Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Militia Man 

 Iraq is still being able to function.  They told us their 2023-24 budget was legal, has always been and they're moving forward with it...Even though we haven't seen an exchange rate change they can still function, which is fine...Now they're starting to do things that are getting their banks in order and we're seeing the results of that. 

Militia Man  

Looks like someone is not happy about their cash cow getting yanked out from them.  Their magic carpet just got grounded.  They're not being able to steal money anymore and they're upset about it.  Whales, large financial people and politicians involved in the banks they got shut off.  They're being vocal about it.  Who runs some of the media in Iraq?

  We know some people that were at the top of the country have their fingers in the pot when it comes to media...

Article quote: "Central Bank being forced to allocate an entire floor for the US Treasury department to monitor money transfers and prevent any illegal activities and people call it dangerous"  
Well it's dangerous if you're not playing by the rules.  That's the problem .

Here's some fun... Article: "Four Arab currencies top the list of the strongest in the world.  Is the Iraq dinar among them? 
Why in the world would you bring up the Iraqi dinar when it's at 1310?  Why would you say that?  Everybody and their brother knows around the world that it's lousy.  It's terrible.

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