Tuesday, April 16, 2024


  Mon. 15 April MarkZ

 The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between today Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger.

 We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off.

Coffee with MarkZ. 04/16/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday all! oh, and happy birthday to those celebrating and prayers for those in need

Member:  Good morning everyone. I think I'll buy one of those roller coaster tickets this time. Getting exciting!!!!

Member: Seems like a great day for a RV

MZ:  No Rumble streams this week.

Member: Did you bring your golden hat? Do you feel like they are going to do it (RV) before you get back to PR?

Member: Do you think RV in April Mark?

MZ: I think April is still well within the sites and is the goal. I am still being told that and I believe it. 

Member: Any Bond Holder updates to brighten the breakfast morning?

Member; Mark said last night that he expects a bond update sometime this afternoon. 

MZ: I should have an update shortly. If its steller- I will put it in Telegram , on X (twitter) and on Truth. 

MZ: I continue to hear rumors of the different spots that Sudani has visited. I am hearing there was a clandestine meeting with a signatory of seven of the banking families from China. Hang tight guys as we sort this over the next day or two and figure out what is hopeful rumor and what is fact. But things are very positive. 

MZ: “From Iraq “Know you money” This is posted by the CBI.  (Shows a picture of dinar bills) This shows the security features of the bills and what to look for. They do show larger and smaller bills. And mention the security features will be the same in “future bills” as well. The show the breakdown on a 250 dinar note and a thousand dinar note. 

MZ: Why is this important? A 250 dinar note right now is only worth about .19 cents. But they want you to know how to prove the security of smaller bills so they are not counterfeit. This is a big one for us. From the CBI itself. . 

MZ: This is a feel good political piece from Iraq. “Sudani: We are working to move from a military relationship to a full partnership : Biden” We are committed to the interests of Iraq” It’s worth a read. 

Member: A rumor is Sudanese ordering big screens for his return?  Hope its RV related. 

Member: MilitiaMan and Crew were great late last night

Member: Mark Frank had a bank story the other night and the guy had a date from the bank Frank stopped him from releasing it. Frank is in Hawaii with his team ready to purchase. Property. It’s close!!

Member: Personally, I don't think it will be publicly announced until Al-Sudani returns to Iraq. Probably the last week of April, unless it's delayed yet again...

​​Member: I'm keeping an eye on the U.S Dollar. when that collapses is when we will have no choice but to Reset.

Member: My Credit Union was actually able to confirm the new USN currency yesterday, but wasn't sure when it will roll out

Member: Do you think Dinar will go first ALONE, or will they go in a basket with the others

Member: That's the million dollar question!! Mark says there's a 1% chance that Iraq goes first but he fully expects everyone to go at the same time

MZ And from the Central bank of Vietnam: “VN Central Bank to resume gold bar bidding after 11 years”  There is a big demand in Vietnam for physical metals. And the people are now buying more and more metals. 

MZ: “ The complete bankruptcy of Iran’s banking system –OpEd”  This is an opinion all about how the elite think they know better than all of humanity. We are watching more of a populist uprising of the people all around the world. . 

Member:  The great awakening is happening……has been planned for a long time

Member: The Copenhagen Stock Exchange has nearly burned down this Morning !


MZ: Symbolic perhaps…or coincidence???

Member:  what the heck happened to silver prices last night/this morning? Yikes

Member: The entire market is being manipulated. Be patient.

Member: Please keep in mind the RV is a GLOBAL event. Iraq is a part of the event. They will ultimately kick off the RV.. Lots of integration taking supposedly taking place within the QFS


Mod Thanks Mark. Hope you have a wonderful visit in Brazil. When do you return to Puerto Rico?

MZ: I will return home next Monday. Everyone have a good day . 


