Tuesday, September 10, 2024

2024 Budget: A Sloping Path to Rolling Hopes, 10 SEPT

2024 Budget: A Sloping Path to Rolling Hopes

The draft general budget law is “the legislative authority’s approval of the general budget, i.e. its approval of the government’s expectations for public expenditures and revenues for the coming year and its approval thereof in a manner that authorizes the government to disburse appropriations within the specified limits in terms of quantity, purpose, and time period, in accordance with the financial procedures and accounting principles established in this regard.”

In 2023, the Iraqi government approved a three-year federal general budget called the (2023, 2024 and 2025) budget. It received very large objections, and we had pointed out the problems that hindered its implementation. 

 At the time, but the insistence is great, citing one reason, which is not to delay the approval of the budget for the coming years, meaning the years 2024 and 2025.

Among the reasons that may lead to a delay in approving the general budget:

1- Iraq's total dependence on oil revenues because oil revenues are unstable and difficult to predict.

 2 - Delay in the government’s procedures for preparing the draft general budget law and the large number of discussions, objections and proposals.

3- Political differences between the forces that form governments.

4 - Marathon negotiations between the federal government and the region to determine the quotas and volume of exported oil.

Did the three-year budget achieve its objectives?

Here, what is the appropriate action to take if the approval of the general budget is delayed and the delay continues for several months without it being approved? To answer this question, we say: The Iraqi legislator addressed this matter in accordance with Paragraph (3) of Article (13) of the Federal Financial Administration Law No. (4) of 2020, as amended, as it stated that in the event that the draft federal general budget law for a specific fiscal year is not approved, the final financial statements actually disbursed are considered the basis for the financial statements for the year in which the budget was not approved and are submitted to the Council of Representatives for the purpose of ratification. That is, the government spends on

The basis of the previous year’s budget and within the limits of the amounts and spending rates that occurred in the past, i.e. the old budget is used until the new budget is approved.

This means that spending on operational matters is continuing at the same level as last year, but the problem is realizing in new investment projects that were not previously included in the three-year budget (2023-2024-2025), as these projects require new approval from Parliament and because they are financed from the investment budget, the wheel of development has therefore been delayed for another year as well. 

Knowing that the impact of the delay in approving the budget is not very harmful to the implementation of the budget, especially since the operating budget has been approved and its basic paragraph related to salaries, wages, social protection and retirees, in addition to governing expenses such as the ration card, purchasing wheat and medicines, as well as interest and installments of the public debt, are all valid and payable, even if the schedules have not been approved, as happened in the years 2020 and 2022.”

The Iraqi parliament voted on the 2023 budget in June and it was published, but it did not enter into force due to a lawsuit against it in the Federal Court. As for the 2024 budget tables, they were also in June, i.e. after a full year had passed, but they were not published in the Iraqi Gazette due to differences in them. 

According to Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, the 2024 budget is 211 trillion dinars, and employee salaries for the year 2024 are 62 trillion dinars, while the 2023 budget was 199 trillion dinars and employee salaries were 59 trillion dinars.

The deficit in the two budgets is approximately 64 trillion for the two years. The revenues of the 2024 budget are estimated at 144 trillion and 336 billion dinars, while the expenditures amount to 210 trillion and 936 billion dinars, while the deficit is 63 trillion and 599 billion dinars.

The existence of a deficit of more than 60 trillion dinars is a cause for concern. This deficit will depend on the increase in oil prices to be compensated for in one way or another, or it will be compensated for by the state taking measures to contain it, or the state will default on its commitment.

Conclusion: The government failed to overcome the approval of the federal general budgets on time by approving the three-year general budget (2023, 2024 and 2025). Rather, the crises that accompanied this budget (2023) are almost worse than others, which is the existence of a difference in the tables between the one sent by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the one that came approved by the House of Representatives.

The solution is not to re-legislate the three-year budget because it did not achieve its goals, and to re-sign the tables that were sent by the Prime Minister’s Officelink

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