Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Security Restriction Has Proven To Be A Failure... 3 Benefits Of “Importing The Dollar” And Recognizing The Parallel Market, 30 NOV

 The Security Restriction Has Proven To Be A Failure... 3 Benefits Of “Importing The Dollar” And Recognizing The Parallel Market

Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday (November 29, 2023), the Diyala Chamber of Commerce reviewed the existence of 3 positives for importing the dollar from abroad into Iraq, noting that the Central Bank officially recognized the existence of the parallel market and its influence.

The head of the Diyala Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad al-Tamimi, said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the Central Bank giving some banks the green light to import the dollar to meet internal demand is a step in the right direction and carries in its content 3 positives, the most prominent of which is creating a greater supply and meeting customers’ needs at a more flexible pace,” expecting “The dollar will witness a gradual decline after the arrival of more shipments.”

He added, "The security restrictions surrounding the mechanisms for selling the dollar within the parallel market have proven to be ineffective and have caused prices to rise more than once," pointing out that "the step reflects government recognition of the parallel market and its influential role in shaping the exchange for buying and selling the dollar."

He pointed out that "the dollar crisis will remain and the difference between the official and the parallel will decrease, but not to the level of significant convergence, because a large portion of imports come from outside the platform to merchants and companies, which means that the parallel market will continue to suffer from pressure."

Earlier today, a source in the Central Bank of Iraq revealed the arrival of “dollar” shipments to Baghdad International Airport, imported by Iraqi banks.

The source confirmed to “Baghdad Today,” “The continued arrival of dollar shipments through Baghdad International Airport, imported by Iraqi banks to meet customer requests.”

He explained, "It is hoped that additional shipments will arrive within the next few days."

The Central Bank of Iraq had directed banks to meet the stipulated requirements for the dollar at the official rate, while the rest of the requests for the dollar are made according to supply and demand, which means lifting the ban on trading in the dollar, and making it permissible in the parallel market. LINK

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