Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Brief Monday Night Update with MarkZ 04/15/2024, 16 APRIL

 Brief Monday Night Update with MarkZ 04/15/2024

MZ: One or two days of really difficult travel. I'll be brief and give a quick update. I'm in Brazil for an event. Charlie Ward and I are the keynote speakers... and we won't be returning home, to PR, until next Monday.
MZ: It should be a normal week from now on.
MZ: I've been telling you for a while that Bond people have expectations of things from the 15-22nd.
MZ: And we were told from day one that bonds must be close to being completed or in progress before pulling the trigger... Hopefully we will know tomorrow if the bonds start working, from European contacts.
MZ: The first bond move we're hearing is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.. So we should listen to it by then.
MZ: Honestly, I thought I could break the news to you, but Frank beat me to it. (Thanks to Frank26) Sudani trips are very interesting here in America. Going to Texas where the CBI has servers.. and he'll go to Michigan, where there's a large population of Iraqis there.. driven out of war. And also in Dearborn they will be adding a Warka bank location. To manage Iraqi exchanges in Michigan.
MZ: Sudanese trips to Texas and Michigan are important. Hes going to California too... this was what surprised me the most. I heard he will be meeting with someone named Robert who is a signatory to the elders of the Chinese bank. This is very interesting - what we are seeing. .
Member: Sudani has 130 people with him.. a huge entourage.
MZ: Including many important people from the Ministry of Finance and the CBI.
MZ: Things are painting positive for the week ahead. Call it night time and tomorrow it will be much more normal. Until then.

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