Thursday, August 3, 2023

IQD - ISX - Money Transfers - Corruption Dealt Blow - Iraq Dinar by MILITIAMAN



[via PDK]

I know a number of very connected people who are traveling to be in place by Friday. I hope it means this thing is finally coming to an end. We just don’t know. But it is very encouraging the sheer number of reports from folks that were asked to travel and be in place. Stay calm – but this is getting interesting.

Iraq and Kuwait to settle territorial and maritime borders”  They are sitting down and working out anything left on the table from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saadam Husssein. They are committed to settle any outstanding disputes including joint oilfields…The information continues to be phenomenal from Iraq…

Mountain Goat

There is so much we are not being told and probably will not know until one morning we wake up and find that FOREX has been updated and the dinar reinstated.

 But remember also they can not just pop it out there either since they must follow the process of deleting the zeros…The RV is coming but I refuse to hype up events and lie to you. WE must relax and let it come to us.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

If you go back a month, two months or three months you can see there’s been progress.  I know it seems like they always seem to be kicking the can but to be fair I think what’s happening is it’s like a moving target.  It’s constantly being adjusted and many many many things are happening behind the scenes…

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

As far as we can tell by the sources that we have, everything is done on the banking front…I’m really looking forward to getting something in the way of a notification. Hopefully, tomorrow. Now, this guy wouldn’t have said unless he believed that’s what’s going to happen….Things are definitely happening… let’s see what happens.


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: TV news saying from parliament the work of the budget law will increase the value of the dinar…saying budget to be implemented in next few days and committee formed to watch the exchanges.

FIREFLY: That US ambassador said the CBI took appropriate actions on the banks that were dealing in dollars so the sanctions were removed on those banks.  Word of that has the street market already lowering and getting better…

There are no issues with Kurdistan .  There are no issues with the monetary reform.  Both of them are being attacked by…Iranian politicians that want to steal.  Everyday they’re being caught…busted… arrested.  Every day they’re being kicked out of Iraq .  Every day they’re loosing their merchants and losing their banks.  Good.  Because that is what’s stopping you from having the new exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.  That is what’s stopping them from releasing the new lower denoms and coins…


 Q&A Global Currency Reset Foreign Currency Exchange and Zim Bond Redemption, Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram:

  • Q: Ginger, if/when it does happen – do you think there will be leniency in scheduling an appt, or is it dictated to you, very short timeframe, and you can’t miss that appt?..just curious!..and thank you for your thoughts!!
  • A: For those taking the regular notifications route — You may choose your appointment time. No leniency if you miss. It’s not like they can just squeeze you in later that day because they will eventually have tight appointments booked all day and well into the night.
  • Some RC may be even running 24 hrs in certain areas (such as Texas where they have the highest number of Zim Bond holders in that State than anywhere else in the world. Florida has the 2nd most Zim holders.)
  • If you’re really late or miss your appointment, you’ll be placed at the back of the line and given a chance to reschedule after the people who didn’t miss their appointment get to be seen, which might be two weeks later, possibly.
  • At one time I understood that there would be about 30 days for processing these transactions. In February, though, someone said that the timeframe given for these transactions would be about 15 days. To be honest, I’m not sure I believe it due to the fact that I’ve been told people who are traveling, such as for business, family emergencies, etc, may not be able to come in at a brief window of merely a two week period. So, what are they gonna say? “Forget you – You missed it. Too bad for you!” ??? No!!! I don’t believe that would happen. I don’t believe that one bit.
  • I’m sticking to what I’ve learned in the past — You will likely have up to ten days to MAKE (book/schedule) your appointment and you must be seen within 30 days OF making that appointment. This is what makes sense to me. But I admit the exact details have changed over time – so ask for clarification when you get the chance.  There’s some flexibility here in this scenario for people who are traveling, those who are in a health rehab facility and need a little bit more time to regain their strength so that they can attend the redemption appointment — because NO, someone cannot have another person attend their appointment on their behalf. It will not work that way. (As I’ve said many times before, if you’re in a group that is awaiting private contact, you are welcome to disregard this post because it wouldn’t apply to you, per se.)
  • Also, while I’m at it, let me add this — when you call the number and/or respond to a Safe Link website (??) and you get to speak to someone, if there are special extenuating circumstances for you, let them know.
  • Are you Handicapped? Need assistance? They will provide it. No vehicle and no transportation to get there? It’s foreseeable that they could possibly send you money for hiring a driver. Bedridden? Unwell and unable to leave your home? They may even be able to send someone to your home. Just ask.
  • Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor. I’m not responsible for the financial decisions others make. Everyone is encouraged to do their own research and make decisions based on what feels best for you.


 Judy Note: On Sun. 30 July the gold/asset-backed currency of the Global Currency Reset was launched, effectively sinking the fiat US Dollar.

