Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Started off with the CBI sold 279 million in the auctions, the forex auctions.

Of course they're continuing to de dollarize.

There were iraqi pension authority confirms Shafak.

They began making payments to their pensioners and that is huge news.

How are they affording to do that?

There's a couple articles about that.

And then the CBI announces the outcome of the key us visit with Shafak news.

Guys, I broke that this morning.

All the details were in there.

But basically what happened is they had a great meeting and what they decided did was this.

CBI confirmed that the delegation held a series of intensive meetings in New York, including discussions with the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve.

The delegation also met with representatives from major companies like Visa, Mastercard and MoneyGram.

That's all about their digital banking system that I've been telling you about for a couple years now.

That is the answer to their security and stability.

The delegation also met with representatives from major companies as well as financial institutions such as Citibank, JP Morgan.

I've always said JP Morgan is going to be the number one that's handling all these centers and the ATM's and new banks in the REIT, that region.

And international auditing firms, including KPMG, Eny, K 21 I and Oliver Wyman.

I think they're putting out another request for proposal for.

After the raid is announced.

So that was a top level meeting.

Again, I read the entire article on this morning's and I did go through painstakingly detail and put the timestamps in this afternoon.

So if you want to go back and revisit just the timestamps and listen to the details, it's up already on the live stream.

They also said there was a misleading campaigns.

They're gonna go after anybody, any news agency.

That's misleading the people.

There is a part of this that is kind of going to be misleading about this happening or not happening.

They're not going to tell you when it is.

And then, let's see, teachers might strike over there.

There's some stuff I didn't really focus on that the Kurdistan oil production increases despite the pipeline.

I went through all the details.

He said once was no longer.

I went through and read most of those details.

I guess Saddam Hussein's palace that was in the Kurdistan regional area is.

They're going to make it into like a monument or something.

Now, this happened in the chat again.

You can go watch the live stream.

This was probably about 50 minutes in.

Check the time stamp to be sure, because I went through in painstaking detail.

And this was by the time I was out on the porch, I was split between.

I started in the morning in the house and out on the porch.

So I continued with intel.

When I got out here, this was after, towards the end.

So our contacts over there, secret agent Mann said, please tell Kat Kondo that in the future, Iraq will sell oil in dinar.

It has been said that it will sell for 26 dinars.

But that was over twelve years ago by Doctor Shabibi.

I expect it to be about 45 dinars a barrel.

If you want to do the numbers, do it and comment down below.

It's a good little test for you when.

And at that rate, after trading currencies, it could sell for about $90.

So a little math problem for you.

Back in the day, at 26 dinars, at 322 was the second set of books that everyone talked about.

You configure the rate for oil by this matrix, Sergeant Scott, if you want to talk about that, we'll talk about that live at five.

I don't have time to go into all those details.

They now, they say they will need 90 dinars per barrel divided by a base of 322.

As an example, you will get a speculative rate for the exchange.

So how about one of you geniuses out there go ahead and do that and put it down below so that we can all see it?

That would be a great contribution.

And then watch the sucker rates are coming.

The sucker rates are coming.

Have you ever read who moved my cheese?

You never go for the first rate, right?

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