Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Frank 26: 

From Eddie and Sammy : Mr.Frank,Sudani did a new conference about a new energy project. Talking about many new cities.

This is coming as a result of a new exchange rate.Mr.Frank tv saying Iraq has imported 615 thousand cars from USA.

This tells me your economic reform is about to explode.

Eddie says they are big V-8 top of the line cars.

Then Saleh talking about oil being sold in dinars instead of dollars.

 Economist back on tv saying it’s time to drop the zeros.

Sudani wants us to remember he’s giving us purchasing power.

Aug.25-26 is a religious pilgrimage,expecting 5-15 million making the trek.

Everyone is telling you,you will have purchasing power. That’s how you will afford these V8’s,homes, food, and clothing and protect yourselves.

 The expert talked about purchasing power when they drop the zeros.

Also talking about lifting zeros ,and giving us new lower notes,and talking about the float and we understand it.

The tv saying 80% of the countries dinars are in mattresses in homes. 

Frank said they’re not worried about the dinars we hold,we’re like a pimple on an elephants back.

The goal is to retrieve those as soon as they release the lower notes.

The files on the HCL and WTO are closed.

 They only wait for the exchange rate. 

 They told us in coming days we would have all of this. 

Frank asked Walkingstick what coming days mean.

He said,well Frank. 

That means now!

Says they’ve used that term before but not surrounded by the info they’re giving citizens on a daily basis.

Very quickly…now..quickly!

They’ve educated them all year about adding purchasing power.

This time around with the treasury there,they’re paying very Close attention and they will add purchasing power for the citizens.

 In coming days means now!

This is the media campaign,    explaining to the citizens what they’re about to receive. 

Frank said after this happened it will take the dollar about a year and a half to be strong again,so he will be buying silver,gold,and land.

This is the media campaign, doing exactly what they said!!!

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