Friday, September 6, 2024



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY: Saleh on TV right now and he just told us that the project to delete the zeros is ruled out at this present time...Then he turns around and says we need to reduce the amount in the budget from trillions to billions and then ends the conference talk by saying many have called for the removal of the three zeros which would increase the dinar...We are both in shock and stunned because he said one thing and then he said another thing. 

 FRANK:  What he's telling you is exactly doesn't make any sense...This is B.S.  It is a lie...Trust me, nothing is stopping the purchasing power that is coming to you Iraqi citizens.  Nothing...China did the same thing back in the 90s...They came out with a full page article in their newspaper saying there were not sign to increase the value.  3 days later they increased the value. This may be the same scenario.  A diversion for speculators.



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

  FIREFLYAlaq in the United States of America means very little for us in the sense   of a rate change.  It is more for the banks to try to get their situation straightened out and no more sanctions.  

FRANK:  I agree to a certain point but I also disagree to another point.  

IMO this meeting in New York may not release a new exchange rate but it is definitely part of the monetary reform. 

  This meeting will accomplish steps that are necessary to release the new exchange rate.   

Your banks have to be stable and secure and free from the corruption of parliament and they must be ready for the new exchange rate.  That's what they're doing. 

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