WARNING: There were reports that some were asking you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they would exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you had given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you did so, or if you gave someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tried to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • Wed. 2 Aug. MarkZ: “I’m guessing it will be Monday 7 Aug. for us. …We are still hearing that money is supposed to be positioned for this weekend. We shall see. There are a lot of bond folks –even outside Asia that are moving right now. … I know a number of very connected people who are traveling to be in place by Fri. 4 Aug.
  • Tues. 1 Aug. Bruce: Funds would be released Wed. evening 2 Aug. and Thurs. 3 Aug.
  • Tues. 1 Aug. Captain Marvel Jr.: “Received word that the EBS could go off any time between now and the end of the weekend.”
  • On Sun. 30 July Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the Global Currency Reset and on Monday, signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug. 1, 2023.
  • Mon. 31 July Bearded Patriot: “Just got off a call and can confirm that the first wave of liquidity starts Tues. 1 Aug. There were multiple steps regarding the payout pecking order: Beneficiary Accts, Fines & Penalties, Whales, etc. There were an extreme amount of funds and groups that needed to get paid. It will take a few days. Once it’s starts nothing can stop it. Iraq’s desire was to have this completed and published in the Gazette on Sat. 5 Aug.”
  • Mon. 31 July Ranga Rao Konuganti Tom RV/GCR Updates: “Money is moving, large amounts from Singapore to the Philippines, from the Windsor Fund (one of the top six global collateral accounts) to the Chinese Elders, so that they can execute the Financial Transition.”
  • Sun. 30 July Texas Snake: Text received 10:10 this morning from a Banker: “All indications are from high sources is that this coming week will have positive news in light that all 209 countries have approved the required protocols. So will advise ASAP after I receive the news.”
  • Sun. 30 July Wolverine: “Very early today I received Intel from a very high Contact. I can’t tell you what they said other than things are progressing. Everything is ready. It won’t happen today but we may have very good news this week.”

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"Where to Invest $5,000 for the Next 20 Years", 2 AUGUST

If you want to earn a big return but don't have a lot of money to invest in the stock market, you can make up for that by investing for a longer time frame. For example, if you could generate 10% annual returns or more, then over a 20-year window your investment could be worth more than six times what it is today. A $5,000 investment may grow to be worth nearly $34,000. And the longer you hang on, the more potential there could be for even greater gains.

The key is to target areas of high potential growth, where businesses will have plenty of opportunities to succeed. And there could be two potentially lucrative opportunities in diabetes care and artificial intelligence (AI). Here's how you might want to invest $5,000 to make the most of businesses involved in those industries.

Diabetes care

By 2050, there could be 1.3 billion people in the world with diabetes, effectively doubling from today. It's a concerning trend, and one that doesn't appear to be slowing down. That means the need to treat and manage diabetes is going to accelerate, creating growth opportunities for many healthcare companies

A couple examples of businesses that may experience surges in demand for their products include Tandem Diabetes (NASDAQ: TNDM) and Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD). Both companies make insulin-delivery systems that can help people manage their glucose levels. And over the years, both businesses have been thriving, generating impressive sales growth:

PODD Revenue (TTM) Chart

Data source: YCharts

While there are rivals and competing products, the massive potential opportunities within diabetes care should enable both of these companies to do well in the future. Tandem is the smaller of the two companies with a market cap of more than $2 billion (Insulet is almost $19 billion), but it's also the riskier option as its operations remain unprofitable. However, as these businesses grow, the potential is there for more revenue growth and stronger financials overall. 

The average price target for Tandem's stock is just over $50, implying an upside of about 55%. Insulet, meanwhile, may rise by 19% based on analyst expectations. And in the long run, both stocks could soar even higher.

Artificial intelligence

A huge opportunity for investors to earn a good return is in artificial intelligence (AI). But rather than jumping on some hot new AI stocks, a tried and tested performer such as Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) could make for a better option. Alphabet's Bard chatbot may not be as popular as ChatGPT, but it does give the tech giant a way to develop and expand its next-gen technologies.  

Not only could the chatbot open up new opportunities, but AI should help deliver more growth for its already-successful assets in YouTube and Google Search. Alphabet is launching AI-powered search and ad capabilities that could help simplify its operations and provide more value for its users and customers.

In its earnings report for the quarter ended June 30, Alphabet's sales rose by just 7% versus 13% a year earlier. But that comes amid a softer ad market, and with businesses still hesitant to spend on marketing.

In the longer run, Alphabet could make for a solid investment as it benefits from the emergence of AI. Plus, with strong resources at its disposal to help fund more growth, it could potentially make some big moves to open up even more opportunities. Last quarter it generated more than $28 billion in cash from its day-to-day operating activities. And with cash and cash equivalents of almost $26 billion, it is already sitting on a sizable stockpile of money.

