Sunday, September 8, 2024


  Fascinating conversation with my good friend, Helicopter Lady, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire ~ who has a fabulous handle on all things Iraq Financial Reforms & shared with permission πŸ™ 9.7.24 

πŸ’’ Helicopter Lady: I think every element involved is fulfilling its final requirements to be in-line for the floodgates to open. 

Example - I do believe Iraq has the ongoing problem of not being able to pay all their government employees. Historically, they used to be paid in US dollars, so it was no problem; but since they made a commitment to pay in (IQD) Dinars, they don't have enough dinars in Baghdad. 

Why? 🧐 

Because speculators in The Camper Event - those of us around the world in Tier 3 and Tiers 4 A/B have the dinars!! 😁😁😁😁

Iraq's solution, of course, is to finally revalue, but they are waiting for a couple of things -- chicken or the egg πŸ₯°: ⬇️✅

1. They need a public commitment from the US for the troops to leave, but Trump insists on getting paid before any troops leave Iraq.

2. At the same time, WTO wants a commitment from Iraq that it can meet its obligations before they are officially admitted into the WTO.

3. The World Court in the Hague gives the final okay for the RV to start, and it's waiting for Iraq to have public commitments for the aforementioned items 1 and 2. 

So we have an interesting situation here. It's the chicken or the egg kind of dance. πŸ˜›πŸ˜πŸ˜† Somebody has to budge! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The irony to note is that the Iraqis can't print anymore Dinar because the dinar is gold backed.

πŸ’’ Ginger: Bring On The RI/RV! Let's Do This! πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸ’₯#RVThereYet #HappyCampers #GLL

~ Ginger's Liberty Lounge

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