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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 




The Prime Minister's visit to Washington... political and parliamentary support and confidence in results that are in the interest of Iraq



Baghdad - 

Edited by: Hussein Al-Nasser

The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the American capital, Washington, received widespread parliamentary and political support, while the political and popular street in Iraq awaits the results of the visit with great optimism.
Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived at dawn today, Sunday, in the American capital, Washington, on an official visit at the invitation of US President Joe Biden.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said yesterday, Saturday, before leaving Baghdad for the United States of America, that “the goal of the visit to Washington is to move the relationship between the two countries to a new stage and activate the strategic framework agreement,” pointing out that “the strategic framework agreement is in line with the government program.” And the economic reforms it includes.”
He pointed out that "the visit will witness the holding of the first meeting of the joint coordinating committee concerned with implementing the Strategic Framework Agreement, which has not held any meeting since the approval of the agreement," indicating that "the meeting of the coordinating committee will address the files of trade, energy, investment, education, transportation, culture, anti-corruption, and money recovery."

Creating a balance in foreign policy.

The Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Investment Committee, Suzan Mansour, said in her blog post on the “X” platform, followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “We sense the seriousness of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to create a balance in Iraq’s foreign policy in the interest of The state at the political, economic and security levels.
Mansour added, "We look forward to achieving success in the highest interest of the Iraqi state in his visit to the United States of America."

A pivotal role and prospective contracts

. For her part, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Alia Nassif, said in a blog post on the “X” platform: “Many have bet that the meeting between Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani and President Biden will not take place, while the importance of this meeting increases in conjunction with the security escalation.” What the region is witnessing and the pivotal role that Iraq can play will make the United States need this role and be ready to provide many facilities for it.”
Nassif continued, "We are also anticipating the signing of contracts with major American companies and discussing a number of economic files and ways to bring in foreign investments."

Comprehensive cooperation and facing challenges

. In turn, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Natural Resources Committee, Bahaa Al-Nouri, said in his blog post on the “X” platform: “We look forward to positive results that will be reflected on the people from the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington by enhancing exchange and cooperation in various fields, and enhancing Joint efforts to confront the challenges plaguing the region.”

A sustainable strategic partnership.

While a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Sarwa Abdel Wahed, confirmed in her blog post on the “X” platform, that “the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States of America comes at an important time, and will be a transition towards a new phase of relations, especially since the visit is evidence of desire.” Iraq in building a sustainable strategic partnership based on mutual respect.
Abdul Wahed added, "The files that will be discussed, whether economic, security, or political, must certainly benefit Iraq and have a role in the recovery of the economy and the return of stability to the dinar price."

(THERE YOU GO!!! -F26)

A clear embodiment of the government's approach

Independent MP, Thanaa Al-Azirjawi, said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The visit of the Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation to the United States of America is a clear embodiment of the Iraqi government’s approach to openness to the international environment and seeking a transition in Iraq’s relationship with Washington from the side.” “The only security objective is to activate economic and development files, real partnership, and work to expand the frameworks of cooperation with the United States, especially in all kinds of economic fields.”
Al-Azergawi indicated, “Continue activating the provisions of the strategic agreement that concern seven vital and important sectors, especially since the United States is a strategic partner and we need the relationship with it to be growing and expanded. We hope to seek the effects and results of this important visit in the near future, in the service of our beloved country.”

Restoring confidence to strengthen partnerships with countries of the world

. In turn, a member of the House of Representatives, Ali Al-Mashkour, said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “what the Sudanese seeks in dealing with the outstanding issues and with political and economic balance will restore confidence to strengthen partnerships with all countries of the world.”
Al-Mashkour added, “Choosing America as the first station will be a process of refining foreign relations, starting between Iraq and the United States, because of the large number of files that we share with America, and starting with all the countries of the world.”
He pointed out that "the start of relations will activate the strategic agreement in the areas of military presence, economic and investment aspects, in addition to the areas of development, education, technology and many possible areas."
He stressed that "choosing America at the forefront will be a message of reassurance to all countries of the world in terms of cooperation and investment, and through factors of joint commitment between the two parties that lead to joint cooperation with Iraq politically, economically, socially, and even militarily." 
He expressed his hope that "the Sudanese visit to Washington will be the beginning step towards Arab and global cooperation and to return Iraq to its natural position among countries because of the many minds and resources it possesses." 

An influential regional and international player.

