Wednesday, July 31, 2024





What's been happening

is we have been looking for notifications, 

I knew we were getting close to the end of the month, and when that happens, like it did this week because we're so close to the end of the month, tomorrow's the last day of the month, 31st, Wednesday, I said, okay, here we go.

So, we're more than likely going to get notifications and possibly start on the 1st of August.

Well, that is pretty much what we're getting right now.

The thing that was sort of the last minute, I don't know how last minute it was, it was something that was holding this up.

Evidently, there were five small banks in Iraq that were still exchanging with Iran in USD, fiat currency.

You guys know that the fiat dollar is basically dead everywhere except here in the United States.

Canada's not using it.

Mexico's not using it.

Vietnam's not using it.

And Iraq is not supposed to be using it.

So, as the fiat dollar, our current fiat dollar, is being taken to an absolute minimum, they're collecting and trying to eliminate banks that are using Fiat dollars.

And there were five small banks in Iraq, that were doing this trading, essentially, with Iran and the Treasury consolidated those five banks into one entity and took it over, so to speak so, that wouldn't happen anymore.

That was an issue that was solved in the last couple of days.

So, that's fairly recent.

The other information is that today, some of the bankers and some of the .. let's call them paymasters, that are tied in with Wells Fargo and HSBC and Bank of America, we're working to get the information.

The information consolidated and working to basically get everything finished.

For example, a meeting today that was supposed to go three and a half hours went five and a half hours.

And that was some of the information that I got late.

You know, this has been a situation in the last couple of days where we should have had, you know, results.

And that we heard even, what day was it, Friday night?

And I think even last night, Monday night, they were staying up late to try to get everything lined up, everything ready to go.

This could happen now.

Well, it adds up ...'

It adds up that the meetings that finally, it appears, have come to an end.

There are emails that have gone out to some of the paymasters that are involved in bonds and paying out their bond holders that they're working with, and we know that, you know, they're waiting for four emails to come out.

One from Wells, one from Bank of America, one from HSBC, and an email from Treasury.

Well, the last day or so, they got emails from each bank, but not from Treasury.

And so the one from Treasury, the only one was to give the so-called green light to let us know when we're going to be notified.

Well, it's so strange because we had confirmation on the bank emails, and that was all good.

But where is the Treasury email?

Well, we finally got confirmation that the Treasury's email did come out.

We didn't get it at the prescribed time, but about three hours later, tonight, and now the whole thing is okay.

We've got that.

Now we understood that some of the paymasters... will be able to receive that email, be able to begin their passcode and ID and then they would be able to fund their bottom members, because we knew the money was moving around and was ready to be utilized and moved into these accounts.

And it was money moving to the banks for our accounts, for exchanges, 

So, where's the event, all four emails were finally received, your center, your passcode, and ID, they got a spinning icon on their screen in other words you never notice how sometimes the computer buffers just or youtube just seems to just pauses and you kind of go .. 

what happened,  you know why isn't it rolling why isn't it doing anything, it's just giving you this rolling circle of nothingness,  well that's where we are right now, the paymasters were told just leave it alone don't mess with it, leave it alone, just let it resolve in the morning, it's the theory, it should resolve itself, now,

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