Thursday, August 3, 2023



[via PDK]

I know a number of very connected people who are traveling to be in place by Friday. I hope it means this thing is finally coming to an end. We just don’t know. But it is very encouraging the sheer number of reports from folks that were asked to travel and be in place. Stay calm – but this is getting interesting.

Iraq and Kuwait to settle territorial and maritime borders”  They are sitting down and working out anything left on the table from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saadam Husssein. They are committed to settle any outstanding disputes including joint oilfields…The information continues to be phenomenal from Iraq…

Mountain Goat

There is so much we are not being told and probably will not know until one morning we wake up and find that FOREX has been updated and the dinar reinstated.

 But remember also they can not just pop it out there either since they must follow the process of deleting the zeros…The RV is coming but I refuse to hype up events and lie to you. WE must relax and let it come to us.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

If you go back a month, two months or three months you can see there’s been progress.  I know it seems like they always seem to be kicking the can but to be fair I think what’s happening is it’s like a moving target.  It’s constantly being adjusted and many many many things are happening behind the scenes…

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

As far as we can tell by the sources that we have, everything is done on the banking front…I’m really looking forward to getting something in the way of a notification. Hopefully, tomorrow. Now, this guy wouldn’t have said unless he believed that’s what’s going to happen….Things are definitely happening… let’s see what happens.

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