Friday, September 13, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq Prepares to Hand Over Kirkuk Oil Fields to BP for Development, 13 SEPT

 Iraq Prepares to Hand Over Kirkuk Oil Fields to BP for Development

Iraq is gearing up to transfer the management of its Kirkuk oil fields to British Petroleum (BP) for development and production enhancement.  North Oil Company (NOC) has initiated a work plan aimed at maximizing production from the Kirkuk, Bai Hassan, Jambur, and Khabbaz fields before handing them over to BP. This move is part of a strategic agreement to boost the fields' output capacity

Strategic Agreement with BP

A memorandum of understanding was signed by Iraq's Oil Minister Hayan Abdel Ghani and BP's CEO Murray Auchincloss, detailing the rehabilitation and development of the four oilfields under the North Oil Company in Kirkuk.  This initiative is part of Iraq's broader effort to optimize its energy investments and increase oil production while exploring opportunities in gas and solar energy.

Profit-Sharing Model

The agreement between BP and Iraq will be based on a profit-sharing model a structure designed to incentivize BP to enhance production levels while sharing the financial risks and rewards with the Iraqi government. This model is expected to be finalized by the end of the year, with both parties signing a confidentiality agreement before the data package for Kirkuk's fields and installations is handed over to BP. 

Preparatory Activities by NOC

NOC is currently executing a drilling and rehabilitation plan, as well as well-activation activities without rigs, to speed up the preparation of well sites and complete each site within three weeks.  The company is also laying pipelines and completing connections for wells in the Bai Hassan and Khabbaz oil fields to stabilize production levels and ensure all requirements for BP are met within the projected timeframe.

Economic Expert's Perspective

Economic expert Ali Khalil emphasized the importance of the contract between the Iraqi government and BP delivering tangible results in terms of increased production within a specific timeframe.  Khalil noted that BP had a prior contract with NOC, and this new agreement must ensure that the British company achieves the desired outcomes for Iraq's oil sector.


Iraq's decision to hand over the Kirkuk oil fields to BP for development marks a significant step in the country's strategy to maximize its oil production and investment opportunities. The profit-sharing model agreed upon is expected to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between BP and the Iraqi government, driving economic growth and energy sector development in Iraq.

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