Monday, July 1, 2024

Investment: Iraq Has Become An Important Economic Destination In The Region, 1 JULY

 Investment: Iraq Has Become An Important Economic Destination In The Region

 Information/Baghdad..   The National Investment Commission confirmed today, Saturday, that Iraq has become an important investment destination in the region and the world.

 The Authority’s media said in a statement to the “Al-Ma’louma” Agency,  “The improvement in the investment climate inside Iraq reflects the government efforts made to strengthen the economic and investment sector.”

He added,  "The National Investment Commission monitors its investment and strategic projects in order to continue the rates of achievement and record the nature of the challenges that must be addressed to ensure the progress of work in Baghdad and the provinces."   He pointed out that  "there are major movements to create a safe climate to attract investments that achieve sustainable development in Iraq.”الاستثمار:-العراق-بات-وجهة-اقتصادية-مهمة-بالمنطقة    

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