While there have been hotter AI stocks this year, if you're investing for decades, Alphabet could very well end up being one of the better buys in the long run. Its business is sound today, and there are many more growth opportunities ahead.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-1-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:30

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 1, and you're listening to the big call. We're going out tonight with our signal to 90 countries and the only country that has blocked us from going in so far that we know is Iraq. Why is Iraq blocking communication from the United States? They don't want to hear anything that is untrue from our old treasury, The Rothschild treasuries that are blocking communications from the United States, but we were in 182 countries on Thursday's call, with over 16 million live listeners. Listen to the call live. And tonight with 190 countries, we should be pushing 16 -18 maybe more, more than 18 million tonight. So I’m excited to be here for the call tonight, and I've got some great Intel. So let's see how that pans out. Alright, here's, here's where we are Intel wise. There were a couple of countries that were slow on the uptake as far as getting Base lll compliant and we had Vietnam come to the party three days ago. They got Basel three compliant and Zimbabwe, that gold back by noon yesterday. So these are Eastern Time, Eastern Time. So it's a good thing that Vietnam is good to go. Zimbabwe is good to go. Because that gold backing the Zimbabwe dollar is what's going to give us our one to one with Zimbabwe. You know what I'm talking about when it comes to that - two countries in South America were slow on getting Basel lll compliant in there by compliant limits - Brazil, a big country and one was Venezuela. But they are now Basel three compliant as of noon today. So that's good. As far as we can tell by the sources that we have, everything is done on the banking front except for what might be considered political issues. And you guys know where I'm going with that. If you've seen anything about the testimonies that were given yesterday, on Monday that completely and I didn't see them or hear though, but I know they took place and the partner of Hunter Biden testified and I believe that is going to set everything rolling - and I've heard today this evening was as a result of those testimonies that - just use the term heads will roll. Now, let's hope that that is the case with everything and that's supposed to happen - when I say that supposed to happen. It should happen tomorrow. So we're going to have to pay attention and see what comes out of that. The Emergency Alert System, or actually the Emergency Alert is just like the alert system you get on your phone, When you've got an Amber Alert or weather alert, that kind of thing, right? The emergency broadcast system is being used on television and radio. And there was an EBS, there was supposed to come in last Wednesday. - Last Wednesday a week from tomorrow, And that was stopped - Believe it or not by three different computers. One in the UK one in Virginia or places are we surprised and one in Germany. And these three computers defeated What was supposed to be the triggering of the Emergency Broadcast System. Now, they have solved that problem. They found the people that were involved in that and taking care of them. And I am completely blown away by the numbers of people that are being arrested. And I can't even go deep on this but I've liked it but numbers you wouldn't imagine in states that you wouldn't think would be that high. So there's all kinds of things going on that we don't see. No, you're not gonna read about it, and you're not gonna see it. You're not gonna see it on the on mainstream television. They're not gonna bring that out. It's not until it's way past that these are significant numbers that are happening every day. And they're going like clockwork. So that's all good. Now, here's where we stand. We know the banks are pretty much ready to go ATM machines are being ready and loaded with our new USN currency - our new money - that's happening. And then we've got a situation with our let's just say our lead bank. Some of the very very highest people that are leaving, are saying that we're supposed to get notified tomorrow And then we're supposed to set appointments and start James on Thursday. Now, I'm only saying that because that's what it gets. very, very top source. because I don't know when the heads are gonna roll. If they happen in the morning. I think there's a good chance we should get notified tomorrow, federal requirements and start on Thursday. All right. Now, that information is coming from more than one person. We have other redemption centers that we know the status in and available to begin taking our appointments by phone, and I have to stop and say one thing there is an individual who's been out there a long time. I don't know what kind of listenership he has anymore, but he seems to be coming against the concept of the 800 numbers and redemption centers. And I'm sorry, but that's just not the case. I mean, the 800 numbers are real. We are going to get the number may not be more than one should be one number. We're going to get it in an email coming from the Wells Fargo servers for call centers to be used for regional call centers to cover the entire United States and for Canada as well. Mexico maybe as well. But these for somebody who say that's like saying that Zim is not real, or the Dong is not going to happen. Or I know that people have opinions and these, this guy has got some weird stuff. But don't buy that. Listen, he's talking about getting 800 numbers to the various banks across the country out to you. That's not what we're talking about. Anybody can look up the 800 number for any bank now. that's, that's not going to help you. but I'm talking about the specific toll free number that will be used to contact the call center that will route your call to based on your zip code that you enter to the closest redemption center in that area code in that zip code rather. Now, this is a real thing. There are people that have been training on this for years. The Redemption centers have been waiting just like we have. They've been going in