Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 Judy Note to Be Prepared: We are facing an impending Global Financial Crash including Cyber Attacks on banks, we are dealing with a Global Food Crisis and with the fiat US Dollar now not accepted for international trade, we’re headed for a Christmas Season with major Goods Shortages.

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 2 Oct. 2023:

  • Sun. 1 Oct. was the beginning of the new fiscal year: We will have Freedom from Debt through implementation of a Global Currency Reset of gold/asset-backed currency.

Possible Global Currency Reset Timeline:

  • The Forex was down all Sun. evening 1 Oct, and then came up Mon. morning 2 Oct. with all values set to Zero.
  • Mon. 2 Oct. Frank26: “All Red High Alert”
  • Mon. 2 Oct. TNT Tony: It’s all supposed to happen Mon. night 2 Oct. Banks have told people they have given SKRs to that they will be liquid tonight Mon. 2 Oct. Three letter agencies are saying after 3 pm Eastern Mon. 2 Oct. into the night. Tues. 3 Oct. is Iraq’s Independence Day, and on Wed. 4 Oct. they are to be accepted into the World Trade Organization.
  • Mon. 2 Oct. Stacy: I was in my bank today. The manager told me he cannot divulge a date but the change in currency (his words) has been updated today. The screens show bolivar, dong and dinar. He didn’t know about the zim bonds or agro cheques but there are 206 currencies on their screen now. They cannot exchange until they are given the go. The software has completed and they tested the Delarue machine they have.
  • Mon. 2 Oct. Wolverine: “I received a very important call today. I am very emotional. All I can tell you is that we are ready. We are ready. This is defiantly coming. …Keep an eye on your emails.”
  • Mon. 2 Oct. MarkZ: “I would say it’s a high possibility that we would go this week. I have a number of contractor sources in Iraq who verify that YES….HCL money is indeed moving and people are getting paid. Even in the Kurdish and northern Iraqi area where they have been waiting forever to get their salaries. One of my contacts said that he was told to hang onto as much Dinar as he could as they were expecting a value change in the very near future. Near enough that a few sources are traveling back to Iraq later this week in the hopes that this is “it” for them. So to answer the question (Is it possible this week?) well….things are sure lining up. …I was hearing there was really strange military movement over the weekend. Reports from the National Guard and people being called up…being re-arranged…troop movements…looks like something is gearing up.”
  • Bruce: According to instructions given to some Redemption Centers, Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could be notified to set exchange/ redemption appointments on Mon. 2 Oct.
  • Judy Note: Intel received from a high up source indicated that Tier4b may not be notified until Fri. 6 Oct, with appointments starting the next day.
  • Tues. 3 Oct. has been officially designated as the National Day of the Republic of Iraq to celebrate Iraqi freedom from the US Inc. On that Tues. 3 Oct. Iraq would likely declare that they were a Sovereign Nation. On that same Tues. 3 Oct. the Stock Market was expected to continue to sell off and when it hit 20% it would be at the point of no return and close early.
  • On Wed. 4 Oct Iraq would be welcomed to the World Trade Organization with a fully reinstated Iraqi Dinar international traded currency. Wed. 4 Oct. was also considered the day when the official Stock Market Crash would happen. A “test” on the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System has been scheduled for Wed. 4 Oct. HAL TURNER: October 4 TEST of Emergency Alert System, Nationwide. No, It’s not the Zombie Apocalypse! – American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • Mon. 2 Oct. Wolverine: “Shelton said on his call that the 10 days of darkness and 12 days of disclosures would start after this event on Wed. 4 Oct.”
  • By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.
  • The second week of Oct. the restitution and reparation funds will be given out for seniors over 60 in a lump sum; for ages 50-60 they will be paid out over a 12 month period and ages 30 to 49 paid out over a 15 year period. …Bruce
  • On Wed. 1 Nov. it was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
  • In November Social Security will be paid out in much higher payments. …Bruce
  • The SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis beginning in Jan. 2024. …Bruce
  • On 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worth nothing. Also starting 1 Jan. 2024 all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other.

Rumored GCR Recent History:

  • Walkingstick (an Iraqi citizen and bank owner): “The tender for the currency and coins has been met per request, meaning (requirements) for release of the new Iraqi Dinar exchange rate has been fulfilled.”
  • Wolverine: “The funds have been released and placed on the Quantum Financial System.”
  • On Fri. 15 Sept. Iraq officially RVd their Dinar.
  • On Fri. 22 Sept. Iraq announced the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate as $11.90.
  • On that same Fri. 22 Sept. the Quantum Financial System took over the Global Financial System.
  • On Sun. evening 24 Sept. the QFS was activated, with all funds gold backed.
  • On Thurs. 28 Sept. Iraq abolished the dollar in it’s currency auctions. …Central Bank of Iraq
  • “On Thurs. 28 Sept. a ten day process began of an automatic increase in the value of the Dinar.” …Frank 26
  • On Fri. 29 Sept. the HCL Oil payments to Iraqi citizens was being paid with an In-country Rate of $5+
  • Fri. 29 Sept was a dramatic beginning of the Stock Market Crash. The Chinese Communist Party Defense Minister, plus theCEO of the World’s largest real estate company, the CCP’s Evergrande, have gone missing – that halted Evergrande Shares on a Stock Market that was already in free fall, while odds soared for a US Government shutdown by Sun. 1 Oct. – any, or all of which could easily bring on a Global Financial Crisis that would trigger a Global Currency Reset.
  • Sun. 1 Oct was the first banking day of October in the Mideast and start of the new US Fiscal Year. All banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old fiat currency SWIFT System by Sun. 1 Oct.
  • On Mon. 2 Oct. the Iraqi WS Bank US Branch was open for business. As the Stock Market reopened sell offs would continue – that was expected to trigger an early close of all trading until Tues. 3 Oct. morning.

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