Monday, September 16, 2024


 Mnt Goat 

...They don’t need any economic revival to put a fair market rate for the dinar back on FOREX. It is all a lie....They are “artificially” suppressing the rate of the dinar. When will this abuse of the dinar end?   I believe this end is near...

Mnt Goat   

... there are not any of the newer lower denominations out in circulation in Iraq...if the newer lower denominations were already in circulation...Without the revaluation of the dinar at least inside Iraq, the economy would crash because the money would be totally worthless

 ...How could anything with the newer lower denominations dinar notes without first a revaluation? It would take truck loads of money just to buy groceries...the CBI would have formally announced the Project to Delete the Zeros as this is the ONLY way the lower denominations can come out...There will be NO SECRET when they come out...The project to delete the zeros has NOT yet begun.


I first want to tell you about my conversation with my CBI contact yesterday, Thursday.

 I know, I know I am late in posting my Newsletter but I am working two jobs now and it is hard to even keep my eyes open some days at night while I compose this news for YOUR viewing, not mine, since I already know the information.

My contact told me that the committee has been put on notice that the Project to Delete the Zeros may go forward this fall but not until the US elections are over. 

There will have to be a downfall of the current administration in power to make this happen. She told me that they listen to the propaganda from these RV intel sites and its all just lies. Its all just over speculating and nothing will ever come of it.

The Project to Delete the Zeros will initiate the process that will lead to the reinstatement. She also said that the WTO is waiting for the necessary changes in the Investment Law as it is held up in the GOP to discuss kickback comments from the parliament. So there is still work to be done on this bill too.

Next I asked again about the Oil and Gas Law. I was told that the US will absolutely NOT agree to release the reinstatement until this law is passes and protects the oil revenues. The good news is that Iraq recently told us that the non-oil revenues are right on track where they need to be at this time and the economy is progressing accordingly. I was told the safeguards against inflation and downturns are in place. So, I have to tell you that reading some of these articles we get mixed messages. But she told me that these are lies again from the far left in Iraq who still want to portray Iraq in a backwards state the not the real Iraqi economy. Keeping Iraq suppressed gives them enormous power, a power base that is slipping away. Even now with all the success of Al-Sudani, they are discouraging against early elections and I believe they are going to give Al-Sudani a full four year term. This is all wonderful news.

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