Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

“Rystad Energy has identified 36 potential high-impact wells for 2024, a significant increase from 27 in 2023.”

The US Treasury Department and the G7 including the European Union came up with this caping of oil production to ensure price stability during times of inflation.

Gold and other commodities have been suppressed as well during this time of inflation. It, too, has the tendency to rise during inflationary periods. During the pandemic, many of our gold mines were shut down. In 2023, we had a surge in gold and commodity mining.

These stabilizing efforts have served their purpose for the last few years to take us into controlled price measures. And now, we are in a place of new Economic Development.

Releasing caps on oil mining and gold mining as the new QFS began to connect with Quantum Technologies around the world has given us the opportunity to synchronize our commodity sector with the new digital asset based trading system.

As you can see, 2024 is the year when all of these Quantum Technologies are being interfaced with the commodity markets. By suppressing production in the commodity markets, it has allowed us to spend less time stabilizing this sector of the market and more time coordinating and connecting these mechanisms toward future collaboration.

These efforts have been going on for some time, but the movement into Global Network payment collaboration going forward will begin to really pick up its pace.

These efforts will enable payment systems to coordinate price pressures designed to interface new digital payment systems with the new bull market on gold and other commodities.

“All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.”

© Goldilocks

Oil Price
Visual Capitalist

Vietnam Dong update for 02/04/24 - Huge growth in 2023 and even bigger 2024

The Iraqi government denies prior coordination of US strikes and confirms the toll of casualties and wounded, 4 FEB

 The Iraqi government denies prior coordination of US strikes and confirms the toll of casualties and wounded

Bassem Al-Awadi, the spokesman for the Iraqi government, denied on Saturday that Baghdad and Washington had previously coordinated over the American-led strikes that targeted the positions of security forces in the Anbar Governorate in the country’s west. He also confirmed that the “aggression” had resulted in 16 fatalities and 25 injuries.

“The American administration committed a new aggression against the sovereignty of Iraq,” stated Al-Awadi in a statement released today. “Several American aircraft bombed our security forces’ locations in the Akashat and Al-Qaim regions, as well as neighboring civilian places.”

“This blatant aggression led to 25 wounded and 16 martyrs, including civilians,” he continued. Additionally, it resulted in losses and harm to residents’ belongings and residential structures.

The American side then purposefully misled and fabricated the facts by claiming that there had been prior coordination to carry out this aggression, Al-Awdi added. This is a false claim meant to mislead public opinion worldwide and absolve legal responsibility for this rejected crime in compliance with all national and international laws.

“This aggressive strike contradicts efforts to establish the necessary stability and will put security in Iraq and the region on the verge of collapse,” he continued.

“Iraq reiterates its refusal to let its lands be an arena for settling scores, and all parties must realize this,” the federal government official continued. The territory and sovereignty of our nation are not the proper venues for adversaries to engage in forceful communication.

He emphasized that “Iraq’s security and stability are now threatened, and its involvement in regional and international conflicts is justified by the existence of the international coalition, which strayed from the tasks assigned to it and the mandate granted to it.”

“The Iraqi government will make every effort required by moral, national, and constitutional responsibility to protect our land, our cities, and the lives of our children in all types of armed forces,” Al-Awadi said in his last remarks.

This morning, the Popular Mobilization Forces’ Anbar Operations Command announced that over forty of its members had been killed or injured as a result of the American bombing that targeted their positions in the governorate, which is situated in western Iraq.

“The 13th Al-Tafuf Brigade lost 16 martyrs and 25 wounded as a result of the cowardly American aggression on the Al-Anbar Operations Sector of the PMF,” the leadership stated in a statement it released.

Spokesman for the White House National Security Council John Kirby reaffirmed on Saturday that before to the commencement of the airstrikes, the Iraqi government was notified.

“The American response began tonight, and will not end tonight,” Kirby said.

“We believe that the strikes were successful, and we do not know how many militants may have been killed or injured,” the American official stated.

All airstrikes in Syria and Iraq were successful in reaching their objectives, according to confirmation from the White House.

“Groups affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard use the facilities that were targeted to target American forces in the Middle East,” Kirby said.

Since the three American soldiers were killed in northern Jordan, he stated, “there have been no contacts with Iran.”