Representative Thamer Dhiban said, in his blog post on the “X” platform, that “the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Washington reflects Iraq’s position as an influential regional and international player in the economic, security and political fields.”
As for MP Nisan Al-Zayer, she said in her blog post, “The importance of the Prime Minister’s visit to America does not come from the sensitive Iraqi files only, but also from the inflammatory regional situation in which Iraq aspires to be an active party in a way that serves national, Arab and Islamic issues.”

A reliable and influential actor

. In turn, MP Aqeel Al-Fatlawi says in his blog post: “With the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, Iraq’s role is highlighted as a reliable and influential actor in building a world of peace and stability and contributing to shaping a future that depends on partnership in the field of energy, economy and trade.”

Historic visit

: Representative Zaytoun Al-Dulaimi said, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “As usual, with your confident steps, you will warm the hearts of the Iraqis, and it will be a historic visit because of the important goals it carries for Iraq and the entire region.”
Al-Dulaimi added, "After being fully informed of the visit file, we support all of the contents contained therein, and we are confident that it will put the relationship with the United States on the right track."
Meanwhile, Representative Nayef Al-Shammari says in his blog: “Iraq is united as one nation behind the Prime Minister in his visit to the United States of America, because the nation’s interest transcends political affiliations and expresses comprehensive cooperation to achieve prosperity and stability for the Iraqi people of all sects.”
For her part, Representative Sahira Abdullah Al-Jubouri said in her blog post: “We look forward to the Prime Minister’s visit to the United States with great optimism about the topics under discussion, hoping that this will bring more gains and preserve Iraq’s prestige and sovereignty internationally and regionally.”

One Voice 

Representative Duraid Jameel says, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The visit of the Iraqi Prime Minister/Engineer Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington, DC, confirms that Iraq speaks with one voice at the international level, representing all the people of the country without distinction between their parties.” Or their orientations, and that President Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani stands at the same distance with all sects.”

A national choice.

As for the independent politician, Izzat Al-Shabandar, he said in his blog post on the “X” platform: “President Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is a purely Iraqi national choice, not imposed by an external will, neither Eastern nor Western, and the interest of Iraq and its people is above all considerations.” .


Brief Monday Night Update with MarkZ 04/15/2024, 16 APRIL

 Brief Monday Night Update with MarkZ 04/15/2024

MZ: One or two days of really difficult travel. I'll be brief and give a quick update. I'm in Brazil for an event. Charlie Ward and I are the keynote speakers... and we won't be returning home, to PR, until next Monday.
MZ: It should be a normal week from now on.
MZ: I've been telling you for a while that Bond people have expectations of things from the 15-22nd.
MZ: And we were told from day one that bonds must be close to being completed or in progress before pulling the trigger... Hopefully we will know tomorrow if the bonds start working, from European contacts.
MZ: The first bond move we're hearing is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.. So we should listen to it by then.
MZ: Honestly, I thought I could break the news to you, but Frank beat me to it. (Thanks to Frank26) Sudani trips are very interesting here in America. Going to Texas where the CBI has servers.. and he'll go to Michigan, where there's a large population of Iraqis there.. driven out of war. And also in Dearborn they will be adding a Warka bank location. To manage Iraqi exchanges in Michigan.
MZ: Sudanese trips to Texas and Michigan are important. Hes going to California too... this was what surprised me the most. I heard he will be meeting with someone named Robert who is a signatory to the elders of the Chinese bank. This is very interesting - what we are seeing. .
Member: Sudani has 130 people with him.. a huge entourage.
MZ: Including many important people from the Ministry of Finance and the CBI.
MZ: Things are painting positive for the week ahead. Call it night time and tomorrow it will be much more normal. Until then.

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Nechirvan Barzani announces "full support" for Sudanese's visit to America




The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, expressed, on Monday, his optimism about the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to America, declaring his “full” support for it. 

Nechirvan Barzani said in a tweet via his official account on the

He added, "We fully support this visit, and we are confident that the interests of all Iraqis will be represented there."

He also said, "We hope that the meetings will be positive and successful and raise the level of relations between our two countries for the better."

The Sudanese began his official visit to the United States, which he arrived yesterday, Sunday, at the head of a high-ranking government and parliamentary delegation, and is scheduled to meet President Joe Biden this evening. 



MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...