for zoom calls, conference calls they've been training, they've done testing exchanges. All of this has been going on all over the country We happen to know the people that are sending out the schedule for all of the redemption centers across the country. Well over 7000 So they are real. You're not going to have to call up. I just can't understand somebody that's been in this along is so contrary to what I know is true. It just blows my mind - Boy, but you know, that's just what it is. So when you see that or you read that, just set it aside, and you know that it's not true. It's bogus. This is going to happen when everything is ready from a political point of view, because the funds are supposed to be released for us and for the bondholders tomorrow night, and Thursday. That's what I'm understanding. So that happens, a political nightmare that's been happening for the last three years is minimized and goes away, then we should be in much better shape – and we can go forward- Because in the current political scene, the Chinese elders would not want to release this for us until that is minimized - until that scene is handled. And I understand that I get that. So beware of those forces are still at work to try to keep this from us. So we need to stay in prayer to pray in and speak the blessing into our lives. Literally speak it out loud, not silently. God wants us to pray out loud That's what he wants. And so that's what we're gonna do - We're gonna pray to call out in a few minutes and that's the attitude and that's the stance that we're going to take. Because everything from a banking point of view, appears to be ready. Our USN is ready to go - monies have been moved to the redemption centers - They're in the bank vaults. Certain banks have collapsed, we know that - they're going to be going away. Some of the banks all of the well 90% of the chase banks have already started changing the name of Chase Bank to Chase Financial Services and they put that signage on the outside of the branches - and the permanent sign lighted sign guys are coming in in 30 days to put permanent signs up. Inside the bank, Chase is going to be calling it let's say they're gonna be calling it Chase Wealth Management and Financial Services. That would be the kind of sign that would be inside the bank, but it's too big on the outside that looks stupid. So they're only going with Chase Financial Services on the outside. And I wouldn't be surprised if many of the banks are going to take that leap and do something similar. And just so you know, this does not affect us, but the super whales. These are guys in tier three that have hundreds of boxes of bonds of sheet bonds and they're worth a ton of money. But those super bond holders and those super whales, as they're called Super whales are going to get a 10% of their total exchange of bonds, the sale of the bonds – The 90% in their case goes to funds NESARA and GESARA interests are and which is used, obviously for humanitarian needs. That does not affect us. It affects super whales, the biggest whales. And so I thought, okay, they get to keep 10% - 90% of what they had goes to NESARA and GESARA -- - good. Now, what was the Emergency Broadcast System announcement that was supposed to have been made last Wednesday? Maybe it was a test. Maybe it was a system wide test. I don't know. But it was stopped. And now they've got that problem remedied where it can go wherever they decide to do it. I would think we would be getting an EBS announcement on television and radio to give us some “disclosure” on a variety of things. Maybe it is eight hour segments three times a day, for however many days. It could be. It's not 10 Days of Darkness. That's Judy seems to slip that expression. It's not 10 days or 12 Days of Darkness. It's really 10 days of disclosure. That’s what it is, the only darkness has taken place in our cities and parts in the United States that they expected to have an issue with. They've shut off cell service - for example and internet in areas where they were doing the arrest, or where they were taking down these individuals. And we know that because we know based on the area codes of certain phone numbers that the phones were messed up. It wouldn't work. Maybe you guys have had situations where your phone was just all of a sudden it wouldn't work or it was down for a number of minutes and the Internet was down or whatever website all of that could be related to the arrests. And the other thing is that we should -- ?? I lost my train of thought Forget it. All right. So I'm really looking forward to getting something in the way of a notification. Hopefully, tomorrow. Now, this guy wouldn't have said unless he believed that's what's going to happen. So I know that there's some political action that needs to take place - to placate the Chinese elders - I understand that - And we need that to happen t. We need these guys to come in. and and we need some heads to start rolling. Believe me as far as us you know the timing, I can tell you the rates are continuing to go up. The Dong is is terrific. And the dinar is very good. Extremely good way more than we thought they were looking for like 10 – 15 % Increase in the dong and in the dinar to take place over the next 24 to 48 hours - looking for nice increase 10 – 15 % increase – and both rates are excellent right now - this is coming right up the bank screens today Things are definitely happening. I do want to see some political change take place we need some evidence of that – and then I think we are home free - another thing going on. Okay. Let's just stay with it - Now. That's what I wanted to bring tonight. I want to go ahead and pray the call out. And I want everybody to pray for this corporately - meaning all of us as a body of believers - corporately that's what it means. That being said, everybody, okay, we want to we want to speak the manifestation of this blessing into exixtence. Oh, thank you listeners called Big call universe, all over the globe that have heard this call tonight and have a call or as many as 12 years All right, everybody have a great night and let's see what happens in terms of our notifications. Possibly tomorrow. All right, let's see what happens. Bless you guys.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...