Monday, September 9, 2024


 Militia Man 

 It takes time to get things done.  Now we're watching all of these things come together at the end.  I think Iraq has made significant adjustments to what they've been doing.  I think their non-oil revenue streams is going to bring value to their country...Iraq...glory days was based off of just oil...Iraq has a lot more than just oil...Liquid natural gas, that's a massive amount of income.

  They used to burn it and flare it and just waste it.  Now they're going to produce it and ship it, likely to Europe...They're going to bottle that gas and sell it...They're not only going to increase their oil but they're going to increase their non-oil revenue streams.  That's where all the ability to be able to support the value of their currency...



The video discusses Iraq’s monetary policy, focusing on currency localization and upcoming meetings to address salary distribution and economic stability.


  • 💼 Employee Salaries: Discussion on the ongoing crisis regarding employee salaries in the Kurdistan region and the need for localization.
  • 📅  Key Meetings: Upcoming meetings between Iraqi finance officials and regional leaders to resolve salary issues.
  • 📈 Monetary Policy: Insights into how open market operations will impact currency liquidity and Iraq’s economy.
  • 🔗 Global Integration: Highlighting Iraq’s efforts for international currency integration and collaboration with global financial institutions.
  • 🚀 XRP Mention: Reference to XRP’s role in aiding Iraq’s financial transactions and the upcoming Discord channel for discussions.

Key Insights

  • 🌍 Localization of Salaries: Localizing salaries through federal banks can streamline payments and improve transparency in employee compensation. This is crucial for economic stability.
  • 🤝 High-Level Meetings: The involvement of top officials from Baghdad and the Kurdistan region indicates a serious commitment to resolving outstanding economic issues that affect citizens.
  • 📊 Open Market Operations: Iraq’s open market operations can significantly influence monetary policy, affecting inflation control and economic growth by managing liquidity effectively.
  • 💡 Technological Integration: The use of advanced technologies, including AI, in monetary policy management shows Iraq’s commitment to modernizing their financial systems for efficiency and transparency.
  • 💱 International Currency Strategy: Iraq’s collaboration with global financial entities like JP Morgan and the integration of XRP signal a strategic shift towards international currency operations, enhancing global trade.
  • 🔄 Banking System Overhaul: Proposed reforms in the banking sector aim to improve the efficiency of monetary supply and maintain price stability, which is vital for attracting foreign investment.

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