Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Militia Man & MarkZ 

 [via PDK]  

 Militia Man:  ...Iraq is going International big time…Iraq is considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest nations with vast reserves…They have the money they need for a new real effective exchange rate. With the oil, natural gas, sulfer, precious metals etc…they can afford it. 

 All the data we've had in the last two weeks has been pretty much phenomenal because it sets the stage of so many things that converge on one another.

 A number of bankers I know are seeing “Pending” on the screens instead of “on hold” .   Which is what they have seen on a number of currencies…  So for the first time bankers are reporting seeing pending now.  Depending on the bank…different rates are showing like $4.50 or $4.60 on the dinar.  We don’t know if this is a test…or this is “it”. We don’t know if they are priming or prepping the system.

 ”Central Bank Governor: Washington responds to all that Iraq needs in terms of dollars and meeting with it next month 28th of Nov.”  This article was from yesterday.  Quote:  “There are no restrictions on Iraqi funds abroad”  This is what we call “International”  Awesome things are coming out of Iraq.  Question:   I am hearing that a Dinar rate announcement is likely in the next couple days...are you hearing the same with reason for confidence?   MarkZ:  I am hearing that.

   MarkZ:   And the rare earth minerals…Iraq has just discovered…Iraq is worth much more now than when the rate was $3.22 over 20 years ago.

 Most of these bilateral agreements and treaties include provisions related to the freedom of movement of capital.  This whole topic...Article VIII, Article 14 of the IMF is accepting the obligations...It encourages the freedom of movement of capital between countries.  So everybody get ready because the fact is what we're seeing is evidence of them actually doing it in real time..

What Is Expected From The OPEC+ Meeting Today? And The Most Likely Scenarios, 30 NOV

 What Is Expected From The OPEC+ Meeting Today? And The Most Likely Scenarios

Time: 11/30/2023 Read: 1,183 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) postponed the 51st meeting of the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee, and the 36th ministerial meeting of “OPEC+” countries, to today, Thursday, November 30 {today, Thursday}, instead of the 25th and 26th of the same month. And then later converting it to a virtual meeting, a lot of speculation about the reasons for postponement, and expected scenarios.

Below are the most frequently asked questions in the market in this regard, and the answers of oil sector analysts to them:

Why was the OPEC+ meeting postponed?

According to what Bloomberg reported from sources in OPEC, the main reason for postponing the meeting of OPEC and its allies (OPEC+) is to give the oil and energy ministers of the coalition countries more time to discuss the new cuts called for by Saudi Arabia with their governments in order to reach an agreement to reduce production. On the other hand, some sources said that the reason is the continuation of negotiations with three African countries (Angola, Nigeria, and Congo) that objected to their production quotas that will come into effect starting on the first day of next year 2024.

Why was it converted to a virtual meeting?

As for converting it to a virtual one, it may be a sign that countries do not want an in-person meeting in the Austrian capital, Vienna, without confirmation of the existence of an agreement. It may be converted to virtual coinciding with the presence of some ministers in Dubai to attend the opening of the Climate Summit (COP 28), which is being held for the first time in a member state of OPEC or the “OPEC+” alliance.

Why do African countries object to quotas despite previously agreeing to them?

African countries are in dire need to export the largest possible amount of oil in order to finance the budgets of these countries, which are considered poor even though they are oil producers. This is why, historically, it has always objected to the quotas imposed on it and tried to obtain a production ceiling higher than what was given to it.

Bloomberg: OPEC+ is close to agreeing on oil production quotas for Angola and Nigeria

But what happened this time is that the three African countries (Angola, Nigeria, and Congo) had objected to the quotas at the organization’s last meeting last summer, and then external expert houses were appointed to evaluate the production capacity of these countries for the year 2024, and then review these numbers again to ensure that they are accurate. Her health. According to what Bloomberg reported from sources, these three countries were not satisfied with the evaluation provided by the expert houses.

Who evaluated the shares of these countries?

The parties that assessed the shares of these countries were not OPEC or OPEC+, but rather three independent sources: IHS, Wood Mackenzie, and Rystad Energy.

What are the shares agreed upon in the new agreement and when will they start working?

The currently agreed-upon quotas began to be implemented in January 2023, and later this year during the last ministerial meeting of the organization and its allies, the agreement was extended to the end of 2024 and new quotas were agreed upon to take effect at the beginning of next year.

Below is a detailed table of the agreed production quotas for the year 2024 compared to the current production ceiling:

The Security Restriction Has Proven To Be A Failure... 3 Benefits Of “Importing The Dollar” And Recognizing The Parallel Market, 30 NOV

 The Security Restriction Has Proven To Be A Failure... 3 Benefits Of “Importing The Dollar” And Recognizing The Parallel Market

Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday (November 29, 2023), the Diyala Chamber of Commerce reviewed the existence of 3 positives for importing the dollar from abroad into Iraq, noting that the Central Bank officially recognized the existence of the parallel market and its influence.

The head of the Diyala Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad al-Tamimi, said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the Central Bank giving some banks the green light to import the dollar to meet internal demand is a step in the right direction and carries in its content 3 positives, the most prominent of which is creating a greater supply and meeting customers’ needs at a more flexible pace,” expecting “The dollar will witness a gradual decline after the arrival of more shipments.”

He added, "The security restrictions surrounding the mechanisms for selling the dollar within the parallel market have proven to be ineffective and have caused prices to rise more than once," pointing out that "the step reflects government recognition of the parallel market and its influential role in shaping the exchange for buying and selling the dollar."

