Thursday, August 15, 2024


Foreign Ministry: There are no US forces in Iraq, only advisers

Baghdad – Mil

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that there are no US forces in Iraq except for military advisers under the umbrella of the international coalition.

The ministry said in a statement to Mill that “there are no US forces in Iraq except for the military advisers who are under the umbrella of the international coalition,” pointing out that “these advisers are covered by the outputs of the work of the Supreme Military Committee.”

She added that “the two parties are committed to the mechanisms followed and their outputs,” noting that “the Supreme Military Committee has focused its work during the past months on assessing the threat of ISIS organization with the aim of reaching a deadline to end the military mission of Operation Inherent Resolve.”

“On this basis, the presence of the advisers of the international coalition with all their nationalities on the territory of Iraq will be ended,” she continued, noting that “these discussions included details that included the hierarchy of the withdrawal of advisers from the sites, and only agreement remained on the details and date of the announcement and some other logistical aspects.”

“We were very close to the announcement of this agreement, but due to recent developments the announcement of the end of the military mission of the international coalition in Iraq was postponed,” she continued, stressing that “the bilateral relationship with the United States in all areas, including the security relationship, is completely separate from the course of the relationship with the international coalition forces.”

She stressed that “this relationship exists before the coalition and will continue after it,” adding that “the Iraqi delegation discussed the future of the security relationship in the fields of training, weaponization, equipping and security cooperation, in light of what the Iraqi Constitution allows and the framework of the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States.”–.html


The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has confirmed that there are no US combat forces currently stationed in Iraq, only military advisers operating under the international coalition.

 The presence of these advisers is linked to the international coalition's mission, which is focused on assessing the threat from ISIS and determining the future of Operation Inherent Resolve.

 Discussions about ending the coalition’s military mission have been ongoing, but recent developments have delayed the announcement of the mission's conclusion.

The relationship between Iraq and the United States in terms of security cooperation, including training and equipment, continues independently of the international coalition's mission. This ongoing cooperation is governed by the strategic agreement between Iraq and the United States, as well as the Iraqi Constitution.

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