Sunday, July 28, 2024


Sat. 27 July 2024 Wolverine

 Everything is coming this coming week. Please brace yourself and thank God for everything. I’ll be leaving in a few days and you will not hear from me anymore. God bless you all. 

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine: 
The gates are opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own. Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”
Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine

 “The gates are opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own.

 Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine Live Chat

  • It has been very emotional for me everyone. The calls started coming in about 5 a.m.  There are things I cannot say due to confidentiality and people being under NDA. I want to tell you the gates are opened!!  Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil.
  • Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members.
  • I am absolutely ecstatic. This is real. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.
  • I am praying that by the end of the month we will all be blessed; I have not received any news from Reno about Tier4B. Reno is very quiet.  I have been trying to get in contact with someone in Reno, but cannot, but it might be a good sign.
  • Bondholders are flying to Zurich with paid airline tickets. Not hearing much from there, but Reno and Zurich are two of the largest platforms/exchanges and I need to know what is going on. 
  • It is all coming. I have to be careful in what I saw as I cannot ruin it for everyone.  This is not hopium. This is real and from the boots on the ground.  
  • I have been overwhelmed with so much emotion. I am going to church now to thank God for what is coming and that this is finally happening. Those trumpets and opera and the whole thing will be coming, I hope, either today or tomorrow, we are that close to releasing this for you guys!!!!
  • Already the Precatorious have released their own opera.
  • Venezuela has released their own song right now, but that is the song of liberty. They are declaring Liberty not just for the RV, but for celebrating the downfall of the tyranny upon them for more than 20 years, having suffering under Maduro, a ruthless dictator, and the other Communist Chavez, who is now in Hell for what he did to his country and its people.
  • There are still Yellow Dragons available, but we are very close to this closing, so if you are interested in these please message me privately.
  • Again, as soon as I get that miracle call, I will wake up every one of you to have a Live Call where I will not be on it, but Carpathia will say something to all of you, then we will roll out the video, the trumpets and the opera.  Have a beautiful day. Take care and God Bless you all.  Wolverine

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