He pointed out that "the dollar crisis will remain and the difference between the official and the parallel will decrease, but not to the level of significant convergence, because a large portion of imports come from outside the platform to merchants and companies, which means that the parallel market will continue to suffer from pressure."

Earlier today, a source in the Central Bank of Iraq revealed the arrival of “dollar” shipments to Baghdad International Airport, imported by Iraqi banks.

The source confirmed to “Baghdad Today,” “The continued arrival of dollar shipments through Baghdad International Airport, imported by Iraqi banks to meet customer requests.”

He explained, "It is hoped that additional shipments will arrive within the next few days."

The Central Bank of Iraq had directed banks to meet the stipulated requirements for the dollar at the official rate, while the rest of the requests for the dollar are made according to supply and demand, which means lifting the ban on trading in the dollar, and making it permissible in the parallel market. LINK

Good News Central Bank of Iraq Turkey and Vietnam BY SANDY INGRAM

Evening News with MarkZ. 11/29/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Wednesday evening everyone!

Member:  Lets see what good news Mark has for us tonight..

MZ: We are going to cover some things we didn’t get to this morning.

MZ: The chatter on the boards- I am certain you all are starting to see this…..A number of bankers I know are seeing “Pending” on the screens instead of “on hold”. Which is what they have seen on a number of currencies….So for the first time bankers are reporting seeing pending now. Depending on the bank…different rates are showing like $4,50 or $4.60 on the dinar.

MZ: We don’t know if this is a test…or this is “it”. We don’t know if they are priming or prepping the system. But I can tell you that is indeed what I am hearing. If I am hearing that – other intel providers with contacts in banking are no doubt hearing this as well. This is our biggest and best rumor for this evening.

MZ: MilitiaMan spoke about this –this morning:” An economic expert shows 3 advantages of     the electronic payment system”   The money movement is now much more efficient. This is necessary for when this revaluation occurs.

Member: As I understand it- Jan 1st is the latest this can drag out?

MZ: I would never put that in absolute concrete but… does appear you could be correct about that. Iraq has indicated that and the world has indicated that….and middle eastern countries have indicated that.

Member: Jan. 1 is start of Iraq fiscal year for many countries.

MZ: “As investors dump dollars, Gold prices will soar”  Investors are selling dollars at the fasted pace in over 12 months.

Member: If Iraq doesn’t go by Jan 1st it will create quite a mess for them IMO

MZ: “Nobody wants US trading bonds”  Any takers???  Nope. They were once the symbol of the US economic might.  They have now fallen out of favor with serious consequences.

MZ: I included this one again….”BRICS Plus, An alternative to the current world order”  They continue to talk about this as a new alternative….

Member: MilitiaMan said Iraq is going international. -get ready

Member: Bo Polny has stated that a market crash is coming in December. I can’t wait for it and everything seems to be lining up.

Member:  Yea I can hardly wait!!!

Member: NASA and weather experts have alerted that a solar storm can hit the Earth on November 30, causing a minor blackout of radio and GPS signals.

Member: Everyone stay safe……Thank you Mark for the encouraging news tonight. See you all in the AM


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



  • Sat. 2 Dec. Worldwide Sky Event.
  • First Week in December: Trump is Back
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 29 Nov. Texas Snake: It could happen at any moment, banks and exchange centers are trained and ready, it is mostly political at this point with the number on nations involved. He has 5 states he is responsible for with about 40 centers. They are prepared. “We cannot have two US currencies at the same time, so how do they cover this situation?  They create a meltdown in banking and the Securities Markets. They suspend trading and access to your funds. Then they announce the return to asset backed currencies and direct you to take your currency to your bank to exchange for the new Treasury backed currency. We foreign currency holders will be exchanging at the same time, so not to panic.”
  • Wed. 29 Nov. Wolverine: “The tip from Mike Bara RV, on MarkZ Whiskey and Wisdom, tonight was that his bond people told him the RV will arrive this Thursday 30 Nov. or Friday 1 Dec.”
  • Tues. 28 Nov. Bruce: On Wed. 28 Nov. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate will be printed in the Gazette. Currency dealers will be changing their currency rates Wed. 28 Nov. night after midnight. A top Wells Fargo Bank source said Tier4b would be exchanging either Wed. or Thurs. of this week. Another source said Tier4b would be exchanging on Thurs. 30 Nov. On Wed. 29 Nov. the Sovereigns and Chinese Elders will be paid (starting overnight Tues. into Wed. overnight). Depending on how that goes will determine when Tier4b will be notified to set appointments. One Source said that notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will come after midnight Wed. night, early Thurs. morning 30 Nov. Restitution and Reclamation Allowances (a lump sum payment) and a significant increase in Social Security starts the first week of Dec. for ages 62 and over. NESARA came in on Thanksgiving night 11-23-2023 at 11:11pm. President Trump was planning on coming back in the first week of December.
  • Wed. 29 Nov. MarkZ: “Dinar rate announcement is likely in the next couple days. A Wells Fargo high up contact said it’s likely within the next couple of days. A Military Contact said it’s within a week.”
  • Wed. 29 Nov. TNT Call: Our wait is almost over. Iraq has a bunch of articles out today about the dollar crisis ending really soon. They are showing people at the bank opening accounts and getting electronic cards. The Three letter agencies are still saying the approval has been given and they are working it through the system and it could happen any minute between now and the end of the month (tomorrow 30 Nov). Bank Story: A member talked to the district manager of his bank this morning, who checked the Dinar Rate on his computer and it said, $4.51 and had a pending rate change. The bank manager was excited and said he had never seen that message before.

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥PM Advisor Saleh Reveals the Mechanism to Raise V...

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...