sunday to Monday night, so IF T4 (4A and us in 4B) will not launch successfully (based on the progress and launch algorithm) today, so they will use the update of Sun night rate for Our T4B starts from Monday to Tuesday.

• He told us to CELEBRATE that the shotgun has already begun to be finished. Shotgun* startup is completing now.

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