Monday, July 22, 2024

Iran Reveals How It Gets Dollars For Gas Exported To Iraq, 22 JULY

 Economy   2,424 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  The Iranian Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee revealed, today, Saturday, the mechanism by which Iran obtains dollars in exchange for gas exported to Iraq, despite the American sanctions.

Iranian parliamentary committee member Ali Akbar Alizadeh   told the newspaper "Ettelaat", followed by Sumaria News, that at the beginning of the 13th government (Raisi's government), gas exports to Iraq reached the lowest possible level, but with the redesign of energy trade, the relationship with Iraq developed, and a contract was signed to export gas to Iraq for 5 years.

He added, "In a settlement with Iraq, we also found a new way to clear with fuel oil, by replacing Iranian gas with Iraqi fuel oil," noting that "due to the activity of our private sector in selling fuel oil, we obtained a high income from foreign currencies, and in this way, we strengthened the clearing settlement system."  LINK

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