Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

“Rystad Energy has identified 36 potential high-impact wells for 2024, a significant increase from 27 in 2023.”

The US Treasury Department and the G7 including the European Union came up with this caping of oil production to ensure price stability during times of inflation.

Gold and other commodities have been suppressed as well during this time of inflation. It, too, has the tendency to rise during inflationary periods. During the pandemic, many of our gold mines were shut down. In 2023, we had a surge in gold and commodity mining.

These stabilizing efforts have served their purpose for the last few years to take us into controlled price measures. And now, we are in a place of new Economic Development.

Releasing caps on oil mining and gold mining as the new QFS began to connect with Quantum Technologies around the world has given us the opportunity to synchronize our commodity sector with the new digital asset based trading system.

As you can see, 2024 is the year when all of these Quantum Technologies are being interfaced with the commodity markets. By suppressing production in the commodity markets, it has allowed us to spend less time stabilizing this sector of the market and more time coordinating and connecting these mechanisms toward future collaboration.

These efforts have been going on for some time, but the movement into Global Network payment collaboration going forward will begin to really pick up its pace.

These efforts will enable payment systems to coordinate price pressures designed to interface new digital payment systems with the new bull market on gold and other commodities.

“All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.”

© Goldilocks

Oil Price
Visual Capitalist

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