The Quds Force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its linked militia organizations were the targets of 85 airstrikes carried out by US Army forces in Iraq and Syria before daybreak today, according to a report from the US Army’s Central Command.

US President Joe Biden stated that, while the US was not seeking an escalation in the Middle East, it would inevitably respond to those who hurt Americans. He had ordered the military forces to strike targets in Iraq and Syria that were used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its militias to attack American forces.

Major General Yahya Rasoul, the spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, stated on Saturday morning that the US attacks that targeted regions in the country’s west were a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”

Although John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House National Security Council, stated today, Saturday, that the US had previously notified the Iraqi government before to initiating the airstrikes.


 Judy Note on What We Think We Know:

 The Chinese Elders have released the codes and started the process. Tiers above Tier4b, the Internet Group, have received notification for appointments and evidently have been exchanging. Tier4b appointments to exchange foreign currencies as a part of the Global Currency Reset could begin at any time and were scheduled to run until  Thurs. 15 Feb. 2024.


Iraqi MP initiates proposal to halt oil exports to Jordan, 4 FEB

 Iraqi MP initiates proposal to halt oil exports to Jordan

Shafaq News / MP Mustafa Jabbar Sanad revealed on Saturday that he has collected signatures from parliamentarians to issue a resolution to suspend oil exports to Jordan. This initiative comes in response to the airstrikes conducted by US aircraft in western Iraqi regions, with the participation of Jordan. 

Sanad stated, "I have gathered signatures from parliamentarians to issue a parliamentary resolution requiring the Ministry of Oil to halt the sale of subsidized oil to Jordan." 

Sanad further remarked, "We must use our resources correctly to preserve the dignity of our country and protect the lives of our men, our pride, and our national sovereignty." 

Accompanying the statement was a document signed by MP Sanad, which included a link to a list of signatures from parliamentarians demanding the inclusion of an item in the agenda of the upcoming session of the Parliament. This item calls for a vote on a resolution requiring the Ministry of Oil to cease selling crude oil at the supported price to Jordan due to its participation in recent attacks against Iraq. 

Notably, this is not the first time the Iraqi Parliament has called for halting oil exports to Jordan. Zainab Al-Mousawi, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, had previously stated that Jordan's stances were "consistently hostile" towards Iraq, especially towards Al-Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF). 

Furthermore, in the latest official statistics, the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) reported that the average selling price of exported crude oil to Jordan was $75.5 per barrel last October. 

It is noteworthy that Iraqi oil exports to Jordan have increased to approximately 15,000 bpd under a revised agreement from the previous deal, which mandated the sale of 10,000 bpd of Iraqi oil to Amman at prices lower by about $16 per barrel during the month.



 If all the rumors are to be believed- coming from every corner of the “blogisphere” ….they are saying the CBI has released rates to the government of Iraq and Iraq has released those to all the central banks in the world including the US and that everything is locked and loaded. That is the chatter.

 There are a lot of NDA’s and a lot of leaning on folks in groups for not speaking…..but to my knowledge they have no funds yet. There is all kinds of chatter and more and more people I know are under NDA’s. In bonds, Currencies and groups- which to me is an exceptionally good sign. Redemption center folks say they are on the normal “on call” within 2 hours right now.

 [via PDK]  ...rumors...from every corner of the “blogisphere” …they are saying the CBI has released rates to the government of Iraq and Iraq has released those to all the central banks in the world including the US…and that everything is locked and loaded.  That is the chatter.

“My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government. So the rumor is the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government. Now- when will they pull the trigger? I have heard similar things from US bankers- that all rates are now set and fixed. So imo it’s “any moment.” A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA.”

 [via PDK]  My Iraqi contacts have said that the CBI has sent the new rates to the government. So the rumor is the CBI has released the rates to the Iraqi government...I have heard similar things from US bankers - that all rates are now set and fixed. So imo it’s “any moment”  A number of contacts are still remaining silent because they have signed an NDA.

“  The US Treasury requests Iraqi cooperation to limit funding for armed factions”  This is all part of what’s going on as Iraq cleans up. And yesterday - again in Iraq - they started openly talking about the exchange rate and the value of the dinar.

 Comment: I hear more and more groups are under NDA’s.  MarkZ:  We are hearing of more and more… My banking contacts still feel If we have to sign one - it will be about the amount we get...we are definitely close.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...